关于Sulcher's Pass的任务 这个任务去哪里做啊?
这个任务刚开始的时候就有了 好像是在刚加入Warden的时候第一次遇到W大妈时候接的通关了一便都没找到这个任务地点
请问有谁知道的??? 这个任务你仔细看他介绍就懂了 是个 DLC任务 外国人那里找到的,不知道有没有帮助.
Sulcher's Pass is a small clearing to the west of Ferelden just north east of Haven. Although the route is more treacherous than Gherlen's Pass to the north, Sulcher's Pass can shave more than two days' travel off the journey to Orlais.
It's impossible to return after accepting the quest of Felix and after leaving the map.
World location of Sulcher's Passedit MapThe pass is simply a small clearing where you will find Felix de Grosbois who can initiate the quest The Stone Prisoner to acquire another party member, dlc任务,招石头人队友的..