上官云岚 发表于 2015-12-19 14:34


Happy WeekendSurvivalists, We have a new patch ready for survival consumption. Note thispatch should be compatible with your A13, A13.1, A13.2 and A13.3 saved games. We are optimistic about our early reports of better performance, lessmemory and smoother play but longer testing is needed.周末快乐生存者们,我们准备了一个新的补丁.注意,这个补丁应该会兼容以前的存档.我们对我们之前做的性能优化感到满意,更少的内存消耗,更流畅的游戏体验,但是仍然需要很长时间来测试.Alpha 13.4 Patch notes
[*]Added: Button XUI view   component that handles hover/selection for clickable icons.
[*]Added: Forge recipes for   scrap iron, brass, lead, small stone, clay lumps and broken glass so the   user can quickly get his materials out of the forge. Note that this does   not give any XP.
[*]增加:废铁,铜,铅,小石头,粘土团和碎玻璃的锻造配方, 因此使用者可以很快的得到他的材料进行锻造.注意,这并不会提供任何经验.
[*]Added: More gas to   complete cars, partially damaged cars have a lower chance to find gas and   in lower quantity.
[*]Added: new spawning   definitions to summoned hordes day 28-60, 61-90 and 90 to infinity.
[*]Changed: Hover color for   skill rows to match all other list hovers.
[*]Changed: Chainsaws now   use chainsaw parts instead of auger parts to assemble.
[*]Changed: Increased repair   amount on forged iron and repair kits.
[*]Changed: Crossbow bolts   now assigned to archery and weapons skills.
[*]Changed: OnPress is only   fired by left mouse button throughout XUI.
[*]Changed: Cobblestone now   takes 5 cobblestones to repair.
[*]Changed: Various recipe   requirements to be more consistent.
[*]改变: 各种配方的要求更加一致的
[*]Changed: Day 12 and 20   have less dogs.
[*]Changed: Reduced   screamers from 3 to 1
[*]Changed: Doubled the   resource requirements for bricks.
[*]Changed: Rebar frames are   now made in the forge and require an anvil. They take much less iron than   before, but are not near as durable.
[*]Changed: Everything   smelts twice as fast in the forge.
[*]Changed: Weight of broken   glass to 5.
[*]Changed: Glass only takes   10 units of glass and 1 clay instead of 100 and 10.
[*]Changed: Entity spawning   definition now support day ranges.
[*]Fixed: Forge now plays   the ambient fire audio again.
[*]Fixed: MaxVoices on   footsteps set to 2 so a footstep doesn’t have to finish playing before   allowing another.
[*]Fixed: Gun repair   equalizes part quality.
[*]Fixed: Player loses   ownership over his land claim blocks.
[*]Fixed: Show “distance to   friend” in score board instead of “walked distance”.
[*]Fixed: Special ö opens up   console when used in chat
[*]Fixed: Loot containers   are empty at some levels of scavenging.
[*]Fixed: Improvement for   high memory consumption in dedicated servers: pools are cleared when all   players left a server.
[*]修复: 在专用服务器中的高内存消耗的改进:当所有玩家离开服务器时,清理池
[*]Fixed: Skills can be   purchased with LMB + RMB, allowing you to spend extra points.
[*]Fixed: Various blocks   that couldn’t be repaired.
[*]Fixed: Mining helmet now   has a range of attributes based on quality.
[*]Fixed: Raised MaxVoices   on rapid fire weapons to fix them from getting cut off.
[*]Fixed: Could not scrap   rebar frames
[*]Fixed: Weights of   casings, bullet tips and buckshot so it can’t be scrapped for infinite   ammo resources.

阿散井恋次 发表于 2015-12-19 15:34


TJhGG 发表于 2015-12-19 16:58

lqy7966 发表于 2015-12-19 23:31


wqpipper 发表于 2015-12-20 14:47


redrum0 发表于 2015-12-21 19:56


lqy7966 发表于 2015-12-22 15:02


lqy7966 发表于 2015-12-22 17:21


上官云岚 发表于 2015-12-22 17:23

lqy7966 发表于 2015-12-22 17:21 static/image/common/back.gif

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