Pet Levels and AttributesYour pet gains experience as you battle--even if you have your pet set to a Passive Stance. Your pet does not gain individual attribute points like your character. To see your pet’s abilities, open the Pet Sheet by left-clicking the gauntlet cursor on the pawprint icon on the interface or by pressing the ―P‖ key on your keyboard.
Your pet has four key attributes that increase as you gain levels, but these characteristics can temporarily increase or decrease depending on what sort of transformations you use on your pets:
Melee Damage: This is the amount of damage your pet inflicts during an attack.
Elemental Damage: This is the amount of elemental damage your pet inflicts during an attack. Certain magical rings and necklaces increase elemental damage.
Ranged Damage: This is the amount of damage your pet can inflict during a ranged attack from a distance.
Amount of Damage Absorbed: This defensive statistic shows you how much damage your pet can absorb during an attack.
Amount of Damage Absorbed: This defensive statistic shows you how much damage your pet can absorb during an attack.
回复 1# davelong99 的帖子
这个,其实官方手册里说的都是废话,玩过fate的人对宠物应该很了解,火炬只是多了3种模式而已,主动攻击,被动攻击(怪物打你的时候小弟就出马了),被动不攻击(只会放辅助性魔法),官方手册里建议的是让宠物学召唤魔法,并处于主动攻击模式,招一堆小弟的小弟,然后一堆小弟跟着你这个老大一起啃怪 一直让第一幕那个战士跟着刷地城。貌似他不会死啊。。。 根据LZ提供的说明,应该是不管宠物被设定成何种战斗状态他都会成长,但宠物是自动加点的,不像主角是提供成长点数然后你可以选择加点 。。。还有吃鱼对宠物成长的帮助没有提到吧所以LZ提供的两条建议不敢苟同 。。。