zzz3265 发表于 2016-9-28 17:10


本帖最后由 zzz3265 于 2017-4-16 11:41 编辑


FileName = G:\\Game\\ARK_App\\ARK\\ShooterGame\\Binaries\\Win64\\ShooterGame.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = 食物消耗
PathList\0000\NewHex = F3 0F 59 15 6D 27 A0 02
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x001AD00F
PathList\0000\OldHex = F3 0F 59 97 0C 07 00 0048 8B 07 40 88 6C 24 40
PathList\0000\Path = 0
PathList\0001\Descrip = GetItemWeightMultiplier
PathList\0001\NewHex = 90 90 F3 0F 10 05 F4 F4 94 02
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x0025F586
PathList\0001\OldHex = 75 10 F3 0F 10 05 2C F894 02 48 83 C4 38
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = UPrimalItem::MeetBlueprintCraftingRequirements
PathList\0002\NewHex = 44 89 E9 90
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x0027D879
PathList\0002\OldHex = 41 0F AF CD 3B C1 0F 8DEB 00 00 00 8B 8E 80 03
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = UPrimalItem::CraftBlueprint
PathList\0003\NewHex = 4183C8FF9040887C245040887C2448C6442440014863C641B101488D1440488B442460909090
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x002814DC
PathList\0003\OldHex = 460FB7042840887C245040887C2448C6442440014863C641B101488D1440488B44246041F7D8
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = UPrimalItem::FinishCraftingBlueprintjmp
PathList\0004\NewHex = E9 D6 2C 15 02
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x00283155
PathList\0004\OldHex = 48 89 7C 24 28 40 88 7C24 20 E8 8C D2 FB FF 48
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\0005\Descrip = UPrimalItem::FinishCraftingBlueprint
PathList\0005\NewHex = 4183C8FF90488B4C246840887C245040887C2448C6442440014963C6488D1440488B4588909090
PathList\0005\Offset = 0x00283A48
PathList\0005\OldHex = 440FB70408488B4C246840887C245040887C2448C6442440014963C6488D1440488B458841F7D8
PathList\0005\Path = 1
PathList\0006\Descrip = UPrimalItem::RepairItem1
PathList\0006\NewHex = 41 BE 01 00 00 00
PathList\0006\Offset = 0x002862EF
PathList\0006\OldHex = 41 D1 FE 41 F7 DE 3B E90F 9C C0 85 C3 75 28 89 4C 24 28 4C 8D 0D F7 3476 02 48 8D 15 A0 37 76
PathList\0006\Path = 1
PathList\0007\Descrip = UPrimalItem::RepairItem2
PathList\0007\NewHex = 41 BE 01 00 00 00
PathList\0007\Offset = 0x00286531
PathList\0007\OldHex = 41 D1 FE 41 F7 DE 3B E90F 9C C0 85 C3 75 28 89 4C 24 28 4C 8D 0D B5 3276 02 48 8D 15 5E 35 76
PathList\0007\Path = 1
PathList\0008\Descrip = UPrimalItem::FinishCraftingBlueprint excode
PathList\0008\NewHex = 5B C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 8B423C83F801750683C06289423C48897C2428E912D3EAFD
PathList\0008\Offset = 0x023D5E23
PathList\0008\OldHex = 5B C3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00
PathList\0008\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 9

2312321334324 发表于 2016-9-29 01:42

zzz3265 发表于 2016-9-30 19:42

FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRogue\\SpaceRogue_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = max += item.chance;
PathList\0000\NewHex = 00 22 0000803F
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00076203
PathList\0000\OldHex = 07 7B AE 0C 00 04 58 0A12 02 28 02 0B 00 0A
PathList\0000\Path = 0
PathList\0001\Descrip = num2 += item2.chance;
PathList\0001\NewHex = 00 00 22 0000803F
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00076257
PathList\0001\OldHex = 11 05 7B AE 0C 00 04 6C58 0D 09 11 04 44 15 00
PathList\0001\Path = 0
PathList\0002\Descrip = drillCount = CalculationManager.Instance.RunFormula(this.Difficulty, this.miningSettingsSL.drillCountFormula),
PathList\0002\NewHex = 7B 11 12 00 04
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x000CBD82
PathList\0002\OldHex = 7B 12 12 00 04 6F 47 0D00 06 7D F2 18 00 04 06
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = com.redbeat.spacerogue.GUI.MiningWindow.OnTileClick
PathList\0003\NewHex = 7227E60170196F1C03000A11067239E60170196F1C03000A11067245E601701A6F1C03000A11067257E601701A6F1C03000A11067261E6017019
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x001060CF
PathList\0003\OldHex = 72 27 E6 01 70 18 6F 1C03 00 0A 11 06 72 39 E6
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 4

matlikedog 发表于 2016-9-30 19:55


超级变种人壮壮 发表于 2016-9-30 21:18


zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-11 13:14

No Man's Sky 无人深空

FileName = G:\\Game\\No Man's Sky\\Binaries\\NMS.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = 菜单出现速度
PathList\0000\NewHex = F3 0F 59 05 7B C7 E3 00
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0050EE1D
PathList\0000\OldHex = F3 0F 59 05 FB C6 E3 00F3 0F 2C C0 2B D8 85 DB
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = 对话文字出现速度
PathList\0001\NewHex = F3 0F 10 05 0D AA E3 00 41 0F 2F C0 EB 16
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00510663
PathList\0001\OldHex = F3 0F 5E 05 AD AB E3 0041 0F 2F C0 77 06 41 0F
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = 菜单出现速度
PathList\0002\NewHex = F3 0F 59 05 BD E1 E2 00
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x0051D3DB
PathList\0002\OldHex = F3 0F 59 05 3D E1 E2 00
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 3

zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-11 13:19


FileName = G:\\Game\\Turmoil\\TurmoilSteam.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = Jmp
PathList\0000\NewHex = E9 4B561700
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00109301
PathList\0000\OldHex = DD 00 DD 1F 5F 5E 5D 5B59 C3 8B 00 89 07
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = NewCode
PathList\0001\NewHex = E9 C6 0B FD FF 90908B5CE42C81FB518701007535DD00DC27DD5CE41CD9EEDC5CE41CDFE0F6C4057A1290909090DD44E41CDC0D40326800DD5CE41CDD07DC44E41CDD1F5FE974 A9E8FFDD00DD1F5FE96AA9E8FF9090
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x0027E94A
PathList\0001\OldHex = E9 C6 0B FD FF 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 2

zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-11 16:44


FileName = G:\\Game\\SKYHILL\\Skyhill_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = Character.hunge
PathList\0000\NewHex = 22 0000003F
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x000024CB
PathList\0000\OldHex = 22 00 00 80 3F 0A 28 DD01 00 06 6F E2 01 00 06
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = else if (this.rnd.Next(0, 0x65) < 5)
PathList\0001\NewHex = 1C 1F 65 6F 72 00 00 0A1B 3F
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x000067A5
PathList\0001\OldHex = 16 1F 65 6F 72 00 00 0A1B 3C 57 00 00 00 1B
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = num3 = Convert.ToInt32((float) (num3 * 1.5f));
PathList\0002\NewHex = 22 9A99993F
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x000095E5
PathList\0002\OldHex = 22 00 00 C0 3F 5A 28 7900 00 0A 0D 28 DD 01 00
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = (this.rnd.Next(1, 0x65) < (this.E * this.kE)
PathList\0003\NewHex = 00 22 00000010
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x0002BE71
PathList\0003\OldHex = 02 7B 81 04 00 04 5A 4132 00 00 00 06
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = (this.rnd.Next(1, 10) > 5)
PathList\0004\NewHex = 1C
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x0002C24D
PathList\0004\OldHex = 17 1F 0A 6F 72 00 00 0A1B 3D 19 00 00 00
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 5

zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-11 17:25


FileName = G:\\Game\\Niffelheim.v0.9.1\\Niffelheim_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = tMin = GM.gameBalance.buildings.GetTMin(this);
PathList\0000\NewHex = 0622000020415B0B000000000000000000
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00057612
PathList\0000\OldHex = 7EB61000047B75170004026FE80E00060B
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = safe = GM.gameBalance.buildings.GetSafe(this);
PathList\0001\NewHex = 22000048430D000000000000000000000000
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00057635
PathList\0001\OldHex = 7EB61000047B75170004026FEA0E00066B0D
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = GetDigBonus()) / 100
PathList\0002\NewHex = 1F 14
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x0006468C
PathList\0002\OldHex = 1F 64 5B 58 13 07 7E C210 00 04 08 06 11 07 11
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = GetDigTileHealth
PathList\0003\NewHex = 3A 00 00 00 00 1F 02
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x00064C8A
PathList\0003\OldHex = 3A 03 00 00 00 1F 0A 2A06 7B 34 0C 00 04 06 7B
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = FindTranks
PathList\0004\NewHex = 1F 20
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x0008DCDD
PathList\0004\OldHex = 1F 64 5B 58 13 05 11 0425 6F DB 1E 00 06 11 05
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\0005\Descrip = this.maxCount = this.inventory.max;
PathList\0005\NewHex = 39 00 00 00 00 02200F2700007D9311000400000000000000000000000000
PathList\0005\Offset = 0x0008F6C7
PathList\0005\OldHex = 39 18 00 00 00 02027B901100040607281307000A7B871100047D93110004
PathList\0005\Path = 1
PathList\0006\Descrip = this.maxCount = this.inventory.max;
PathList\0006\NewHex = 02200F2700007D93110004000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0006\Offset = 0x0008F7E2
PathList\0006\OldHex = 02027B9011000411041105281307000A7B871100047D93110004
PathList\0006\Path = 1
PathList\0007\Descrip = this.maxCount = this.inventory.max;
PathList\0007\NewHex = 02200F2700007D931100040000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0007\Offset = 0x0008FBEA
PathList\0007\OldHex = 02027B901100040E0405281307000A7B871100047D93110004
PathList\0007\Path = 1
PathList\0008\Descrip = this.bonuses.GetValue(Bonus.SPEED)) / 100
PathList\0008\NewHex = 1F 19
PathList\0008\Offset = 0x000AE792
PathList\0008\OldHex = 1F 64 5B 58 2A
PathList\0008\Path = 1
PathList\0009\Descrip = this.speed = (int) (this.settings.single.simpleRunSpeed *
PathList\0009\NewHex = 2200004844000000000000000000000000
PathList\0009\Offset = 0x000AEC2F
PathList\0009\OldHex = 02 28 D9 1E 00 06 7B 2716 00 04 7B 3A 16 00 04
PathList\0009\Path = 1
PathList\0010\Descrip = m__1C()
PathList\0010\NewHex = 22 6F12833A
PathList\0010\Offset = 0x000E60BB
PathList\0010\OldHex = 22 00 00 A0 40 02 FE 0605 29 00 06 73 C2 04 00
PathList\0010\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 11

zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-11 17:25


FileName = G:\\Game\\虚拟追踪者\\虚拟追踪者.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip =
PathList\0000\NewHex = 90 90
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00067E3A
PathList\0000\OldHex = 75 08 33 C0 5E 5D 83 C43C C3 6A 0C
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip =
PathList\0001\NewHex = C3
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00067FE0
PathList\0001\OldHex = 55 8B EC 83 E4 F8 81 EC88 00 00 00 53 57 6A 64
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip =
PathList\0002\NewHex = C3
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x00070480
PathList\0002\OldHex = 8B 08 83 EC 10 53 56 578D 54 24 0C 52 6A 00 50
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 3

超级变种人壮壮 发表于 2016-10-11 21:25


zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-12 22:20

太空疾行:星系(Space Run Galaxy)
steam_apir.dll 去保护

FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\steam_apir.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip =
PathList\0000\NewHex = 89 5C
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0001E7DB
PathList\0000\OldHex = 89 44 24 24 53 E9 3B C801 00 52 C6 04 24 B4
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 1


FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\oSRGalaxyGame.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = AddHexnut
PathList\0000\NewHex = F3 0F 10 05 08 D3 E0 00F3 0F 59 C8
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x004E58D7
PathList\0000\OldHex = 0F 2F C3 76 07 0F 28 CBF3 0F 5C CA 0F 2F 0D 08 37 DF 00 F3 0F 58 D1 F3 0F 11 91 A4 03 00 00
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 1

10倍金币(修改jar包myServer, 改完打包回去)

FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\Debug\\myServer\\com\\passtecgalgames\\srgalaxy\\SrgUtils.class
PathList\0000\Descrip = addSpaceCredit
PathList\0000\NewHex = 1B 10 0A 68 3C 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0001904C
PathList\0000\OldHex = B2 00 10 9A 00 0F 1B 9C00 0B BB 00 25 59 B7 00 27 BF B8 00 28
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 1

zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-12 22:31


FileName = G:\\Game\\Earth Defense Force 4.1\\EDF41.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = Item1
PathList\0000\NewHex = FF C0 89 86 84 0A 00 00 48 8D 34 8E 83 86 90 0A 00 00 06 90 90 90
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x001AE54C
PathList\0000\OldHex = 3D 00 04 00 00 73 37 FFC0 89 86 84 0A 00 00
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = Item0
PathList\0001\NewHex = FF C0 89 86 84 0A 00 0048 8D 34 8E 83 86 88 0A 00 00 06 90 90 90
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x001AE574
PathList\0001\OldHex =3D 00 04 00 00 73 0F FFC0 89 86 84 0A 00 00 FF
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 2

zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-12 22:32


FileName = G:\\Game\\Kingdom - New Lands\\Kingdom_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = flag = (this._coins.Count % 2) == 0;
PathList\0000\NewHex = 1A
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0002F258
PathList\0000\OldHex = 18 5D 16 FE 01 0B 06 6F33 00 00 0A
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = Reset(flag, this._coins.Count, stack);
PathList\0001\NewHex = 07
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x0002F2BF
PathList\0001\OldHex = 08 6F 36 04 00 06 02 7B85 07 00 04
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = Walk->Run
PathList\0002\NewHex = 7B AC 0E 00 04
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x00046219
PathList\0002\OldHex = 7B AB 0E 00 04 04 6F 0B0A 00 06 38 7E 00 00 00
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = Count >= maxBeggars    >= 8
PathList\0003\NewHex = 1A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0000
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x00059EB1
PathList\0003\OldHex = 02 7B EE 11 00 04 7B F205 00 04 3C 52 00 00 00
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = 1.WaitForSeconds(spawnInterval) ->hungerInterval
PathList\0004\NewHex = 7B F4 05 00 04
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x00059EC8
PathList\0004\OldHex = 7B F3 05 00 04 73 68 0000 0A 7D ED 11 00 04 02
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\0005\Descrip = 2.Count < maxBeggars    nop
PathList\0005\NewHex = 3C 00 00 00 00
PathList\0005\Offset = 0x00059EFE
PathList\0005\OldHex = 3C 0B 00 00 00 02 7B EE11 00 04
PathList\0005\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 6

tiandanv 发表于 2016-10-13 15:31


zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-21 21:58

太空疾行:星系(Space Run Galaxy)
FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\steam_apir.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip =
PathList\0000\NewHex = 89 5C
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0001E7DB
PathList\0000\OldHex = 89 44 24 24 53 E9 3B C801 00 52 C6 04 24 B4
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 1
FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\Debug\\myServer\\com\\passtecgalgames\\srgalaxy\\SrgUtils.class
PathList\0000\Descrip = canBuyModule
PathList\0000\NewHex = 00 00
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0001468C
PathList\0000\OldHex = 03 AC 2A 19 05 B6 04 DAB6 00 71 B8 04 DF
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = getLockState
PathList\0001\NewHex = 03
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00014BB1
PathList\0001\OldHex = 04 B8 00 7F B6 00 8F 2CB6 05 1E
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = addSpaceCredit
PathList\0002\NewHex = 1B 10 0A 68 3C 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x0001904C
PathList\0002\OldHex = B2 00 10 9A 00 0F 1B 9C00 0B BB 00 25 59 B7 00 27 BF B8 00 28
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 3
FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\Debug\\myServer\\com\\passtecgalgames\\srgalaxy\\SRGalaxyServerSettings.class
PathList\0000\Descrip = getSpaceCreditMax
PathList\0000\NewHex = 12 1E 00 00 AC
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00001727
PathList\0000\OldHex = 2A B4 00 54 AC
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = setUpgradeCellMax
PathList\0001\NewHex = 00 00 00 00 00 B1
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00001876
PathList\0001\OldHex = 2A 1B B5 00 58 B1
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 2
FileName = G:\\Game\\SpaceRunGalaxy\\oSRGalaxyGame.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = StartHex
PathList\0000\NewHex = 8B4828898BA4030000FE83A70300009090
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0048FE81
PathList\0000\OldHex = 85 C0 74 0D F3 0F 10 4028 F3 0F 11 83 A4 03 00
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = AddHexnut
PathList\0001\NewHex = F30F100508D3E000F30F59C1F30F58D09090909090909090909090
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x004E58C8
PathList\0001\OldHex = F3 0F 10 99 A8 03 00 000F 28 C2 F3 0F 58 C1 0F
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = AddHexnut
PathList\0002\NewHex = F3 0F 10 05 08 D3 E0 00F3 0F 59 C8
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x004E58D7
PathList\0002\OldHex = 0F 2F C3 76 07 0F 28 CBF3 0F 5C CA 0F 2F 0D 08 37 DF 00 F3 0F 58 D1 F3 0F 11 91 A4 03 00 00
PathList\0002\Path = 0
PathList\Count = 3

超级变种人壮壮 发表于 2016-10-22 15:43


zzz3265 发表于 2016-10-25 13:07

外星贸易公司(Offworld Trading Company)

FileName = G:\\Game\\Offworld Trading Company\\Offworld_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = case AuctionType.CLAIM
PathList\0000\NewHex = 1E
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00015295
PathList\0000\OldHex = 17 6F 00 08 00 06 38 1C00 00 00
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = changeDebt(-this.getAuctionBid() -> getStartingBid
PathList\0001\NewHex = 6F 58 02 00 06
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x000152C9
PathList\0001\OldHex = 6F 5A 02 00 06 65 6F FE07 00 06 02
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = if (this.infos().hour(this.getHour()).mbAuction)
PathList\0002\NewHex = 02 7B F5 00 00 04 1F 0C5D 3A 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x00016924
PathList\0002\OldHex = 02 6F EC 01 00 06 02 6F72 02 00 06 6F C2 05 00 06 7B AA 04 00 04 39 1C00 00 00
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = getBlackMarketCost
PathList\0003\NewHex = 1F 09 63
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x00027CF5
PathList\0003\OldHex = 1F 64 5B 0A 02 6F C5 0600 06 03
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 4

zzz3265 发表于 2016-11-3 10:46

《英雄防御之幽魂岛(Hero Defense - Haunted Island )》

FileName = G:\\Game\\Hero Defense - Haunted Island\\HauntedIsland_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = LootDropConfiguration.FromXML
PathList\0000\NewHex = 22 00 00 80 3F 00 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00075330
PathList\0000\OldHex = 07 72 C8 B9 01 70 16 2200 00 00 00 6F 67 33 00 06
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = HIShared.RewardAI.DropSouls
PathList\0001\NewHex = 043A010000002A051E6A5A10030000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00096CE8
PathList\0001\OldHex = 043A1B000000724A170270725C170270168D0C000001288200000A28B13200062A
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = CreepReachedBarricade
PathList\0002\NewHex = 170B0000000000
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x000991DE
PathList\0002\OldHex = 067BB81A00040B
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = CalculateAffinityBonus
PathList\0003\NewHex = 04 38 05 00 00 00 22 0000 00 40 2A
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x000A5793
PathList\0003\OldHex = 04 38 05 00 00 00 22 0000 80 3F 2A
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 4

FileName = G:\\Game\\Hero Defense - Haunted Island\\HauntedIsland_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = StartMultiplayerGame
PathList\0000\NewHex = 00
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0003BCD0
PathList\0000\OldHex = 2A 17 28 ED 09 00 0A 0202 FE 06 6E 0C 00 06
PathList\0000\Path = 0
PathList\0001\Descrip = OnCoopModeButtonClicked
PathList\0001\NewHex = 00000000000000000000000000000038
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x000598E4
PathList\0001\OldHex = 28 AC 02 00 0A 7B AD 0200 0A 6F C6 03 00 0A 3A 42 00 00 00 1F 6B 7E A80E 00 04
PathList\0001\Path = 0
PathList\0002\Descrip = OnDropItemgold*8 (showtext*8)
PathList\0002\NewHex = 3A010000002A288412000A036F4C150006749C0400020B0702066F8512000A285A1500066F5722000607066F8512000A1E5A6F5222000600000000000000000000000000
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x0006F708
PathList\0002\OldHex = 3A 10 00 00 00 72 B2 F801 70 72 D6 F8 01 70
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = AddToAccount jmp
PathList\0003\NewHex = 00 00 00 00 00 38 42 00 00 00
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x0006F918
PathList\0003\OldHex = 6F 56 03 00 06 38 69 0000 00 12 00 72 B0 F9 01
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = AddToAccount- *8
PathList\0004\NewHex = 2A1E5A6F560300062A00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x0006F963
PathList\0004\OldHex = 72B2F8017072BCF90170178D160000012516036F7D12000A8C59030001A228DE03000A3800000000
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\0005\Descrip = ClaimRewardgold->Gem
PathList\0005\NewHex = 16
PathList\0005\Offset = 0x0007F4DD
PathList\0005\OldHex = 17 11 05 7B 60 2E 00 046F 43 15 00 0A
PathList\0005\Path = 1
PathList\0006\Descrip = DropSouls * 8
PathList\0006\NewHex = 0322000000415A1001000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0006\Offset = 0x000A6A44
PathList\0006\OldHex = 28 60 0B 00 06 6F 74 0300 06 6F 28 03 00 06 18
PathList\0006\Path = 1
PathList\0007\Descrip = GetPossibleMergeResultsFor
PathList\0007\NewHex = 061A00000000000000 40B3000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0007\Offset = 0x000D7401
PathList\0007\OldHex = 120228612C00061F77 40B3000000093A06000000736A05000A2A
PathList\0007\Path = 1
PathList\0008\Descrip = GetPossibleMergeResultsFor
PathList\0008\NewHex = 1A3F2D0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0008\Offset = 0x000D7452
PathList\0008\OldHex = 1A3C2D000000120628D515000A6FFB2B0006130C120C28702C00063913000000
PathList\0008\Path = 1
PathList\0009\Descrip = RunesController.CanMergeRune
PathList\0009\NewHex = 40 00 00 00 00
PathList\0009\Offset = 0x000D8007
PathList\0009\OldHex = 40 02 00 00 00 17 2A 0228 50 2D 00 06 04 0F 01
PathList\0009\Path = 1
PathList\0010\Descrip = BankInvestmentMultiplier0.75-1   0.05-0.3
PathList\0010\NewHex = 22 9A99993E
PathList\0010\Offset = 0x000E0A19
PathList\0010\OldHex = 22 00 00 80 3F 02 28 702F 00 06 59 2A
PathList\0010\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 11

zzz3265 发表于 2016-11-13 17:44

《闪乱神乐:忍乳负重(Dekamori Senran Kagura)》

FileName = G:\\Game\\SenranKaguraBonAppetit\\SKBonAppetit.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = HWND_BROADCAST
PathList\0000\NewHex = 68 00 00 00 00 68 00 00
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0015A6AE
PathList\0000\OldHex = 68 12 01 00 00 68 FF FF00 00 C7 47 18 00 00 00
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = KeyProc
PathList\0001\NewHex = 39B4CD78FFFFFF8B84CD7CFFFFFF803800900F85FE0000004183F91072E2
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00162240
PathList\0001\OldHex = 39B4CD78FFFFFF750F8B84CD7CFFFFFF38100F85FE0000004183F91072E2
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 2

zxcvbnm1256 发表于 2016-11-14 01:29

zzxczzk1 发表于 2016-11-14 19:56


iikkk88 发表于 2016-11-14 20:25

zzz3265 发表于 2016-11-28 09:45

《战龙(Fight The Dragon)》 1.1.3

FileName = G:\\Game\\FightTheDragon\\FightTheDragon_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = lootTimeDelay
PathList\0000\NewHex = 22 0000803F
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0007D783
PathList\0000\OldHex = 220000A04180CA1100041680CB1100041680CC110004
PathList\0000\Path = 0
PathList\0001\Descrip = Item.GetNewItem
PathList\0001\NewHex = 22 00004842
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00080F91
PathList\0001\OldHex = 22 00 00 70 41 28 59 0100 0A 13 0B 06
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = Item.GetNewItem.forCharacter
PathList\0002\NewHex = 000038
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x000814B8
PathList\0002\OldHex = 0E063960000000060E067B310F000406
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = activeModifiers: +DMG TO xxxx
PathList\0003\NewHex = 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x00081F8F
PathList\0003\OldHex = 061F0B6F6F09000A061F0C6F6F09000A061F0D6F6F09000A061F0E6F6F09000A061F0F6F6F09000A061F106F6F09000A
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = activeModifiers
PathList\0004\NewHex = 0000000000000000
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x00081FD4
PathList\0004\OldHex = 061F116F6F09000A
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\0005\Descrip = passiveModifiers
PathList\0005\NewHex = 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0005\Offset = 0x000820A0
PathList\0005\OldHex = 061F2A6F6F09000A061F2B6F6F09000A061F2C6F6F09000A061F2D6F6F09000A061F2E6F6F09000A061F2F6F6F09000A061F306F6F09000A061F316F6F09000A061F326F6F09000A061F336F6F09000A061F3A6F6F09000A061F346F6F09000A061F366F6F09000A061F356F6F09000A061F386F6F09000A061F396F6F09000A061F376F6F09000A
PathList\0005\Path = 1
PathList\0006\Descrip = GetRequiredStat
PathList\0006\NewHex = 0204036B229A99993E5A284100000A7D7512000400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
PathList\0006\Offset = 0x00083B6C
PathList\0006\OldHex = 0222000000007D7512000402027B38120004036B6FD303000A7D7512000402257B75120004046505284100000A587D75120004
PathList\0006\Path = 1
PathList\0007\Descrip = GetRandomRarity
PathList\0007\NewHex = 05
PathList\0007\Offset = 0x00083C24
PathList\0007\OldHex = 16027B6C1200048E69284200000A0A
PathList\0007\Path = 1
PathList\0008\Descrip = GetDamageValue-Dmg-min
PathList\0008\NewHex = 04 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0008\Offset = 0x00083D67
PathList\0008\OldHex = 04 65 22 00 00 00 00 2841 00 00 0A 58 22 00 00
PathList\0008\Path = 1
PathList\0009\Descrip = GetDamageValue-Dmg-max
PathList\0009\NewHex = 0500000000000000000000
PathList\0009\Offset = 0x00083D94
PathList\0009\OldHex = 220000000005284100000A
PathList\0009\Path = 1
PathList\0010\Descrip = GetGoldThresholds
PathList\0010\NewHex = 220000803F5A695405027B52120004036B6FD303000A22000000405A69540E04027B52120004036B6FD303000A22000040405A69540E05027B52120004036B6FD303000A2200008040
PathList\0010\Offset = 0x000843A6
PathList\0010\OldHex = 220000A0405A695405027B52120004036B6FD303000A22000030415A69540E04027B52120004036B6FD303000A220000D0415A69540E05027B52120004036B6FD303000A2200006842
PathList\0010\Path = 1
PathList\0011\Descrip = ItemProgressManager.GetGifts
PathList\0011\NewHex = 22 00 00 00 00 22 00 00 00 00
PathList\0011\Offset = 0x00084434
PathList\0011\OldHex = 22 00 00 00 00 22 00 00C8 42 28 41 00 00 0A 04
PathList\0011\Path = 1
PathList\0012\Descrip = get_itemActive
PathList\0012\NewHex = 02 7B 1F 13 00 04 22   0000C8C2   FE 02 2A
PathList\0012\Offset = 0x00086DC5
PathList\0012\OldHex = 02 7B 1F 13 00 04 22 0000 00 00 FE 02 2A
PathList\0012\Path = 1
PathList\0013\Descrip = Chest_Treasure.DeployLoot 4->8
PathList\0013\NewHex = 1E
PathList\0013\Offset = 0x000C6DA3
PathList\0013\OldHex = 1A 28 E4 02 00 0A 0B 0622 00 00 20 41
PathList\0013\Path = 1
PathList\0014\Descrip = this.currentTimedItem.time
PathList\0014\NewHex = 027B312C0004257B2013000428F800000A5A7D1F130004
PathList\0014\Offset = 0x00122705
PathList\0014\OldHex = 027B312C0004257B1F13000428F800000A597D1F130004
PathList\0014\Path = 1
PathList\0015\Descrip = Process_HealthPotion
PathList\0015\NewHex = 1F 64
PathList\0015\Offset = 0x00127618
PathList\0015\OldHex = 1F 0A 3C 81 00 00 00 0228 EA 21 00 06
PathList\0015\Path = 1
PathList\0016\Descrip = Process_HealthPotion
PathList\0016\NewHex = 1F 64
PathList\0016\Offset = 0x001276D8
PathList\0016\OldHex = 1F 0A 3C 81 00 00 00 0228 EA 21 00 06
PathList\0016\Path = 1
PathList\0017\Descrip = RegisterNearbyItemPickup
PathList\0017\NewHex = 1F 64
PathList\0017\Offset = 0x0013227C
PathList\0017\OldHex = 1F 0A 3C 0C 00 00 00 0203 28 41 22 00 06
PathList\0017\Path = 1
PathList\0018\Descrip = RegisterNearbyItemPickup
PathList\0018\NewHex = 1F 64
PathList\0018\Offset = 0x001322AB
PathList\0018\OldHex = 1F 0A 3C 07 00 00 00 0203 28 42 22 00 06 2A 02
PathList\0018\Path = 1
PathList\0019\Descrip = EnemyController.KillUnit, Network_Kill
PathList\0019\NewHex = 3B00000000027B2A3000041F0D3B00000000
PathList\0019\Offset = 0x0014A451
PathList\0019\OldHex = 3B1F000000027B2A3000041F0D3B12000000
PathList\0019\Path = 1
PathList\0020\Descrip = EnemyController.KillUnit, Network_Kill
PathList\0020\NewHex = 3B00000000027B2A3000041F0D3B00000000
PathList\0020\Offset = 0x0014B240
PathList\0020\OldHex = 3B1F000000027B2A3000041F0D3B12000000
PathList\0020\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 21

zzz3265 发表于 2016-12-3 13:00

辐射岛Radiation Island

FileName = G:\\Game\\RadiationIsland\\win32\\steam_api.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = check
PathList\0000\NewHex = 6801A12A1DC7442404BD0366F4538BC39090
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0012D8EB
PathList\0000\OldHex = 68C5A12A1DC7442404BD0366F453885C2404
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 1

FileName = G:\\Game\\RadiationIsland\\win32\\RadiationIsland.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = 持久 *16
PathList\0000\NewHex = 806C240702D94114EB05CCCCEBF290
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0008FB04
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = GetMaxCount
PathList\0001\NewHex = 8B41088B8080000000C1E002C3
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00090350
PathList\0001\OldHex = 8B41088B8080000000C3
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 2

zzz3265 发表于 2016-12-8 16:10


FileName = G:\\Game\\Townsmen\\steam_api.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = check
PathList\0000\NewHex = 6801A12A1DC7442404BD0366F4538BC39090
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0012D8EB
PathList\0000\OldHex = 68C5A12A1DC7442404BD0366F453885C2404
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 1

FileName = G:\\Game\\Townsmen\\Townsmen.exe
PathList\0000\Descrip = GetTraderSize
PathList\0000\NewHex = D80DF8017C0090909090
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x0015CB3B
PathList\0000\OldHex = 8B4DF033CDE81DC71E008BE55DC3
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = Exp * 50
PathList\0001\NewHex = 6A006A02
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x0016837A
PathList\0001\OldHex = 6A006A645250E86B1B1E00
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = AutoLostHp
PathList\0002\NewHex = F30F590D744C7900
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x001784CA
PathList\0002\OldHex = F30F598844020000F30F594D08518BCE
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 3

zzz3265 发表于 2016-12-11 20:23

邪恶捍卫者(Evil Defenders)

FileName = G:\\Game\\EvilDefenders\\Evil Defenders_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = CustomCursor.changeCursor
PathList\0000\NewHex = 2A
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00008F0C
PathList\0000\OldHex = 03390B000000027B6C0100043801000000
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = CustomCursor.Update
PathList\0001\NewHex = 027B700100043A000000002A
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00008F40
PathList\0001\OldHex = 027B700100043A010000002A
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = Awards.GetAwardSouls
PathList\0002\NewHex = 04175A1A5A6B0A00000000000000000000
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x00025096
PathList\0002\OldHex = 046B037BFB0500045A037BFA0500045B0A
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 3

zzz3265 发表于 2016-12-11 20:36


FileName = G:\\Game\\Tome4.Full.RipCHSV12\\game\\addons\\tome-chn.teaa
PathList\0000\Descrip = 40 + self:getStr() * 1.8
PathList\0000\NewHex = 3430202A
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00ABFF53
PathList\0000\OldHex = 3430202B2073656C663A6765745374722829202A20312E38
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = _M:isUnlearnable
PathList\0001\NewHex = 312020
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00B5A77D
PathList\0001\OldHex = 6E696C0A656E640A0A66756E6374696F6E205F4D3A6C6561726E54616C656E74
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 2

zzz3265 发表于 2016-12-11 20:44

《银河掠夺者(Galaxy Reavers)》

FileName = G:\\Game\\unl-grtd\\Galaxy_Data\\Managed\\Assembly-CSharp.dll
PathList\0000\Descrip = num2 < this.TotalNumber
PathList\0000\NewHex = 00 00 00 00 00 09 1A 3F 07 FF FF FF
PathList\0000\Offset = 0x00078BB9
PathList\0000\OldHex = 09 02 7B 4B 10 00 04 3F 07 FF FF FF
PathList\0000\Path = 1
PathList\0001\Descrip = num2 < this.TotalNumber
PathList\0001\NewHex = 00 00 00 00 00 09 1A 3F 91 FE FF FF
PathList\0001\Offset = 0x00078D63
PathList\0001\OldHex = 09 02 7B 4B 10 00 04 3F91 FE FF FF 2A
PathList\0001\Path = 1
PathList\0002\Descrip = OpenMultiItemBoxif (list.minCount != list.maxCount)
PathList\0002\NewHex = 3B 00
PathList\0002\Offset = 0x00078F54
PathList\0002\OldHex = 3B 23 00 00 00 07 11 086F AD 0A 00 0A 7B 98 10
PathList\0002\Path = 1
PathList\0003\Descrip = OpenMultiItemBox
PathList\0003\NewHex = 1E 5A
PathList\0003\Offset = 0x00078F73
PathList\0003\OldHex = 17 58 28 4F 00 00 0A 130B 03 02 11 0A
PathList\0003\Path = 1
PathList\0004\Descrip = dropRate = Convert.ToSingle(value) / GlobleDefines.ITEMTYPEDEGREE;
PathList\0004\NewHex = 02 22 CD CC 4C 3E 7D 97 10 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0004\Offset = 0x00079A39
PathList\0004\OldHex = 02 04 28 9A 08 00 0A 7E91 14 00 04 5B 7D 97 10 00 04
PathList\0004\Path = 1
PathList\0005\Descrip = this.curExp -= maxExp;
PathList\0005\NewHex = 7B E5 11 00 04 18 5B
PathList\0005\Offset = 0x0007CBCB
PathList\0005\OldHex = 7B E5 11 00 04 06 59 7DE5 11 00 04 07 17 58 0B
PathList\0005\Path = 1
PathList\0006\Descrip = CustomObject.Spaceship.WriteValue.if.if.switch
PathList\0006\NewHex = 00022060EA0000282E150006
PathList\0006\Offset = 0x0007D1C3
PathList\0006\OldHex = 02 04 28 92 0A 00 0A 282E 15 00 06 38 BC 01 00
PathList\0006\Path = 1
PathList\0007\Descrip = CustomObject.Level.readFromXml -ShipExp
PathList\0007\NewHex = 02026F931500061D6228A815000600000000
PathList\0007\Offset = 0x0007DF75
PathList\0007\OldHex = 0211046FBE0A000A28920A000A28A8150006
PathList\0007\Path = 1
PathList\0008\Descrip = Manager.CrossPlatformManager.HasPushGift.if
PathList\0008\NewHex = 00 00 00 00 00 00
PathList\0008\Offset = 0x00080AFB
PathList\0008\OldHex = 72 5D 82 00 70 2A 28 9C1C 00 06 7B 47 17 00 04
PathList\0008\Path = 1
PathList\0009\Descrip = CrossPlatformManager.HasPushGift
PathList\0009\NewHex = 72 63 82 00 70 6F 95 1600 06 28 BA 0A 00 0A 0D 08 07 59 20 C8 00 00 00
PathList\0009\Offset = 0x00080B20
PathList\0009\OldHex = 72 63 82 00 70 6F 95 1600 06 28 BA 0A 00 0A 0D 08 07 59 20 10 27 00 006A 5B 13 04 11 04 09 3E
PathList\0009\Path = 1
PathList\0010\Descrip = ResetLocalPush
PathList\0010\NewHex = 20 50 C3 00 00
PathList\0010\Offset = 0x00080BB8
PathList\0010\OldHex = 20 E8 03 00 00 6A 5B 1304 08 07 59 20 10 27 00
PathList\0010\Path = 1
PathList\0011\Descrip = Manager.EventPoint.readFromXml-EventExp
PathList\0011\NewHex = 02027B6F1300041B6228CC160006000000
PathList\0011\Offset = 0x00083327
PathList\0011\OldHex = 02096FBE0A000A28920A000A28CC160006
PathList\0011\Path = 1
PathList\0012\Descrip = Manager.ExpProgram.GetExp
PathList\0012\NewHex = 7B 8A 13 00 04 03 18 5B
PathList\0012\Offset = 0x0008343B
PathList\0012\OldHex = 7B 8A 13 00 04 03 17 5994 2A
PathList\0012\Path = 1
PathList\0013\Descrip = this.experience -= maxExp;
PathList\0013\NewHex = 7B 02 14 00 04 18 5B
PathList\0013\Offset = 0x0008592D
PathList\0013\OldHex = 7B 02 14 00 04 07 59 7D02 14 00 04 06 17 58 0A
PathList\0013\Path = 1
PathList\0014\Descrip = Manager.PlayerLevelLibrary.GetExp
PathList\0014\NewHex = 03 1F 40 5A 2A 00 00
PathList\0014\Offset = 0x00085DC4
PathList\0014\OldHex = 02 7B 1A 14 00 04 03 1200 6F B1 0A 00 0A
PathList\0014\Path = 1
PathList\0015\Descrip = Manager.PlayerLevelLibrary.GetMaxLevel
PathList\0015\NewHex = 1F 64 2A 00 00 00
PathList\0015\Offset = 0x00085DDD
PathList\0015\OldHex = 02 7B 1A 14 00 04 6F DE0B 00 0A 2A
PathList\0015\Path = 1
PathList\0016\Descrip = Manager.PlayerLevelLibrary.GetStamina
PathList\0016\NewHex = 03 1F 04 5A 2A 00 00
PathList\0016\Offset = 0x00085E08
PathList\0016\OldHex = 02 7B 1B 14 00 04 03 1200 6F B1 0A 00 0A
PathList\0016\Path = 1
PathList\0017\Descrip = getTipGroupByPlayerLevel
PathList\0017\NewHex = 3D 00
PathList\0017\Offset = 0x00089508
PathList\0017\OldHex = 3D 0D 00 00 00 02 7B 8114 00 04 07
PathList\0017\Path = 1
PathList\0018\Descrip = NotifyGetItem
PathList\0018\NewHex = 110A7EEE1600046F311900066FC918000628920A000A1E5A7D531100040000000000
PathList\0018\Offset = 0x0008DC23
PathList\0018\OldHex = 110A3927000000110A7EEE1600046F311900066FC918000628920A000A7D53110004
PathList\0018\Path = 1
PathList\0019\Descrip = Common.HelpTools.OnGetItem
PathList\0019\NewHex = 1E 5A 0D 00 00 00 00 0000 00 00 00
PathList\0019\Offset = 0x0009B77E
PathList\0019\OldHex = 28 3E 17 00 06 7B 04 1400 04 59 0D 09 16 6A 3F
PathList\0019\Path = 1
PathList\Count = 20

紫竹侯 发表于 2016-12-14 14:23

页: [1] 2
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