龙腾世纪 起源 控制台代码补完
"How to enable console: Make shortcut to daorigins.exe, found in bin_ship, on your desktop. At the end of the target line add -enabledeveloperconsole. Dont
forget the space.
The target line end should look like this: daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole
To open the console, start the game from the shortcut and press the Tilde button ~` Note: The console is invisible.
runscript addxp X - X=amount
runscript zz_money X - X=amount i.e. runscript zz_money 1000000 would give you 100 gold
runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name
runscript zz_addapproval X Y - Add approval X=NPC# Y=Amount i.e runscript zz_addapproval 1 100 adds 100 approval to
1 - Alistair
3 - Morrigan
5 - Shale
6 - Sten
7 - Zevran
9 - Leliana
runscript ai off - Turns off AI
runscript selectparty - Party selection screen
runscript chargen - Origin screen
runscript pc_immortal - Player can't be killed. To make party members immortal you must make them the active character and use the command.
runscript killallhostiles - Kills attackers
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party
runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleports player and party to Ostagar, may have other use
runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleports player and party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar, may have other use
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to nearest NPC, don't think it applies to party members
runscript warrior - Makes player a warrior?
runscript SetPlayerImmortal - Same as pc_immortal
runscript healplayer - Instantly heals all party members
runscript zz_givearmor - Adds Dragonbone Legion Armor to inventory
runscript zz_party_addgifts - Adds the following gifts to inventory:
-Antivan Leather Boots
-Dalish Gloves
-Alistair's Mother's Amulet
-Duncan's Shield
-Andraste's Grace
-Cute Nug
-Golden Mirror
-Black Grimoire
-Flemeth's Grimoire
-Sten's Sword"- doc_haz
runscript addtalent X - i.e. runscript addtalent 4020 would add Rogue to the active player/party member
runscript removetalent X - Removes talent
Arcane Warrior: 4012
Champion: 4013 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
3037 - War Cry
3038 - Rally
42 - Motivate
3039 - Superiority
Assassin: 4014 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
3060 - Mark of Death
56 - Exploit Weakness
3059 - Lacerate
3058 - Feast of the Fallen
Bard: 4015 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
3045 - Song of Valor
701 - Distraction
705 - Song of Courage
1000 - Captivating Song
Berserker: 4016 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
700 - Berserk
48 - Resilience
3006 - Constraint
3009 - Final Blow
Blood Mage: 4017
Shapeshifter: 4018
Reaver: 4019 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
3065 - Devour
3066 - Frightening Appearance
3067 - Aura of Pain
713 - Blood Frenzy
Rogue: 4020 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 4 Branches
603 - Dirty Fighting
21 - Combat Movement
3002 - Coup De Grace
3023 - Feign Death
3026 - Below the Belt
708 - Deadly Strike
777 - Lethality
3069 - Evasion
100001 - Deft Hands
100002 - Improved Tools
100003 - Mechanical Expertise
100004 - Device Mastery
100075 - Stealth
100076 - Stealthy Item Use
100077 - Combat Stealth
100078 - Master Stealth
Templar: 4021
Talents: 1 Branch
23 - Righteous Strike
3017 - Cleanse Area
52 - Mental Fortress
25 - Holy Smite
Warrior: 4022 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 2 Branches
14 - Powerful
808 - Threaten
17 - Bravery
3021 - Death Blow
19 - Precise Striking
3041 - Taunt
3016 - Disengage
20 - Perfect Striking
Mage: 4023
Spirit Healer: 4025
Ranger: 4029 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
1004 - Summon Wolf
91 - Summon Bear
93 - Summon Spider
92 - Master Ranger
Duelist: 4030 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 1 Branch
709 - Dueling
3050 - Upset Balance
3049 - Keen Defense
3051 - Pinpoint Strike
Shale: 4033
War Dog: 4034 - Use first to unlock this talent selection.
Talents: 2 Branches
90017 - Growl
90048 - Dread Howl
90049 - Combat Training
90015 - Overwhelm
90050 - Fortitude
90016 - Charge
90047 - Shred
90051 - Nemesis
Dual Weapon:
Talents: 3 Branches
6 - Dual-Weapon Training
8 - Dual-Weapon Finesse
5 - Dual-Weapon Expert
3036 - Dual-Weapon Mastery
11 - Dual Striking
9 - Riposte
10 - Cripple
7 - Punisher
3044 - Dual-Weapon Sweep
3035 - Flurry
717 - Momentum
3043 - Whirlwind
Weapon and Shield:
Talents: 3 Branches
617 - Shield Bash
1 - Shield Pummel
3073 - Overpower
38 - Assault
704 - Shield Defense
37 - Shield Balance
12 - Shield Wall
36 - Shield Expertise
3074 - Shield Block
13 - Shield Cover
3030 - Shield Tactics
2 - Shield Mastery
Talents: 3 Branches
3024 - Pommel Strike
28 - Indomitable
3000 - Stunning Blows
3 - Critical Strike
3025 - Sunder Arms
3001 - Shattering Blows
4 - Sunder Armor
3032 - Destroyer
3028 - Mighty Blow
718 - Powerful Swings
27 - Two-Handed Strength
3031 - Two-Handed Sweep
Talents: 3 Branches
34 - Melee Archer
500 - Aim
33 - Defensive Fire
35 - Master Archer
803 - Pinning Shot
805 - Crippling Shot
804 - Critical Shot
802 - Arrow of Slaying
3071 - Rapidshot
3072 - Shattering Shot
801 - Surpressing Fire
800 - Scattershot
runscript bowlingforferelden- Ownage ball?
runscript cheat- Temp god?
Find console commands
1. go to your ACTUAL GAME FOLDER Link
2. Open anythnig with script in the name any hex editor you wish (i hate mine)Link
3. find a "script" and remember it ( i cant copy in this ****ty editor)Link
4 Add "Runscript zz_" and there you have a command now its up to you to find the correct syntax!
override_skills- Override skills?
allabilities- LOL I HOPE IT WORKS
createitem- go to designeritems.erf to find item names ( i think)
Please post here and new commands you find to make little threads about commands. I will add it to my posts if you PM me
(Pming is better then posting so people dont have to scavenge for commands :P)
runscript warrior // changes your character class to a warrior
runscript rogue // changes you character class to a rogue
runscript wizard // changes your character class to a mage
Each of these will reset all stats, attributes, talents, spells, levels, even inventory you might have. It does not appear to affect "quest" items, gold/silver/copper
counts, or your other party members equipped items. No guarantees, though.
It essentially zeros your character, sets your class, and gives you 2000 XP to get started. Some of these give you a lot of random equipment, others do not.
Commands that have a range:
Addxp dont spam 9999999999 just type like 5k or 50k depending on your desired level the code will not work otherwise.
Commands that are weird:
zz_givearmor: the armor will instantly go on your char and when you take it off they will all stack at the bottom. (ONE STACK)
zz_party_addgifts: The items will stack and they take up some room (not too bad) they really screw up your game if you did not beat it yet. they are parts of the storyline.
额,是英文啊,LZ翻译下啊 我的天哪,太长了!
而且…看不懂… 完全看不懂 很有用 有空我测试后来翻译一下 啥意思????!!!! "How to enable console: Make shortcut to daorigins.exe, found in bin_ship, on your desktop. At the end of the target line add -enabledeveloperconsole. Dont forget the space.
The target line end should look like this: daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole
To open the console, start the game from the shortcut and press the Tilde button ~` Note: The console is invisible.
如何调出控制台:建一个daorigins.exe(在 bin_ship文件夹里)的游戏快捷方式,放到桌面上,把快捷方式的目标指向改成:daorigins.exe" -enabledeveloperconsole
打开控制台:使用此快捷方式启动游戏,然后按 ` (就是TAB键上面那个)
提示:控制台是不可见的。 留名咯...等翻译...完全看不懂..~~ 实在没看懂.
等翻译大大. 非常好用娃哈哈哈~~~~~实在是感谢啊~~~~ 等待LZ的 中文对照表~~ 完全看不懂··········