这是原文Open regedit (Go into Command Prompt and type in regedit... this will open a new window.)
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesi8042prtParameters
There should be an entry named OverrideKeyboardSubtype with a type of REG_DWORD and a value of 2. Set the value to 0 and reboot.
now, uninstalling the IR drivers in the device manager (if you have them) will work to enable the console to come up.
if you don't have any IR drivers, then just doing the reg change should fix it for you. 那太好了, ???????????????
我办公室的本本是VISTA HOME的,怎么一上来就能用控制台........
哎,人长的太帅了电脑都不正常了... 实际上只要删除IR组件就行了 vista64位台式机,一开始就能用控制台啊.