- 贡献度
- 431
- 金元
- 39222
- 积分
- 5646
- 精华
- 0
- 注册时间
- 2008-11-5
Yes, just like any mod that edits worldspace records, the following bugs may (or may not) happen to you:
container reset bug (get the workaround by Lapdragon)
power armor reset bug (another fabulous workaround by Lapdragon)
LOD Bug (where the deleted objects blink in and out of existence in build mode)
sprinting bug (for some reason, you can't sprint in affected build areas)
In short... BACK UP YOUR SAVES!!!!
Don't yell at me to fix these because 1. I am a sensitive soul and will be upset if you yell at me (even virtual yelling) and 2. I (and as far as I know, anyone else) can't fix these bugs with the tools that are currently available.
LIKE IT? Please endorse!
YES, this mod can scrap everything that the Scrap Scrap mod can, in all the same locations! STOP ASKING ME!
This mod allows scrapping of the following:
V 1.6 -
• Spectacle Island scrapability (except for some areas underwater, which will be added post CK because I don't know their location coordinates)
• The Castle scrapability (except for the walls - scrapping the walls causes major crashes)
• Stone walls (the low crumbling kind)
• Lots of different house kit pieces
• Skeletons and certain dead settlers/raiders/traders/etc.
• Boats and Barges
• Consoles and Console towers
• Lots more miscellaneous stuff...
V 1.5 -
• Complete (hopefully) Red Rocket, Abernathy Farm, Home Plate, and Sunshine Tidings Co-op scrapability!
• Most (if not all) Industrial Kit pieces
• Silos
• Lots of different kinds of pipes
• Most (if not all) Deco Kit pieces (note that most of these still need names, which I will do post CK because Bethesda's labels are confusing)
• certain types of Billboards
• retaining walls (those stone walls in Sanctuary and other places)
• Most (if not all) Warehouse Kit pieces
• Most (if not all) Greenhouse Kit pieces (plus pots and planters)
• Shipping Crates
• Seaweed
• Those advertisements painted on the sides of buildings
• telephone/electric poles
• Stone debris (commonly found in the Castle)
• Lots more stuff that I'm probably forgetting about...
V 1.4 -
• Fixed a disappearing building at Egret Tours Marina... Whoops!
• Added Most (if not all) wood and metal shack pieces
• Added those big static wood and metal shelves
• Added grocery store shelves (at red rocket) |