冬广场 发表于 2016-7-3 22:49


黒___エンゼ 发表于 2016-7-3 22:52


离人心上。 发表于 2016-7-3 22:54


kinghteel 发表于 2016-7-3 22:55


lklkme 发表于 2016-7-3 23:04


CArolIn丶 发表于 2016-7-3 23:06


weilbao 发表于 2016-7-3 23:07


ghostkazer 发表于 2016-7-3 23:09

谢谢 大大门 分享!!

a96831286 发表于 2016-7-3 23:11

thank you lz

lovewshuo1 发表于 2016-7-3 23:14


dsadasdadada 发表于 2016-7-3 23:14


lwh812070714 发表于 2016-7-3 23:14

Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game Hello people!

We have managed to put together a lof of very good changes and fixes that you have been asking for. The biggest changes you will see deal with quitters and disconnects. Leaving will not be a valid option anymore and players will not be penalized when someone else quits. They will get a pip.

We also tweaked the values of a few game elements we felt were unbalanced. Let us know what you think!

We are working as fast as we can to fix our game and improve it according to the way you play. We are sure there are a few bugs and issues that are left in there, we may even have added more by accident. We ask that you continue to give us your feedback and help us make this game better and better.

Here is the detail of what changed:

Adjusted cooldown of "Sprint Burst"
"We'll Make It" now only affects healing others, and its maximum bonus has been reduced
Various balance changes to healing build perks, survivalist build perks and healing items
Adjusted spawn location weights for chests and generators
Adjusted various score values
Crows will now notify killers of survivors who bore the Entity by being too still for too long
The Wraith now has better things to do than cloak and uncloak repeatedly for points
Adjusted window vaulting mechanics for killers and survivors

"Spies from the Shadows" will no longer be triggered when the killer disturbs the crows
Added a 5 second delay before joining a new game after leaving lobby
Killers are now awarded sacrifice points if a survivor leaves the game
Killers are now awarded bonus points if a survivor disconnects
Unspent blood points are now capped
Adjusted certain matchmaking values
Various changes to basement, mine and blood lodge
Adjusted distortion effects during the sacrifice sequence
Adjusted smoke and materials when spawning characters
UI updates to the tally, loadout and inventory screens
The tally screen should now display the proper status for players that left or disconnected
Increased penalties for disconnecting or leaving a game

xiongxinwei 发表于 2016-7-3 23:22


默嘫 发表于 2016-7-3 23:25


雪冷雕翔 发表于 2016-7-3 23:26


莊之夢 发表于 2016-7-3 23:29


箭随心动 发表于 2016-7-3 23:40


kayak-dawdq 发表于 2016-7-3 23:40


hehanlinriver 发表于 2016-7-3 23:47


QQ_AB4BB0 发表于 2016-7-3 23:48


你躲冰箱里干嘛 发表于 2016-7-3 23:55

良心汉化 支持支持

xcc911 发表于 2016-7-4 00:05


campaign 发表于 2016-7-4 00:07

xiexie louzhu

Ming0515 发表于 2016-7-4 00:10


MyWeb 发表于 2016-7-4 00:18

非常好啊啊啊啊啊啊 嗷嗷啊啊啊啊啊啊啊嗷嗷

天秤星 发表于 2016-7-4 00:20


3D蒹葭大鲨鱼 发表于 2016-7-4 01:13


1968836660 发表于 2016-7-4 01:29


k19940723 发表于 2016-7-4 01:30


q2267222680 发表于 2016-7-4 01:33

页: 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 [426] 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435
查看完整版本: 3DM轩辕汉化组制作《黎明杀机(Dead by Daylight)》完整汉化发布贴[提示:2016年7月27日 官方游戏已更新自带了简体中文 无需安装汉化]