PC Online Service NotificationDear yufei58342
Thank you for your recent purchase of Assassin's Creed 2. We hope you are enjoying the game!
Recently, our servers were temporarily unavailable to a portion of players, meaning they were unable to play the game. Our goal is to offer you a seamless experience with your game and we sincerely apologise if you have encountered difficulties as a result of the server issue.
We will be offering you additional game rewards to show our thanks for your patience and understanding. We will contact you soon with full details. In the meantime, please be assured that our teams are working around the clock to ensure that you continue to enjoy your game experience with Assassin's Creed 2.
Thank you,
The Ubisoft Team 相信所為的additional game rewards不就是 add-on contents那些東西。
回复 2# sonysamson1103 的帖子
你是说DLC的12,13序列嘛? 你是说DLC的12,13序列嘛?yufei58342 发表于 2010-3-13 5:56:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
PC version應該包含了chapter 12 and 13了。
是什么要你再收到email才知了。 难道是传说中单机补丁 难道是传说中单机补丁
yayiyu 发表于 2010-3-13 7:37:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
additional game rewards
可以說是DLC也可以說是某任務多點錢......或者是Ezio的figues 反正不是单机补丁~~~
回复 1# yufei58342 的帖子
虽然可以玩 可是还是收到了 估计每个正版玩家都收到这封邮件了安抚正版玩家情绪呀 我只看懂了Thank you, 谁翻译一下 兰州烧饼 电脑网络服务的通知亲爱的yufei58342
育碧软件公司的团 电脑翻译出来的。凑合看吧。还能看懂一些...-= =~电脑翻译太垃圾~ 搞不好是纯安慰啊 holy shit!!!!!! 虽然可以玩 可是还是收到了 估计每个正版玩家都收到这封邮件了安抚正版玩家情绪呀
hongdownup 发表于 2010-3-13 8:48:00http://3dmgame.chnren.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
回复 17# yufei58342 的帖子
管它给啥 有胜于无 最好送个其它游戏的CDKEY 不过可能性小于0.5% 哈哈,估计就是免费下载DLC内容吧 12楼的翻译... 育碧软件公司的团 PC Online Service NotificationDear yufei58342
Thank you for your recent purchase of Assassin's Creed 2. We hope you are enjoying the game!
Recently, our servers were temporarily unavailable to a portion of players, meaning they were unable to play the game. Our goal is to offer you a seamless experience with your game and we sincerely apologise if you have encountered difficulties as a result of the server issue.
We will be offering you additional game rewards to show our thanks for your patience and understanding. We will contact you soon with full details. In the meantime, please be assured that our teams are working around the clock to ensure that you continue to enjoy your game experience with Assassin's Creed 2.
Thank you,
有些地方意译了,但大概就这样子吧。 正版的朋友阿. 单机游戏搞的跟网游似的 是该恭喜你啊还是安慰你呢? 艾,美国人学什么不好,学中国那些官啊,尽说P话。 慢慢等吧..说了都不知N次了..