新资料片发布了: After Dark, 附个人简单的中文翻译
本帖最后由 justkd 于 2015-8-10 13:54 编辑看到了新资料片的资料,已经正式公布了,只写了Coming soon,没有具体发售时间……
Main features:
•Day and Night Cycle: Day and night changes in the city and affects citizen schedules. Traffic is visibly slower at night and some zoned areas do not work with full efficiency, further easing the traffic. Service vehicles move around as usual. A free update for all users.
•Leisure specialization: Commercial areas can specialize in leisure activities. Leisure areas are especially active during the night, but work like regular commercial areas during the day.
•Beach specialization: Commercial areas such as beach bars and restaurants, small marina and fishing tours on the shoreline can specialize in beach activities.
•Expanded City Services: Criminals will now be taken to Prison from Police buildings. Taxi service will help citizens and tourists travel around the city. Cargo hubs are harbors that accept cargo trains straight to the terminal. International airport is a huge airport, allowing much more traffic than the previous airport. It has a metro station attached to it. Bus terminal allows citizens to transfer to other bus lines in the terminal building.
•New transportation options: Bikes and dedicated bike lanes and bike ways let citizens opt for a faster alternative to walking. Bus lanes can be used to help the public transportation run smoother.
1. 加入了日夜交替,市民的行为会根据时间变化,晚上交通车辆会减少。免费升级(好像前提是要有原版游戏,用D版的应该无所谓)。
2. 加入了商业区可以使用的娱乐专精。娱乐专精的商业区会在晚上更加活跃,而白天则和普通的商业区一样
3. 加入了商业区可以使用的海滩专精,海岸边的商业区可以设置为海滩专精 (没有提及专精具体有什么影响,能吸引更多游客就好了,原版游客系统太坑了)
4. 城市服务升级了,警察局有监狱关犯人了,添加了出租车服务,货运火车专用的Cargo hub(应该是货运专线一类的东西,从货运火车站直连到海港),比常规机场更大的国际机场(支持更大客流,还自带了个地铁站),公交中转站
5. 新的交通工具: 自行车以及自行车专用道,公交专用道
难道是沙发?支持,最近在关注这个资料片,正考虑入正 超赞!!!话说我也还没入正,橘子入正还是哪里? 很好!!!! 如此之吊,看来是要。。。 杉果入正{:3_121:} 真更了打算入正 我还以为是直接弄一种新的商业区规划。。。 好资料片新功能正是所需要的呀~公交车道什么的最喜欢了 什么时候能放出!!!! soukan 发表于 2015-8-10 18:20 static/image/common/back.gif
最新消息,新资料片9月24日上线 第5条对于老玩家来说是好东西,对于我这种玩了不到一周的菜鸟完全就是增加难度······ tighter512 发表于 2015-8-26 15:19 static/image/common/back.gif
第5条对于老玩家来说是好东西,对于我这种玩了不到一周的菜鸟完全就是增加难度······ ...
明年就要有天气系统了吧!下雨下雪,好爽啊! 杉果入正吧,如果杉果搞打折弄個豪華版也幾十而已。 入正很久了,DLC也要15刀