封真 发表于 2009-11-8 19:08



Male PC + Morrigan 1

Have Morrigan at 50 or higher relationship, but below 90, she will initiate the conversation randomly at the camp

Male PC + Morrigan 2
Right after you find out someone must die to kill the archdemon, Morrigan will be in your room. If you accept her deal you get this.

Male PC + Leliana
Raise her relationship to between 25 and 50 and you will get 2 conversations
1) the first is on minstrels being spies
2) the second ( u must leave and re-enter camp ) and she'll talk to you about a lie
Now you must wait for a random encounter where people attempt to assassinate her, afterwords go to camp to her about her past lover.
Now raise her to 100 relationship and she will give you the option.

Male PC + Zevran
Raise him to 25+ relationship

Male PC + Zevran + Isabela
Have Zevran in romance state ( bed both ) then go speak to Isabela at 'The Pearl'

Male PC + Zevran + Isabela + Leliana
Have Zevran and Leliana in romance state ( bed both ) then go speak to Isabela at 'The Pearl'

Female PC + Leliana
Raise her relationship to between 25 and 50 and you will get 2 conversations
1) the first is on minstrels being spies
2) the second ( u must leave and re-enter camp ) and she'll talk to you about a lie
Now you must wait for a random encounter where people attempt to assassinate her, afterwords go to camp to her about her past lover.
Now raise her to 100 relationship and she will give you the option.

Female PC + Alistair
Raise him to 50+ relationship

Female PC + Zevran
Raise him to 25+ relationship

Female PC + Zevran + Isabela
Have Zevran in romance state ( bed him ) then go speak to Isabela at 'The Pearl'

Female PC + Zevran + Isabela + Leliana(这个也很强,不过也太便宜这gay了)
Have Zevran and Leliana in romance state ( bed him ) then go speak to Isabela at 'The Pearl'

Female PC + Alistair + Isabela
Zevran must be recruited
Bed Alistair, then do the following:
1) When he is atleast 25 or more relationship, he will reveal he has a sister, he must have told you of his backround for this to occur.
2) At Denerim he will recognise his sisters house, talk to her
3) After the conversation, talk with Alistair and choose "Everyone is out for themselves. You should learn that."
Once you have done that go see Isabela at 'The Pearl' and you can initiate a threesome.

Other companions:

Loghain + Morrigan
Right after you find out someone must die to kill the archdemon, Morrigan will be in your room. If you choose not to accept her deal and you kept Loghain alive, you may persuade him to do the deal.

Alistair + Morrigan
Right after you find out someone must die to kill the archdemon, Morrigan will be in your room. If you choose not to accept her deal and you killed Loghain , you may persuade Alistair to do the deal.

kulexinsui 发表于 2009-11-8 19:13


topgamer 发表于 2009-11-8 19:24


封真 发表于 2009-11-8 19:29


topgamer 发表于 2009-11-8 19:32


jackyhds 发表于 2009-11-8 19:38

Male PC + Zevran + Isabela + Leliana这个太正点了,现在就去努力达成!

xingzewen 发表于 2009-11-8 20:12

原帖由 jackyhds 于 2009-11-8 19:38:00 发表
Male PC + Zevran + Isabela + Leliana这个太正点了,现在就去努力达成!‘


spwelove 发表于 2009-11-8 20:42


ahadf 发表于 2009-11-8 23:18

这个列表有很多错误的提醒一下   按照官方攻略来

sbirdltt 发表于 2009-11-8 23:27



facku 发表于 2009-11-9 00:22

猴儿 发表于 2009-11-9 00:23


AvatarDeath 发表于 2009-11-9 09:05


sww043 发表于 2009-11-9 10:25


luanchuifeng 发表于 2009-11-9 10:50


huakunwansui 发表于 2009-11-9 13:38

Loghain + Morrigan
Right after you find out someone must die to kill the archdemon, Morrigan will be in your room. If you choose not to accept her deal and you kept Loghain alive, you may persuade him to do the deal.

huakunwansui 发表于 2009-11-9 13:38

Loghain + Morrigan
Right after you find out someone must die to kill the archdemon, Morrigan will be in your room. If you choose not to accept her deal and you kept Loghain alive, you may persuade him to do the deal.

supermova 发表于 2009-11-9 14:53

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