- 贡献度
- 0
- 金元
- 1328
- 积分
- 133
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2018-1-16
- you can use the assigned quick item and the Dragon Hearts, regardless of the remaining quantity.
- item quantity still drop until it reaches zero.
- note that, when an quick item quantity reaches zero, you won't be able to locate them in your inventory, you'll have to buy them again. but, you can keep using that quick item, as long as you don't replace the quick item slot in zero quantity with another one.
ignore trait points (无限特征点)
- you can keep spending points on the traits regardless of the remaining trait points.
- trait points would go negative if you spent more than you have, so that you can keep track on how much you spent, in case you don't want to overpower your character too much.
- if you don't like the negative value, just edit the points manually. trait points total - trait points allocated = current trait points.
- don't freeze the value (check the check box in front of the pointer) unless you know what you're doing.