ccxx22 发表于 2009-10-16 14:59



Grease Fire:
Grease + Fire = Burninaty patch of doom that cannot be put out except by:

Flame Quencher:
Grease Fire + Blizzard = No more Grease Fire =)

Storm of the Century:
Blizzard + Tempest = Massive, dangerous electrical storm.

Petrified or Frozen enemy + Critical hit/Stone fist/Crushing Prison = Crashy smashy die die die.

Paralysis Explosion:
Overlap Glyph of Paralysis and Glyph of Repulsion = Big explosion that Palayses everything instantly.

Sleep + Horror = Irresistable Horror effect and massive spirit damage.

Cast Force Field on yourself/ally, then Crushing Prison on that self/ally (Yes, cast a damage spell on a friendly target!) = Both spells effects are cancelled (I assume this means you are freed from Force Field and Crushing Prison does no damage), and it makes a big shockwave which damages everything expect the character you targetted.

Advanced Reanimation:
Spell Might + Animate Dead = Much more powerful Skeleton with more abilities.

Improved Drain:
Vulnerability Hex + Drain Life OR Drain Mana = Double effect drain spell.

Entropic Death:
Death Hex + Death Cloud = "Truely massive" spirit damage to the cursed enemy.

yyffe 发表于 2009-10-16 15:06

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