《火炬之光2》預計明天會發布 1.14.x.x补丁中文更新内容
本帖最后由 就是愛酷兒 于 2012-10-18 19:13 编辑以下内容转载至Runic官网: Upcoming Patch 1.14.x.x (tentatively scheduled for 10/18) by travisbaldree » Wed Oct 17, 2012 4:23 pmIt's a little late in the day for us to post the patch today without a little more sanity testing, but we are tentatively planning to release tomorrow, Thursday October 18th, probably around midday.明天更新大概在中午,10月18日(星期四)。
显示/图片1.Intel HD graphics cards在启动阴影特效后,修正重影/影像拖曳问题 显示/效能2.优化因为长时间buff/debuff显示造成的效能问题
技能1.盾击【Shield Bash】伤害值可以正确的随充能与否增减2.恶狼追迹【Wolf Pack】可以正确击中炮塔s3.持续秒数的buff会正常运行4.战争之怒【Battle Rage】buff会正常运行5.修正某些地方爆击效果的错误6.宠物伤害加成正常运行
等级1.三姐妹奖赏正确调整为NG+的等级2.修正路米勒斯区域【Luminous Arena】在多人模式的问题3.解决多人联机时换场景时的读取问题
道具1.调整审判者套装【Inquisitor set】的套装奖励2.修正召唤骷颅的触发方式3.修正装备有【proximate monsters】属性宝石的运作4.修正装备DOT类伤害的问题
GRAPHICS*Intel HD graphics cards should not show ghosting/smearing effects if shadows are enabled
PERFORMANCE*LARGE performance optimization to buff/debuff bar displays when there are a large number of overlapping, nonexclusive effects (damage over time, and duration based effects or knockback )
SKILLS*Shield Bash bonus damage now deals the stated amount(charged and uncharged)*Wolfpack will properly strike turrets*Bonuses due to proximity now always expire properly*Damage bonuses/reductions for Battle Rage properly expire*Fixed Critical Hit bonuses on some effects not properly incorporating bonuses to crit*Pet damage bonuses are applied to effects
LEVELS*Three Sisters zone now has an appropriate level range for proper NG+ reward scaling*Various issues resolved in Luminous Arena in multiplayer*Level determinism fixed (Was broken with precacheing in previous patch - could result in triggerable elements and some structural elements re-randomizing on load, or in multiplayer)
ITEMS*Set reward for Inquisitor set altered to a functional bonus*Fixes to the summon skull proc on equipment (prevents it from spawning exactly on a target)*Effects based on proximate monsters now work properly with socketables*DOTs were not properly attributing experience if the effect was applied from an item instead of a skill
MISC*Target Dummy is Charm resistant*Fixed issue where rebinding Close All Menus could lock you in pause mode*Fix for shift-click casting a left-click spell and them selecting an item (would previously auto-attack)*Pet enhancing bonuses work more consistently for pets attached to OTHER pets
沙发!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;P 不会吧,又更新? 哪里下补丁呢? 不错不错,证明runic还是用心的,期待后续DLC
给力 还没有出补丁release note就出来了。。。 :L联机进去还会不动么? 又更新了,怎么没提任务bug。
上次更新明显觉得,开宝箱被袭击概率大大降低了。点路上的骨头不会总爬起来尸变。{:3_42:} 支持。。不过话说1.13的补丁造成了许多新bug不知道啥时候修复。。。 尼玛又更新。。。。。。这次不会又很大吧、、、 本帖最后由 lll456 于 2012-10-18 19:28 编辑
道具体点不??大侠! 最起码,很多人遇到的影像拖曳问题和局域联网问题得到改善,大力支持,期待早日看到完美版和DLC 解决了几个一般重要的,还有几个很重要的啊啊啊 感谢翻译 翻译不错,顶一个 NPC 消失的BUG还是没解决啊。。。 魅惑稻草人有用吗?
期待这个! 切换场景buff消失没被修复。。。。
装备DOT无非就是conveys x damage over x s,这玩意物理伤害能叠加,还能收到专注加成,不知道是不是修复这个BUG。
没看到修正闪避,看来他们不认为这是BUG了。。。。 期待更新,支持下 首页留名 又更新.........看来有多少问题要修复啊~ 就是说以前:
1.盾击【Shield Bash】伤害值可以正确的随充能与否增减
2.恶狼追迹【Wolf Pack】可以正确击中炮塔s
4.战争之怒【Battle Rage】buff会正常运行
这些都是不正常的???蛋疼啊 万火留
为了赌博,还是用1.11.2.3;P 小更新 {:3_153:}{:3_153:}{:3_153:}很好很好 盾击要悲剧了么