是不是用控制台修改礼物造成崩溃呀???? A和L的任務都在market 那裡 便是你圖中圓圈那個回复 2# bryanchan331 的帖子
我在那里每个角落都跑过了,就没触发任务 要解开下面要去人类那把国王叫醒
然后下面就解开了 你接了任務了沒有 L的在人物那 A的在那房屋內 真没办法触发AL的任务,估计修改崩溃了。 To embark on Leliana’s main personal quest, you must do the following, in order:
Talk to her in camp and eventually ask her, “What would someone like you be doing in Lothering’s Chantry?” She will bring up being a minstrel.
Get Leliana’s approval rating to warm (approval 25+).
Talk to Leliana in camp about how minstrels are sometimes spies.
Leave the camp and come back to the camp. Talk to Leliana again (must still be warm approval). She’ll talk about how she lied about Orlais.
The next random encounter should be Leliana’s assassin’s encounter. The last human male surrenders when you beat him, and he’ll talk about who sent him. You can decide to kill him or not, then leave the encounter and Leliana will talk. She will tell you all about a former love interest, Marjolaine.
官方攻略是這樣的~ 你看看在那些發生了吧 看看我的吧
回复 9# lovewang1986 的帖子
看什么哟 我的A的任务是在营地里,送礼物送到一定好感了他自动和我说要找妹妹回复 7# rmb2588875 的帖子
A和L的任务要他们在队里时才可以触发 而且好像要在救醒那个领主后才可以