每个女孩都曾经是个无泪的天使,当她碰到喜欢的男孩就有了眼泪,天使落泪,坠入人间 .所以每个男孩都不能辜负自己的女孩.因为她曾经为了你放弃了整个天堂.
<>every girl has ever been an angel without tears,no sooner has she come across the boy she loves than she has tears,when tears drop the angel crash into human world,so every boy shouldn’t let his girl down,she has given up the whole paradise for you!
我翻的对吗 </P>
<>every girl has ever been an angel without tears,no sooner has she come across the boy she loves than she has tears,when tears drop the angel crash into human world,so every boy shouldn’t let his girl down,she has given up the whole paradise for you!
<>还有这个</P><>i can't make sure what you are in my heart,
but i promise, you are in the top in my mind~~~~ </P><>我越来越不确定我在你心中的位置是什么,但我确定的是你永远都是我心中的第一位.
<>i can't make sure what you are in my heart,
but i promise, you are in the top in my mind~~~~ </P>
<>i can't make sure what you are in my heart这句好像说反了……变成是“在我心中”了
<>you are in the top ,改成you are the first吧……top一定是不对的</P>