Release Notes6月14日 - FROGSQUADRONhttp://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/9611469/addfe877d08d423799d7b337f82eeed1c65522c6.jpg
Thank you for your help in testing the stability, improvements and fixes of the preview patch!
Release Notes
[*]Fixed an issue where events and Academy quests had missing texts
[*]Fixed an issue where political events of global, Academy and Academy - Finale quests had missing GUI elements
[*]Fixed a problem in some broken saves due to outpost migration (reported here[www.games2gether.com])
[*]Fixed issues where the depletion was broken depending of game speed
[*]Fixed an issue on the victory stats screen where the stats displayed were broken
[*]Fixed Rebellion value not being saved when a Vodyani ark detaches/reattaches
[*]Fixed an issue where the Pacifist Conversion icon didn't appear on the colonized systems after the Unfallen entwine them
[*]Fixed the faction displayed in the save files list
[*]Fixed an issue where it was possible to queue multiple terraformation actions for the same planet
[*]Fixed an issue where the "Probe instructions" were still active after opening a Game Menu sub screen
[*]Fixed some bleeding text
[*]Fixed tooltip for science, economic and wonder victories
[*]Fixedempire swap in diplomacy screen when in alliance (sometimes, the sector shows the Unknown (?) state instead of the correct diplomatic state between the inspected empire and your alliance)
[*]Fixed infinite conversion auto replacement causing issues
[*]Fixed Vodyani system capture causing errors in rare cases
[*]Fixed issue with metaplot achievements "Sins of the Fathers" & "Ctrl + Alt + Delete", they now work as intended
[*]Fixed Unique Planets not getting the destroyed planet visual
[*]Fixed Game Creation Screen messed up in some resolutions
[*]Fixed new game Multiplayer Join button missing translation in some languages
[*]Fixed ground battle infinite turn
[*]Fixed 'Blockade Breakers' trait not working
[*]Fixed Guardian curiosities being triggered on Vodyani systems
[*]Fixed siege status not updating when the diplomatic relation with the node influence owner changed
[*]Fixed Vodyani leechers behaving incorrectly on systems with low population
[*]Fixed an error with Riftborn Carriers stuck warping into battle
[*]Fixed the victory progression feedbacks for Wonder victory in the Empire screen and take into account alliances
[*]Fixed anarchy duration estimation in Government Selection screen
[*]Fixed Unfallen systems becoming unentwined after a successful invasion
[*]Fixed the 'Implant Beacon' action canceling itself on Lost star systems
[*]Fixed a bug where the button for loading the last mods were enabled even if it contained missing mods, causing the game to crash if the user used the feature
[*]Fixed an infinite turn caused by fleets which couldn't be sold by the bailiff when in orbit
[*]Effects of the starting technologies are now displayed in their tooltips
[*]Loading a save game while the Client is in the space battle loading screen no longer results in a stuck state
[*]The minor faction influence bar is no longer inconsistent with the current diplomatic relation after using the Cease Fire action
[*]Arrow keys are now functional in the "System management" or "Planet" scan views
[*]The user is now able to use the Destroy Planet action in his own influence area
[*]Laws can no longer be abolished on the same turn they were passed
[*]Exiting to Desktop menu option no longer takes the user to the title screen instead of the Desktop
[*]User cannot take over Unfallen systems using Pacifist Conversion
[*]Dust, Influence and Manpower now display accurate values in there tooltip
[*]United Empire Chapter 3. No Turning Back Icons are no longer cut off at the top in the Quest panel
[*]Fixed the war exhaustion trend which was not working wit工口GAME speed
[*]Fixed an issue where activatated a mod and try to change the victories option wasn't working
[*]Fixed several flow problems at the end of the game in multiplayer:
[*]The client now handles the host disconnection better
[*]The end game videos are launched after the game is done unloading (to avoid odd behaviors like the video being launched twice)
[*]The technology helper is now active only for human players making the end turn less long
[*]Added more accurate handling of ship design and strategic resources for hulls and advanced slots
[*]Unfallen will not detect your system as theirs in regards to trespassing anymore when they have rooted it
[*]Added a failsafe to allow the AI to keep making decisions if it enters a stuck state
[*]Removed lifeforce compensation for easier AIs
[*]Questarmies no longer try to roam outside of the assigned constellation,causing them to get stuck (Issue was visible in Cravers Quest Of Our OwnBrood - Part 1). Now the Quest armies continue to roam in their ownconstellation
[*]The AI no longer spams mood messages
[*]The AI now retreats less frequently
[*]Fixed AI refusing map sharing after having hinted at it with a mood message
[*]The AI will now check it is not at war with the player before going for an opportunistic war
[*]The AI will now evaluate Map Sharing better
[*]Fixed handling of rare resources
[*]Fixed a loop in AI behavior when idle
[*]Fixed allocation of Influence
[*]Fixed all costs of diplomatic terms for AI
[*]Tweaked transitions duration so AI asks for map sharing less often and can ask for peace more often
[*]Fixed assessment of shipdesign costs for AI
[*]Improved AI colonization behavior
[*]Increased AI aggressiveness
[*]Better evaluation of trade agreement terms
[*]Fixed Ace/Lousy Senator traits effect on Election Actions costs
[*]Fixed Optimal Defense I, II and Sub-Optimal Defense traits not affecting ships' maximum health
[*]Fixed the missing lava colonization for custom timelords
[*]now the system with the academy will at least have 2 planets in order to be colonized
[*]Fixed an issue where the Stage 2 Science & Exploration deed was giving a stage 5 Luxury reward
[*]Fixed a weapon short range issue
[*]Fixed Endless Research Park happiness bonus displayed as coming from Obelisk of All Space-Time
[*]Cravers' third population collection bonus is now functional
[*]Fixed "Deadly Intent Bill" Law not increasing Weapon modules damage correctly
[*]Fixed "Mine's Bigger Decree" Law not increasing Weapon modules damage correctly
[*]Gargantuan Populations now impact System Growth rather than Net System Growth for a more consistent behavior
[*]Changed cost of the Blockade Breakers faction trait from 25 to 15
[*]Scrapping now gives a very small amount of Dust (1% of Industry cost)
[*]Reduced base value for ship sales
[*]Fixed feedback of the Cravers Hero skill "Endless Consumption"
[*]Fixed approval level of Empire not affecting Empire Dust & Science
[*]"Endless Research Parks and Endless World" now applies bonuses to Empire
[*]Fixed prerequisite for Map Sharing now properly available in Cold War & Peace
[*]FIxed an issue where the hero prices sometimes fall to 0
[*]Deposits are now forbidden on Destroyed planets
[*]Fixed Wonder quantity based on galaxy size
[*]Dense atmosphere are now forbidden on Barren planets
[*]Refined the experience threshold to fit with the name associated to the experience level
[*]Updated constraints for neutral laws to fit with the new experience threshold
[*]Minor factions on their home systems will now grow twice as slowly
[*]Increased resource cost of the System Modernization
[*]Fixed the primary trait Extreme Foremen not working in certain custom faction cases
[*]Fixed custom faction with Lumeris visual affinity being unable to build or create Colonizer ships
[*]Fixed Ship Bound custom factions with Lumeris visual affinity not being able to produce more Arks
[*]Fixed Ship Bound factions starting with no colonizable planets
[*]Starting on a planet now allows the player to colonize all planets of this type
[*]Synchronized the AI states for clients in order to update correctly the end turn tooltip in multiplayer games
[*]Added a non-blocking message window, used when the host leaves or returns to lobby, so that the client starts returning to the lobby without waiting for the player to validate
[*]Fixed the objective tooltip in Notifications Deeds
[*]Fixed some tooltips in the Custom Faction screen
[*]Fixed tooltips in Empire Screen for Science, Economic and Wonder victories
[*]The quest Flight of Prototype (Minor Faction Quest) no longer displays a placeholder name
[*]Vodyani are now able to achieve the competitive quest Founders Keepers
[*]Added effects feedbacks on Unfallen last Rewards Fireforming and Heart's Embrace
[*]Inverted the two rewards of Chapter 2 of the Riftborn Faction > A Rebuke From High
[*]Objective of Chapter 4. Who are we? (RiftbornFaction Quest) was too difficult. Its new objective is "pass X Ecologist laws" instead of a required amount of support of the Ecologist ideology in the Senate
[*]In the Lumeris Main Quest Chapter 2. A Matter of Influence Part 1, the objective wasn't well communicated. New Objective: C1: reach 20% Industrialist score in X Systems / C2: reach 20% Ecologist score in X Systems
[*]In the Vodyani Chapter 4. Hope in Heresy Part 1, destroying 3 planets was too difficult. The player must now destroy 2 planets
[*]A hidden quest track if the player find Sykagoja planet. If they finds it, the quest Cartographer request will not be triggered
[*]If the player finds the planet Sykagoja while doing the Cartographer Request Quest, then the quest fails
[*]Fixed numerous sources of desyncs (if you encounter some, please report them using this template: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/114-bug-reports/threads/25086-tester-s-guide-addendum-multiplayer-desyncs )
[*]Updated the tutorial to allow to build the Wonder Victory
[*]Fixed Academy discovery not working in beginner tutorial
[*]Added an initial random rotation to each planet in the system management view
[*]Players (not only the host) in a multiplayer session can now save the game
[*]Added two Minor Faction notifications (Suzerain Changed and Under Influence)
[*]Added feedback in the report notification and advance report screens
[*]The user was not informed about the resources won in a space battle
[*]Added a feedback when the opponent retreats
[*]Added constraints on deposit / anomaly placement to avoid duplicate elements on the same planets and more than 2 of an element
[*]Added a constraint to have at least 1 quantity of lux / strat deposits
[*]Added more nebulae and stellar winds in Galaxy Spiral 8
[*]Updated credits
Important note: in the event that you would encounter unexpected issues with this build, we are keeping version 1.0.52 available as a back-up branch.
How to access this 1.0.52 backup version if necessary:
[*]Right click on the game in your Steam Library
[*]Go to the "Betas" tab
[*]Select the 1.0.52 backup version in the drown-down list