然后回到营地就会发现L妹身边多了一只猪兔,不过一直哼哼唧唧的,一点也不可爱,可惜不能宰了烤乳猪…… 烤乳猪……
矮子叔的噩梦,曾经跟烤乳猪比武输掉了 那只猪我没买到 。好像答错了 其实我挺后悔的,这个东西在回营地与队友们对话的时候,叫声不断,极其怪异。 其实我挺后悔的,这个东西在回营地与队友们对话的时候,叫声不断,极其怪异。
雷恩斯中尉 发表于 2010-4-29 23:12:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
这是给你在ooxx的增加情调,还是重金属 隐藏任务啊,有意思。 你要的烤豚兔
Roasted Nug Stew
Because it's the only meat in Orzammar
Things you'll need: 1 small onion, 3 cloves garlic, mushrooms of any kind you want,1 whole nug (or rabbit if they're in short supply), cut into pieces, 3 sprigs of tarragon, 2 1/2 cups ale, 2 heaping tablespoons of dijon mustard, 1 1/2 cups of chicken stock ( don't know if they have chickens in the Deep Roads. Pay someone to go topside or use Hurlock stock instead), and1/2 cup light cream, butter
How to:Cook onion, garlic medium-soft (about 5-6 minutes). Remove and set aside. Season the meat pieces with salt and pepper. Add butter to the pan and add
your meat pieces. Sear the outside on all sides of each piece until they are nice and golden brown (about 5mins). Remove to a plate for a moment. They抣l be back soon.
Deglaze the bottom of your pan with the ale ?keep heat up to medium and scrape all the bits from the bottom of the pan. After about a minute or so, add your stock, tarragon, and mustard. Stir that.Once that's nice and warm, add in meat, mushrooms, bacon, onions,garlic, etc. ?to the pan. Bring to a boil and then lower to medium/medium-low and simmer, covered for 30 minutes. After that,continue to simmer the dish uncovered for another 20 to 30 minutes. It will cook down to a thicker sauce. Finish by stirring in the cream. 关于这种生物的名字曾经引发过热烈的讨论。。。。。。。 今天我试了一下,我刚玩到这里,把猪送给L妹后,她加了13点好感 。呵呵 你问狼人要不要烤猪兔,狼人会恨开心。。。。。。。。。。。。。 很有趣的任务啊 起源 原版 的隐藏任务 非 DLC ?? 还真没 发现哈哈 多谢LZ 分享 残念。。。飘过。。。 L妹会把猪兔当着男猪抱在被窝里的 要是想和猪兔近距离接触的话还可以装X院增强MOD,选“给我一个惊喜”…… 很烦人的宠物
15楼 哪个不装MOD也能触发的~~~ 还没有到那的飘过 原来不装也行....
我一开始就装了,不知道..... 还不知道猪兔可以当宠物 过会试试看 刚用双持贼通了
下次用法师试试这个任务 那个生物除了吃还有别的用噢~ XD 很有趣的任务啊 火星。。。。