玩过beta的同学应该都知道rc3已经修正了这两个bug,这个官方已经提到过了1.Reduced input "lag:"
On machines where the CPU would out-run the GPU, sometimes the GPU would queue up several frames' worth of rendering commands. This could lead to the game having a high framerate, but input still feeling very sluggish. Now there's a limiter on how many frames the CPU is allowed to be "ahead" of the GPU. Control this setting via Settings.ini. Default setting: RenderAheadLimit=2
2.Performance optimizations with biggest improvements on dual-core machines
偷跑的应该是在rc3之前就已经压盘的盒装版本,很可能beta的4个patch一个都没有,现在只需静待游戏正式发布后在线更新下就可以了,各位同学我们战场上见! 很有可能,估计更新还没有打上 就是说,一些低配置点的机子,更新之后会好一点?
回复 3# hen_43 的帖子
这个世界没有免费午餐送的。想低端跑好画面的游戏效果还要良好,等哆啦A梦吧。 双核的话帧数会有提高 输入延迟也会更低