If you are stuck! There is a solution-
If you have a town portal, try opening it and going through if you can -
However, if that doesn't work, I have a handy console command we can enable for you. You can 'ascend' a floor ( which will NOT mark you as a cheater ), and that should get you out.
From start->run
and press enter
Then browse to runic gamestorchlight
there should be a settings.txt file in there
Console :0
Console :1
Now, when you load your character, hold SHIFT and press the ~ key
a console should come up -
type ASCEND and press return
that should pop you up a level and hopefully you should be un-stuck.
Runic Staff
Posts: 454
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:17 pm 上面是官网的答案。。。我试试再来报告。。。 控制台有回城命令
就是这样 哈哈。。。好了。。。我要真诚地谢谢我的英语老师。。。
流氓有文化。。。全世界都为你让路。。。 settings.txt 开控制台Console :1 ,游戏里shift+~呼出输入ASCEND ,我已经背得了 其实你可以退出再读档....在标题画面选L不要选C.... 一波未平一波又起。。。请专家。。。 呃。LZ有后台。。。