- 贡献度
- 5
- 金元
- 4083
- 积分
- 428
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2011-12-7
先用MOD冲突排查与排序 LOOT查了下,无论怎么安装和排序,这个mod都无冲突,但就是不起作用。所以进游戏就那个样。
Sticky posts from the author
Niero 18 kudos69 posts
Before reporting bugs/CTDs:
1) Most issues are caused by bad NMM installs, ALWAYS reinstall manually and replace all old files.
2) Set up your archive invalidation properly using this information here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4421/?
3) Make sure any other mods with crafting are up to date, some old versions of the 'big-name' mods were not created cleanly.
If you still have issues to report:
Tell me where you crashed (ie workshop menu, CyberLab menu, Armorbench menu)
Tell me what item from THIS mod you were trying to equip. More specifics are always nice (ie "Cyber Gloves, left hand variation, palette index, palette color" )
我就手动安装了一遍,就OK了,看样子NMM也有bug啊,不能完全信任 |