刚才去官网看了一下,好像快出来了。I hope you all have been enjoying Torchlight so far, it has been an intense 24 hours since we launched. The http://www.torchlightgame.com servers have been pretty hammered but they are holding up (mostly). While you are downloading, make sure you check out the new trailer we posted on youtube! After you get the game, you should go jump in the forums to talk about it with your fellow Torchlighters!
If you have any issues with the game, please check out the support forums or contact us at [email protected].
大家跟我一起喊“快出来!!” 标题党啊啊…… 果然标题党…… 不要开大家玩笑,小心被弹jj 没提到啊? 一篇废文章而己,叫你去官方论坛交流 挑挑毛病的了、标题很诱惑的 LZ淡定淡定 革命尚未成功 大家仍需等待 。。。说好听点是很唯心主义 。。说不好听就是太幼稚。。 估计一时半会出不来了耐心等待 希望取消强化和赌博,增加野外boss. 等被举报 不要开大家玩笑,小心被弹jj 你的GG思密达的干活 再一次被标题…… 希望限制强化次数 一库~~~一库~~ 我估计明天补丁就出来了,然后汉化补丁是后天~~嗯嗯~
YY无极限~~~~~~~~ 白高兴了 伤心啊 坚决打击标题党 话说我还没开始玩 原来是假牙 LZ这个标题党 标题党 果然是假牙 我是被骗进来的!我~~~~~~~! 哇哈哈。等补丁都等的这么辛苦啊。。。 据官网说5号之前会出补丁....... 赶快出吧 是什么不定 修复BUG的吗? 祝贺楼主以后吃泡面都找不到调料包! 都找不到调料包