暗黑3透析: 环境对玩家能否造成伤害
目前的设定中,如果你推倒了一面墙或者把一个吊灯砸在了你的队友头上,会给他们造成伤害并眩晕。但这样的话是会有一些潜在的问题的,目前这样设定是因为在物体互相作用的时候把玩家也看成了一个整体。在后面的开发过程中,很有可能会改变这种作用方式。 敌对的生物在合适的情况下可以摧毁一些/大多数可以摧毁的物体,是否会造成伤害依然是我们所需要考虑的问题,我们希望是可以对玩家造成伤害的,特定的生物利用环境来获得有利的形势,难道不是很酷的一件事吗?Right now if you knock down a wall on top of, or drop a chandelier on the head of someone in your party, it does damage/"daze" them. There's some potential issues with it, right now it's sort of just there because of the way those object interact with player characters as a whole. It's possible that due to exploitative or griefing potential they just can't continue to work that way. We'll see.
Enemies will destroy some/most destructible objects if they're in their way. Whether that may include actual damage dealing destructibles or not is probably more of a design decision on a case by case basis. We sort of want to reserve that for the player too I think, being able to damage enemies with the destructbles, but specific creatures that use the environment to their advantage are always cool. 看不懂啊```` 我也没看懂
就是说在山崖下面走被掉下来的石头砸到会掉HP? 或者说在冰天雪地里走
也会有影响? 我也希望如此。想像一怪物不停的破坏建筑,或者把建筑砸向你。。好激动。。。 真實性更高了,這樣玩著爽 是啊,宣传视频里面野蛮人不就是推一睹墙杀N个怪物吗 上次看网上视频...可以把石头打落把怪砸死...感觉很棒 不错这样更有真实感 真实感能更加拉近玩家与游戏的切合度,但是过分的强调真实感,姑且不论其中需要的软件工程有多大,光是可能出现的bug就十分头疼了。不要矫枉过正才好 LZ能说明白点吗 这样玩挺爽的,玩家可以把这些作用在怪身上,推个强之类的,或者武器红的时候可以旁边随便那边折根树枝充数之类