回复 118# liyuejun1979 的帖子
难道你玩的不是D版? 路过 期待补丁早日到来,!! 等等等啊等!就等这个出了 游戏内容没什么改变? 重新下载还叫补丁吗?!!! 原帖由 x712x 于 2009-11-6 12:51:00 发表重新下载还叫补丁吗?!!!
如果不叫补丁,叫什么呢,新版本、新版、更新版? 原来前面的发布时间是杜撰出来的 原帖由 dylan1984 于 2009-11-6 13:00:00 发表
So, here's the skinny -
The patch is really a full game replacement. Because the base file package ( most of the filesize ) was TOTALLY replaced, it's really just the whole game again. In fact, it is slightly larger, because the precompressed zip file doesn't compress as well the second time out when making the installer.
You WILL have to get the patch from the distributor you got your copy from - they each have their own DRM, so you'll need to get an update from them. We'll do everything we can to make sure they've got the materials they need, but I can't make any guarantees for how long an individual partner will need to get a build up.
http://forums.runicgames.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=2030&p=49573#p49573 坐在沙发上等他来 必须重新下载整个游戏,晕啊。就不可以在现有基础上打补丁吗 静待破解好的 zengsigehaoxiaoxiyouyouyouxixiale 改的越平衡越好! 疯狂期待啊 不要重新下载吧!不然我会疯掉的~~ 补丁多大也得下载,必须的! 期待快点发布啊 haoduobudingtiea 靠,又要重新下载!!!!以前的记录,mod还能用咩??? 补丁今天放出了。那么做汉化工作的大大们是不是又要重头开始了呢? 期待补丁,不想重下。。。 楼主,我顶死你!!!! 无所谓啊,汉化补丁才是目前最重要的。