本帖最后由 rookie91 于 2012-7-31 16:48 编辑废话不说,开翻。
Here we go with another Not a Blog! Sorry for the delay on this.
Here's what's up-
I was out of town Monday and Tuesday for my mother's birthday, so I did a lot of make-up during the late evenings and the weekend. I'll go into the most detail about what I did, because that's what I know firsthand, and a rough idea of what others were doing (although they could go into much finer detail than I can)
I'm close to wrapping polish on Act 2. All area spawnclasses, monsters, and champ packs are 'done'. ( Although I usually end up adding a few new variants for remaining boss battles )
I completed a polish pass on two boss battles. (Well, I'm completing the second half of one this evening, but it should be done for tomorrow )
I have 2 boss battles remaining to complete, and 3 special desert champions for an event need some love. I also need to set up a proper 'collapse' particle system for sand constructs.
I completed polish work on 4 monsters, and added 3 new monster variants that I felt were needed to flesh out the spawnclasses in some areas.
I also added random tornados to the southern region of Act 2 Part 2 that can spring up and damage you, and 'Nether Storms' for another area that I'm not going to go into much detail about.
I switched gears a little to implement a handful of tier bonus upgrades ( i.e. fancier versions of the tier bonuses we already had ) for the Embermage, and those went pretty quickly.
I fixed a random assortment of bugs ( an animated particle bug, some issues with teleportation resistance when applied to yourself, various other odds and ends )
I tuned up various particles, sounds, and camera shakes on some act 2 events to have a little more punch (or where they didn't exist, but should have). I fixed some quest bugs. I updated several old and over-blurry particle systems to make them less spammy.
Other stuff that happened this week - (not a complete list, just stuff I'm picking out from memory )
这周的其他事情 - (不是一个完成的列表,我就是想到哪说到哪)
During the beta we decided that we were going to merge the functionality of Waypoints and Town Portals, so that they were more useful in general. This week Matt got that taken care of.
Now, if you open a Town Portal, you can use it just like a Waypoint - you can jump to any other Waypoint in the act, or the town, or directly to another player or another player's portal. This lets you skip a trip back to town to perform direct player or Waypoint warps and is just nicer overall.
Now you have Waypoint Scrolls instead of Town Portal Scrolls as a result.
在beat期间,我们决定把‘小站’(译者注:我用了暗黑2的叫法)和城镇传送门的功能混合起来,这样他们总得来说更有用。这周Matt做了这个工作。现在,如果你打开了一个回城门,你能把它当做一个‘小站’来使用 - 你能传送到这一幕的任何‘小站’,或者回城,或者直接传送到其他的玩家身边,或者其他玩家的传送门。这样你就可以直接在玩家或者小站中穿梭,不用先回城了,整体来说更好了。
Matt also fixed some issues with weapon-skill synchronization when skills are cast by an item in multiplayer.
Matt added random affixes to endgame maps.
Patrick set up a few new 'camp' events in Act 2 with some of the newer monster setups and spawners, and added some cool new visual FX to the unmentioned area with the Nether Storms.
Greg set it up so that recipes at the item combiner can be hidden until they are performed once.
Matt Uelmen put together a lot of new background ambient audio and Patrick integrated that between the areas.
Matt Uelmen把很多新的背景环境音乐都弄到了一起,Patrick让他们在不同区域间显得协调。
Marsh continued his work in Act 3 and made good progress - (he is working this weekend too) - I'm sure there are a ton of specific details to this but I don't have them in front of me at present.
Marsh继续他在场景3的工作,并且进展不错 - (他这周末也在工作) - 我保证他的工作里有相当多的特殊的细节,但是目前我手头没有资料。
Erich added some new boss-specific loot.
Continued polish on all fronts in all departments.
To give you an idea about what sort of stuff we are touching - most everything we are changing is media related ( layouts, monster data, particles, abilities, events ), with very little code altered - here are some quick numbers -
给你们一个整体概念,我们正在搞神马飞机 - 我们正在修改的所有东西几乎都是和‘媒体’(译者注:这里的媒体就是指。。想了3秒,不知道怎么解释,所以,不解释了)相关的(布局,怪物数据,颗粒,能力,事件),非常少有代码变动 - 这儿有一些简要的数字:
Since last Friday there have been 475 Media checkins ( that isn't actually a file count - it's a source-control checkin, and each one can be comprised of a number of files, or just 1 - they are very roughly comparable to a 'task' though ) These can be incredibly trivial ( like fixing a spelling mistake ) or a big deal ( a slew of files related to a boss battle or event, and there are many, many files associated with a given event, from layouts, to particles, to unit data, to spawnclasses, and so on )
到上周5为止,已经有475个媒体提交(确切的说不是475个文件 - 是源代码提交 “译者注:搞过编程的才明白,比如译者”,并且每次提交可能会由很多文件组成,或者只由1个文件组成 - 他们可以被非常粗略的理解为‘任务’,“译者注:这个解释真是无聊,有点深入谈技术了,估计大部分人看不懂”)。这些要么是相当微不足道的(例如修改一个释放错误)或者一个大问题(非常多的和一个boss战或者事件相关的文件,还有很多很多和一个事件相关的文件,从布局到例子,到单元数据,到出生类型等等)
There have been only 71 source checkins ( these are primarily bugfixes, and the aforementioned changes for waypoints/town portals and recipes. A task can often have multiple checkins associated with it, and then rounds of bugfixes after implementation. )
In the upcoming week, it is my aim to complete Act 2 polish entirely if I can, and then to do go through all the class skills and do a tier polish pass - then I will move on to help Marsh out in his pass on Act 3. Then we'll both jump to Act 4 and polish the last short stretch of the game together, doing some passes through NG+ stuff as we do ( Matt will be working on that as well, probably while we're still wrapping Act 3 ). After that, well, we're done.
在马上到来的这个星期,如果我能的话,我的目标是完成第2幕的润色,然后过一遍所有角色的技能,看一下等级润色过程是否正常 - 然后我就可以帮助Marsh完成第三幕。然后我们2个一起搞第4幕,然后一起润色下游戏最后的一个小扩展(译者注:难道是奶牛关?),这个过程就像我们之前做的一样。(Matt也会做这些工作,可能在我们做第3幕的时候,他已经开始做了)。这之后,好的,我们完成啦~~~~~
Next week QA will be hitting Act 2 hard now that it is nearly tied off, looking for balance issues and any progression bugs that may have cropped up due to my changes, or obscure network issues with scripted events ( the more complicated they are, the more testing they require in multiplayer )
Hopefully that gives you a pretty good idea of what we're up to, and you can get a sense of how far down the field we move each week based on previous posts. I hope it also gives you a general sense of the items that remain to be done before ship. Sorry I don't have a sweet infographic this week! Too busy just workin' on the game.
Thanks all!
一直在等啊 关注&等待 圣诞节能反省就烧高香了。。。。 测试版放那么快,现在都还有那么多幕,9月搞定了吧。 希望可以尽快发售 集显伤不起 实在是等不及了啊。 可能是D3的期望太大了,所以失望也大,T2加油哦~~ 看来8月份又得跳票了:@ 算了,现在也淡定了,只要别跳到2014年就行了…… 八月底都要开学了XD 虽然,我很失望,很受伤,但对于楼主无私地为我们带来了消息,并且是花了精力来翻译了,顶一个,谢谢!!! 10月能发布就不错了 感谢楼主的翻译。。总之玩了一会beta。。非常满意。。 E文不好,谢谢辛苦翻译明白了些时限问题,等了这么久,就看出真知的时候喽~ caixing417 发表于 2012-8-1 16:51 static/image/common/back.gif