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- 2009-7-13
悲剧,原来和Mutineer Chief 对话选择Fighting不是和Ghost打,而是触发接下来的剧情,太悲剧了,为了不杀生一直没选那个选项,浪费了我1个小时!!!!
Pirate ship is too dark.
by turtleisslow » 18 December 2010, 17:54
OK first off too this point I have liked the game kind of like Final Fantasy just badly drawn. But with good gameplay, But the ship is so dark you cant find anything at all I have my brightness all the way up and can BARELY see anything. There should be a in game brightness adjustment for this. I can hear the things I am suppost to go to but The sounds are not directional(very low quality) so the closer you are the louder but that is no help in finding direction. If I could see a little better then this would not be a problem. I found the trolls(3 of them) but one was by chance as is was impossible to actually see him. Now I hear something moaning and something else kinda sounds like a parot and then grunts. In too diffrent spots but again I can travel half the ship on the top and lower deck and the sounds stay they same. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. By the way I fought the pirate, found all the riddles from the guy on the island, Killed the seagull, Fought the three trolls, and talked too the mermaids. I am suppost to be looking for something but I forget what as I have given up on this 5 times on 5 diffrent days as I cant find this !@#$$%^ thing.
Posts: 2
Joined: 18 December 2010, 17:41
Re: Pirate ship is too dark.
by dysphorya » 24 December 2010, 01:05
I agree about the darkness in the ship -- it's the only place my enthusiasm waned a bit. Just keep an eye out for the yellow and orange sparkles to indicate your quest items. The ship's hold doesn't have any secrets or surprises to it. Though there are lots of dark corners, there's no need to hunt around in them if you don't see the sparkles.
Check out your "My Story" menu to find out what to do next. You need to figure out what's rooting the Dutchman in place. Speak to the lead Mutineer (standing by the door to the captain's quarters) and/or Mael, the Korrigan Commander (standing on the round rope reel several feet in front of the lead Mutineer, if you've freed the "sick" Korrigans). To get you started, the lead Mutineer first suspects the "sick" Korrigans, who are barracaded in the ship's hold. If you've done that part already, just keep returning to the lead Mutineer and/or Mael. |