不是说今天出吗,怎么还没消息? 慌什么!!!明天就出了 同問.. 一切向大菠萝看齐,不跳票不是好游戏 注意时差字数字数 好象官方没说过是几号出的吧。 LS的。。官方写 11月5号前 11月5日前是某人YY的…… 夜里12点。美国那不过才5号中午而已。
最早也得我们这凌晨时候了。 Can't give you an exact date/hour, but we're aiming for early next week. I doubt monday though.
Shouldn't be TOO much longer - I'll let you know as soon as the release candidate has entered testing. To clarify - we ARE testing now, but there were some bugs we fixed with the fixes that need to be re-tested, etc.
We have a build with all the fixes in JUST now going into test.
I don't think there's any way it will come out today - that's only 4 hours of testing! And if something goes wrong with the build, of course it has to be fixed and rebuilt. Earliest time will be sometime late tomorrow, I think.
I don't get to relax until this thing goes out the door, so I am HIGHLY motivated to get it into your hands as fast as humanly possible.
我只看到官网有这些消息,没写11月5号出 什么叫跳票,官网根本没说过5号出,是翻译的那个人YY的。。。 原帖由 showtown 于 2009-11-5 21:05:00 发表
Can't give you an exact date/hour, but we're aiming for early next week. I doubt monday though.
Shouldn't be TOO much longer - I'll let you know as soon as the release candidate has entered testing. ......
我没有得到放松,直到这件事出门,所以我非常想进入你的手中,以不可思议的速度。 呵呵,再晚不会晚于汉化的