大白白-- 发表于 2010-3-12 13:55

龙腾世纪2 明年上市 那起源还在继续汉化吗?

如题 看了相关资料 龙腾世纪 第2部明年3月上市 这第一部还在汉化吗?汉化进度杂就停留在02.10了?这游戏是很好 虽然简单的英文能看的懂可是高级的就不行了 没中文玩起来别扭 没办法偶不是美国出生的呵呵!汉化组赶紧汉化吧 第2部明年就出了 这么好的游戏 别浪费啊!我只是代表我个人意见!毕竟很多人都在等汉化 不要象死亡空间一样最后等到忍无可忍呵呵!

xujinddk1 发表于 2010-3-12 14:00

大白白-- 发表于 2010-3-12 14:03


opklnmqaz 发表于 2010-3-12 14:07


aicanran 发表于 2010-3-12 14:32


opqctu1128 发表于 2010-3-12 15:01

小弟支持樓主 小弟也很希望出生在美國阿
希望翻譯的大大門加油阿 真的好想玩中文化
大大們拜託拜託 努力阿加油 阿

cheatcat 发表于 2010-3-12 15:15

As far as release dates go, this one is being dropped much sooner than most, as well as in an unconventional manner. But February 1 falls on a Tuesday next year, the traditional game release day, and an EA conference call already revealed the Dragon Age sequel would be hitting between January and March of 2011. While we'll have to wait for word from EA and BioWare to call it official, this fits comfortably in that range, and so it seems likely as the date for the sequel. Mark your calendars, Dragon Age fans.

fanruoxi 发表于 2010-3-12 15:45


大白白-- 发表于 2010-3-12 18:17

cheatcat2010-03-12 15:15 |只看该用户 7# 字体大小: t T 举报 | 评分|
As far as release dates go, this one is being dropped much sooner than most, as well as in an unconventional manner. But February 1 falls on a Tuesday next year, the traditional game release day, and an EA conference call already revealed the Dragon Age sequel would be hitting between January and March of 2011. While we'll have to wait for word from EA and BioWare to call it official, this fits comfortably in that range, and so it seems likely as the date for the sequel. Mark your calendars, Dragon Age fans.

我用机翻翻译了 一下 你这段 英文 的意思是:

maweihaoren 发表于 2010-3-12 19:02


wxh5303194 发表于 2010-3-12 19:05


lzb148 发表于 2010-3-12 19:10

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