bgking23 发表于 2014-5-6 10:19

關於新增人物 [ 精靈公主MOD ]





PS: 我估狗翻譯過了 直翻看起來有一些還是很難了解意思是甚麼 所以來求助

以下是英文 請幫忙O_O



Musha features

[*]DAY: increase speed and hunger rate
[*]Night: Decrease speed and hunger rate
[*]She has no penalty to eats monster lasagna and dried monster meat.
[*]She hate spoiled smells
[*]She is smart. so she can make a book
[*]Full and Valkyrie mode is fire immunity (just fire, not temperatures)
[*]Berserk mode is cold temperatures immunity (just temperatures)

Change 4 phase

:hunger more then 120, increase happy mind. decrease battle technic.

:hunger less then 120, normal status

:health less than 60%. increase battle technic.

:hunger less then 40, increase battle technic. decrease happy mind.

getting EXP chance
prey: 30%
Not prey: 80%
eye plant : 10%
tentacle arm : 10%
All Food: 5%
Depending on the food value of 20%, 30%, 70%

Level up system
[*]total level is 29.
[*]level 29 is needs experience points 7000EXP.
[*]Kill somthing or eat a food to get chance EXP points.
(Increases get EXP chance to eat advanced food or kill monster)
[*]Get special powers each level.

[*]base max health: 70 ( Level 29 max health : 300)
[*]Level 1 ~ Level 10 : + 10 (each level for example, Level 1 max health : 80)
[*]Level 11 ~ Level 27 : + 5
[*]Level28 ~ Level 29 : +15

[*]base max hunger: 100 ( Level 29 max hunger: 240)
[*]Level 1 ~ Level 10 : + 10 (each level for example, Level 1 max hunger : 110)
[*]Level 11 ~ Level 27 : + 5
[*]Level28 ~ Level 29 : +7

[*]Sanity goes up when you get a experience (EXP100 => adds 2 sanity points)
all skill activate the
chance is %. (for exmple, lightning shield1 activated 25% chance)

special power list

[*]Lightning shield
:Defense, HP little recovery. cost little sanity
[*]Lightning attack (power is only activated for valkyrie.)
:if body light, can be lightning attack. if hit lightning musha then restore small health. cost little sanity
[*]Critical hit
:small chance, adds damage
[*]Valkyrie phase
unlock level 2
[*]Berserk phase
unlock level 6
[*]Frame shield (power is only activated for valkyrie.)
:reflect damage and burn (very fast extinguishing)
[*]Freeze attack (activated except valkyrie)
:chance freeze attack
[*]Freeze shield (power is only activated for berserk)
:reflect freeze
[*]Lesser cure
health less than 20%, healing 30. cool time 30m, little sanity cost
health less than 15%, healing 300. cool time 30m, sanity cost
[*]Doulbe damage
Damage x2 (not chance)

Musha Level List

1 Level needs 5 => Get
2 Level needs 10 => Get
3 Level needs 30 => Get
4 Level needs 50 => Get
5 Level needs 80 => Get
6 Level needs 125 => Get
7 Level needs 200 => Get
8 Level needs 340 => Get
9 Level needs 430 => Get
10 Level needs 530 => Get
11 Level needs 640 => Get
12 Level needs 760 => Get
13 Level needs 890 => Get
14 Level needs 1030 => Get
15 Level needs 1180 => Get
16 Level needs 1340 => Get
17 Level needs 1510 => Get
18 Level needs 1690 => Get
19 Level needs 1880 => Get
20 Level needs 2080 => Get
21 Level needs 2290 => Get
22 Level needs 2500 => Get
23 Level needs 2850 => Get
24 Level needs 3200 => Get
25 Level needs 3700 => Get
26 Level needs 4200 => Get
27 Level needs 4700 => Get
28 Level needs 5500 => Get
29 Level needs 7000 => Get



::Yamche Growth of 7 steps.

[*]1-7step is Each requires points. (There is no growth time)
[*]If baby put on head then reset the EXP. and hat phase EXP can not be obtained.
[*]Yamche eat all the food, to Restores hit points 5%. (before 25%)
[*]And the food, depending on the value then +500,+300,+100, additional recovery.
1 -> 2 (EXP3), 2 -> 3 (), 3 -> 4 (),
4 -> 5 (), 5 -> 6 (), 6 -> 7 ()
* when you put on head, growth time is reset (only step1 yamche)
Hunger rate : 25% of wilson
::level1 health: 150 Hunger: 30 Damage: 10
::level2: health: 300 Hunger: 60 Damage: 20
::level2~5: Increase each step, health +100, Hunger +10, Damage +10
::level6~7: Increase each step, health +150, Hunger +20, Damage +10
* 50% less health, very fast health regenerate

Yamche's special abilities
200 => Get power
300 => Get power

::Change in the attack speed value on health

[*] fast attack speed
[*] slow attack speed

[*]When less than 50% health, try to retreat
[*]health less than 20%, give up the fight and retreat come to musha
[*]while order then does not attack enemy. (just stay, or runaway)
Healing Magic
[*]cast heal depending on musha's health or sanity
[*]cast cost is hunger points
lightning shield
[*]defend, healing small health. cost is little hunger points
freeze attck or reflect
[*]50% chance, freeze attack
[*]health less then 50%, freeze reflect
frame reflect
[*]health less then 20%,frame reflect (very fast extinguish)
Change behavior depending on the current state

[*]Yamche health more than 50%, Light turned on.
[*]Yamche health less than 50%, Light turned off.
[*]Yamche health less than 25%, increased speed.
[*]Health less than 75%, chance (test)% "Poo!"(talk) or cry(sound)
[*]Health less than 50%, chance (test)% "PPu! Poo!"(talk) or cry(sound)
[*]Health less than 25%, chance (test)% "PPu! Poo! Poo!"(talk) or cry(sound)
[*]Hunger less than 75%, chance (test)% "Kku!"(talk) or cry(sound)
[*]Hunger less than 50%, chance (test)% "Kku! Koo!"(talk) or cry(sound)
[*]Hunger less than 25%, chance (test)% "Kku! Koo! Koo!"(talk) or cry(sound)
[*]Hunger less than 5, chance (test)% "Kkyuuu! Kkyuuu!"(talk) or cry(sound)
Phoenix sanity aura

[*]Hunger less than 25%, sanity aura - SMALL
[*]Hunger less than 60%, sanity aura 0
[*]Hunger more than 60%, sanity aura + TYNY
[*]Hunger more than 90%, sanity aura + TYNY
::::::etc features::::::::::::::::::

[*]If you put the food in yamche's container, that slows spoilage of food (ice box)
[*]if yamche is not follow musha then feed food. this will immediately follow musha
[*]Dies in 1 levels, back to the egg. Dies in 2-7 steps, going back to level 1.
[*]Grows, increasing the range of light.
[*]level 1, can be stored in the inventory.
[*]fire damage immune
[*]step 2~7 Yamche have inventory. (Step-by-step increase in container size)
[*]When you right-click, Yamche stay in place.
[*]every 5-10 minutes crimson feather drop

if give to wood, burn self. 1-3 yamche's fire will turn off more quickly.(than steps 4-7)

1level yamche have hat function.
[*]if equipment, growth time reset and stops. if put on ground then he's hunger-10 and start growth time(3m)
[*]When you put on yamche to head, according to yamche's current hunger to change of range light.

[*]If more than 95% wide range light.
[*]If more than 75% less than 95% large range light.
[*]If more than 75% less than 50% normal range light.
[*]If more than 25% less than 50% small range light, sometimes beep sound.
[*]If more than 5 less than 25% tiny range light, yamche around for a beep.
Random poop

[*]COOK: Random item. advanced food is good quality and more chance. (yamche loved Mandrake soup!)
[*]MEAT: guano, poop, wetgoop, spoiedfood, ash, or nothing
[*]VAGGIE: general seed, random specific seed (pimpkin, dragon fruit..), or nothing
[*]seeds: ash
[*]ORE (only 5~7 level yamche)

[*]less chance: little gem, or back to the each stage egg
[*]normal chance: some ore.. or nothing

phoenix egg (equipment)
normal egg
+ low light,
+ small Insulation effect.
- movement speed mult 0.9
cracked egg
+Large insulation effect
-movement speed mult 0.9

[*]Phoenix blade
duability 400
base damage 55
Frame hit => chance 40%, stun, fire effect

Frost hammer (weapon)
+ small ice box
+ unlimited durability
+ Freeze hit => chance 30%, Freeze, sanity -2+ damage 56
+ range 1.5
- movement speed mult 0.8
- continued cold (decrease temperature -1.)

Frost heart
+small ice box
( this is broken Frost hammer)

Princess crown
Equipment: hat.

[*]Shield form (gurad)
[*]when shield form, all the damage absorbed.
[*]friendly hound : Hound does not attack.
[*]resurrect (like musha's armor )
[*]if health regen
Queen crown
Equipment: hat.

[*]Shield form : (Same as above)
[*]friendly hound : (Same as above)
[*]healing shield: 20%chance, healing 20% and summon ghost hound.
[*]resurrect (like princess armor)
Bunny scout hat
Equipment: hat
Special Abilities: Hide, warmth, increase movement speed

[*]hide : hide before the battle.
[*]Insulation : MED
[*]speed 15% up
Princess Armor
Equipment: body

[*]Huge pocket
[*], health regen 2/6
[*], health,sanity regen 1/6
[*], sanity regen 2/6
[*]Freeze reflection : 1.5 rate
[*]when you dead, if the armor is near you can be resurrected (If the armor is far, then just die)
[*]When resurrection, musha's armor restored all stats 50% and princess armor restored all stats 100%
[*]Speed 15% up
Musha Armor
Equipment: body

[*]Large pocket
[*]unlimited durability, normal defense(70%)
[*]when you dead, if the armor is near you can be resurrected (If the armor is far, then just die)
[*]When resurrection, musha's armor restored all stats 50% and princess armor restored all stats 100%
glow dust
[*]Just Try eat :)

樱之蓂馥 发表于 2014-5-23 02:21

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