lyx20000 发表于 2009-11-8 16:18



业余玩家 发表于 2009-11-8 16:21


jl0329 发表于 2009-11-8 17:02

Dust 是穷人区, 从diamond区出来, 经过common去, 在往东走就是了,记得不是一张图, 会问你要不要 venture forth, Yes 就好。

找儿子的任务要进入deep road之后才可完成。

业余玩家 发表于 2009-11-8 17:11

穷人区有个带锁门 不过怎么弄都没反应...貌似可以选择从孔中往里面看...不过提示什么也没看到...还有那个DEEP ROAD是那个地下城吗? 以前进去过 救出来一队矮人...不过现在那个土就刚开始那两个地方可以去...啥也没有啊...

绫濑丽子 发表于 2009-11-8 17:37


jeffdiablo 发表于 2009-11-8 17:41
Your best bet is Nadezda, who is huddling near a fire in the center of town.

You have a few options for finding the entrance to Jarvia's hideout, but your best bet is Nadezda, who is huddling by a fire in the center of town. With a little prompting, she'll tell you that you need token to get through Dust Town's suspicious door. Other alternatives include bribing Rogek, or talking to Alimar.

Once you have your info, head into the Slums Household, and you'll find Jarvia's men waiting for you. Beat them, and the leader will surrender when he's low on health. With high enough persuasion or intimidation, the thug will tell you how to get in. Otherwise, you'll have to kill him and take the token from his body. Use it on the suspicious door, and you'll be into Jarzia's hideout.
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