# Do not remove or rename this
# Possible Variables for Buildings:
# strategic_resource: strategic resource, deprecated, strategic resource used by the building.
# allow: trigger to check for allowing construction of building.
# prerequisites: Tech requirements for building.
# empire_unique: boolean, can only build one if set to true.
# cost: resource table, cost of building.
# is_orbital: boolean, can only be built in orbital station.
# modifier: modifier, deprecated, applies a modifier to planet.
# base_buildtime: int, number of days for construction.
# requires_pop, boolean, building will require a pop for production.
# required_resources, resource table, required resources for production.
# produced_resources, resource table, produced resources in production.
# upgrades, buildings list, buildings this building can upgrade into.
# is_listed, boolean, toggles if this building is shown in the non-upgrade buildable list.
# planet_unique, toggles if one can build multiple of this type on a single planet.
# can change the time and cost of all common buildings with these variables below
@b0time = 120
@b0cost = 30
@b0effect = 1
@b0upkeep = 1
@b1time = 210
@b1cost = 60
@b1effect = 2
@b1upkeep = 1
@b2time = 180
@b2cost = 90
@b2effect = 3
@b2upkeep = 1.5
@b3time = 180
@b3cost = 120
@b3effect = 4
@b3upkeep = 2
@b4time = 180
@b4cost = 150
@b4effect = 5
@b4upkeep = 2.5
@b5time = 180
@b5cost = 180
@b5effect = 8
@b5upkeep = 3
@feupkeep = 4
@feproduction = 12
@science1 = 1
@science2 = 2
@science3 = 3
@science4 = 4
@science5 = 6
building_dehydrator = {
base_buildtime = @b1time
cost = {
minerals = @b1cost
produced_resources = {
stored_food = 5
required_resources = {
energy = @b1upkeep
planet_modifier = {
planet_resource_food_add = -5
upgrades = {
prerequisites = {
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_shelter"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_colony_shelter"
has_building = "building_capital_1"
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_dehydrator_2 = {
base_buildtime = @b2time
is_listed = no
cost = {
minerals = @b2cost
produced_resources = {
stored_food = 10
required_resources = {
energy = @b2upkeep
upgrades = {
planet_modifier= {
tile_resource_food_mult = 0.01
planet_resource_food_add = -10
prerequisites = {
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_building_capital_1"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_capital_1"
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_dehydrator_3 = {
base_buildtime = @b3time
is_listed = no
cost = {
minerals = @b3cost
produced_resources = {
stored_food = 15
required_resources = {
energy = @b3upkeep
upgrades = {
planet_modifier= {
tile_resource_food_mult = 0.02
planet_resource_food_add = -15
prerequisites = {
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_building_capital_2"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_dehydrator_4 = {
base_buildtime = @b4time
is_listed = no
cost = {
minerals = @b4cost
produced_resources = {
stored_food = 20
required_resources = {
energy = @b4upkeep
prerequisites = {
planet_modifier= {
tile_resource_food_mult = 0.04
planet_resource_food_add = -20
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_building_capital_2"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_rehydrator = {
base_buildtime = @b1time
cost = {
minerals = @b1cost
produced_resources = {
required_resources = {
energy = @b1upkeep
stored_food = 5
planet_modifier = {
planet_resource_food_add = 5
prerequisites = {
upgrades = {
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_shelter"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_colony_shelter"
has_building = "building_capital_1"
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_rehydrator_2 = {
base_buildtime = @b2time
is_listed = no
cost = {
minerals = @b2cost
produced_resources = {
required_resources = {
energy = @b2upkeep
stored_food = 10
prerequisites = {
upgrades = {
planet_modifier = {
pop_happiness = 0.01
planet_resource_food_add = 10
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_building_capital_1"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_capital_1"
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_rehydrator_3 = {
base_buildtime = @b3time
is_listed = no
cost = {
minerals = @b3cost
produced_resources = {
required_resources = {
energy = @b3upkeep
stored_food = 15
planet_modifier = {
pop_happiness = 0.02
planet_resource_food_add = 15
prerequisites = {
upgrades = {
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_building_capital_2"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
building_rehydrator_4 = {
base_buildtime = @b4time
is_listed = no
cost = {
minerals = @b4cost
produced_resources = {
required_resources = {
energy = @b4upkeep
stored_food = 20
planet_modifier = {
planet_resource_food_add = 20
pop_happiness = 0.04
prerequisites = {
allow = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = "requires_building_capital_2"
planet = {
OR = {
has_building = "building_capital_2"
has_building = "building_capital_3"
} 春天的园草 发表于 2016-5-25 18:47
基于这个mod的运行方式,拥有食品加成的星球会出现这个问题.作者在描述也给予了描述,但认为 ...