- 贡献度
- 0
- 金元
- 2406
- 积分
- 241
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2012-10-18
Offensive Skills
- Agitator - 4%/8%/12%/16%/20% Affinity
- Peak Performance - 10/15/25 Attack
- Resuscitate - 10/15/25 Attack
- Latent Power - 20%/30%/40%/50%/60% Affinity, -50% stamina cost at all levels.
- Critical Element - 1.05x/1.1x/1.2x Element
- Mind's Eye - 1.3x/1.6x/2x damage on hard parts
- Bludgeoner - 1.05x/1.1x/1.15x Attack, Yellow/Green/Blue Sharpness
- Critical Draw - 25%/50%/75% Affinity
- Slugger - 1.3x/1.4x/1.6x Stun
- Stamina Thief - 1.4x/1.5x/1.6x rate
- Affinity Sliding - greatly increased the duration from 30s to 120s
- Artillery - 1.15x/1.25x/1.35x Attack
- Special Ammo Boost - 1.2x/1.3x damage
- Bombardier - 1.2x/1.3x/1.4x damage
- Heroics - 1.1x/1.1x/1.1x/1.2x/1.35x Attack, 100/100/200/200/0 Defense
- Counterstrike - 20/30/40 Attack
- Coalescence - 60s/75s/90s Duration
- Adrenaline Rush - 30s/45s/60s Duration
- Foray - 10/15/25 Attack, 0/15%/25% Affinity
- Grinder (S) - 1.1x/1.1x/1.15x Attack, 1.075x/1.075x/1.1x Element, 60s/90s/120s Buff Duration
- Bladescale Horn - 75%/75%/100% Probability, 20/25/30 Sharpness gain, 30s/40s/50s Buff Duration for Bow
- Status Trigger - 10s/20s/30s Duration
Defensive Skills
- Defense Boost - 0/0/0/5/5/7/9 Resistance
- Divine Blessing - 30%/50%/70% damage reduction
- Recovery Up - 1.3x/1.4x/1.5x rate
- Recovery Speed - 4x/5x/6x rate
- All Element Resistance - 10/20/30 Resistance, 0/5/15 Defense
- All Status Resistance - ~50% less likely getting status effects
Set Skills
- Bubbly Dance - 0.7 stamina rate, further reduced bubbleblight.
- Kushala & Teostra Blessing - 1.05x/1.1x/1.2x/1.3x Element
- Dragonheart - activates on 60%/60%/70%/70%/90% HP
- Hellfire Cloak - massively increased explosion damage
- Wind & Thunder Alignment - 1/2/3/4/5 Resistance
- Stormsoul - 1.05x/1.1x/1.15x/1.15x/1.2x Element
- Dereliction - Increased Element on Red Scroll, lv.1 5/10/15, lv2 10/15/20, lv3 20/25/30 Element
- Furious - Red Scroll: 15/25/40 Defense, 5/15/25 Resistance; Blue Scroll: 45s/75s/120s duration when activated
- Mail of Hellfire - Red Scroll: -25/40/70 Defense, +20/30/40 Attack; Blue Scroll: -5/15/30 Resistance, 1.1x/1.15x/1.2x Element
- Bloodlust - 60s/90s/120s buff duration, 10/20/30 Attack, 20/25/30 Affinity
- Berserker - HP recovery modifier from 0.75 -> 0.9
- Powder Mantle - Reduced hit required for lv.2 and lv.3 for ~10%, differs for each weapon
- Strife - HP Threshold from 60% -> 50%
Utility Skills
- Master's Touch - 40%/60%/90% chance
- Handicraft - 10 -> 15 Sharpness per level
- Razor Sharp - 30%/40%/60% chance
- Power Prolonger - lasts ~50% longer
- Protective Polish - 60s/120s/180s duration
- Marathon Runner - 30%/40%/60% stamina cost reduction
- Stamina Surge - 1.2x/1.3x/1.4x stamina recovery rate
- Item Prolonger - 2x/2.5x/3x duration
- Free Meal - 25%/50%/75% chance
- Wirebug Whisperer - third wirebug last 2x longer
- Hunger Resistance - lasts 50% longer at lv.1 and lv.2
*You'll need to check your stats rather than skill texts to check if it's working.
*If the skills you are looking for aren't in the list above, they might be hardcoded which I can't change.