Arma 2 1.03 patch 放出
* New: Functions getPosATL and setPosATL to allow controlling position relative to terrain.
* New: command line option -showScriptErrors introduced to show errors in scripts on-screen
* New: Direct analogue throttle and brake for airplanes now available.
* New: More flexible configuration of Flares in the config (brightness, size)
* New: Mission name (with * indicated unsaved work) displayed in the mission editor
* New: Keyboard shortcuts in the mission editor
* Improved: better handling of gravitation for shots (esp. for grenades)
* Improved: Building destruction
* Improved: Better airplane HUD visibility both night and day
* Optimization: Reduced frame stutter near map borders.
* Hotfix: Players are forced to reconnect after MP Load on server.
* Fixed: no particles effect when hit object with destructNo
* Fixed: grenade could destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: grenades may explode only on the final impact
* Fixed: when a grenade bounces on a ship deck, the proper particle effects is shown now
* Fixed: missiles should pass through vegetation
* Fixed: Player connected to loaded game was sometimes frozen.
* Fixed: Game crashed when launched on a system with more then 8 CPUs/cores.
* Fixed: Possible crash with laser designator active.
* Fixed: Sometimes crew of a close vehicle was visible through the vehicle.
* Fixed: Infinite looping of commands 'Stop' in radio.
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' do not work in TrackIR.
* Fixed: Clients were often endlessly stuck in 'Receiving...' window after MP Load.
* Fixed: Rainbow could be visible even with sun below horizon.
* Fixed: 3D Editor - civilian and resistance units did not work correctly
* Fixed: Sea surface was not rendered in NE area out of map.
* Fixed: Terrain surface was sometimes using wrong parallax map.
* Fixed: Grenade could sometimes destroy a building just by impact
* Fixed: Radio messages sometimes echoed
* Fixed: Team switch did not work when player died
* Fixed: Reduced AI detecting slowly moving enemy vehicles by ear.
* Fixed: Prevent killed AI units reporting who killed them.
* Fixed: After respawn in MP, player's tasks, diary content and skills are transferred to the new entity
* Fixed: Leaning 'limits' did not work with TrackIR
* Fixed: MP client frozen in Receiving... screen sometimes
* Fixed: Problems with saving and loading games in cooperative campaign
* Fixes and improvements in most of the campaign missions (Into the Storm, Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, Manhattan, Badlands, Dogs of War)
* Improved: autosave logic to not save when it was not safe
* Improved: Eye for an Eye in Scenarios
* Fixed: Warfare fast travel on clients was not using logistic values
* Fixed: Warfare money sending
* Fixed: Warfare HQ multiple reports
* Fixed: First-Aid: Action module caused healing scripts to run twice
* Fixed: Supply drop not ending (wrong vehicle class)
* New: First-Aid modules work with respawn
* New: First-Aid ability to stop healing
* New: Added ability to add Support Requests that do not expire.
* Improved: First-Aid modules more robust and faster
* Improved: Better support for side Resistance in SOM / ACM.
* Fixed: Invisible driver in UAZ (MG and GL)
* Fixed: AI soldiers were able to hear extremely well
* Fixed: various minor problems on buildings
* Fixed: rocks destruction effect changed
* Fixed: penetrability of some vegetation
* Fixed: collision geometry of A_BuildingWIP
* Fixed: react FSM core conversations
* Fixed: cargo animations in LAV25
* Fixed: indicators in Ka52 when using NVG
* Fixed: cargo animations in BTR
* Fixed: Warfare keypoint on Chernarus
哇~刚还寻思1。03啥时候出呢,这一刷新页面就冒出来了 期待1.03的免cd补丁
不用免cd的话,要咋么模拟光驱进入啊,期待 据说战役的已知BUG都修正了 这下销量又该上升了 转自:驱动之家, 作者:Zhengogo
由波斯尼亚工作室出品的《ArmA 2》将迎来一次重大更新,主要有:
· 新增getPosATL及setPosATL功能以控制与地形相关的方位
· 新增命令行选项-showScriptErrors以便提示脚本错误
· 现可直接支持连续量输入的类比方式节流阀及刹车
· 任务编辑器现可支持键盘快捷键
· 重力模拟特性得到修正(比如手雷的飞行轨迹)
· 建筑物可摧毁特性得到改进
· 飞行载具的抬头显示器在昼/夜条件下的可读性得到改善
· 主机加载多人任务图后强制各成员重新连接
· 带有不可破坏属性的物体受打击后无实质影响
· 手雷可仅凭毁伤后效应摧毁一座建筑
· 手雷有可能只表现出终段效应
· 手雷在水面载具甲板反弹后,现可得到正确的实质性影响
· 导弹现可贯通植被
· 游戏现可运行于8核以上系统中而不会崩溃
· 修正了激光指示器有可能导致游戏崩溃的错误
· 修正了封闭式载具的成员从外部可视的错误
· 修正了电台中的口令会重复播放的错误
· 修正了太阳下山后仍可见到彩虹的错误
· 修正了3D编辑器中平民及居民表现异常的错误
· 修正了地表有时会不当应用视差映射的错误
· 玩家阵亡后现可正常切换团队
· AI队友现对缓慢移动的敌方载具所表现出的听力水平不再那么牛B
· 击杀AI队友不再招致系统的碎碎念
· 某些情况下玩家会卡在信息读取状态下的错误现已得到修正
· 修正或改进了绝大多数战役任务(Into the Storm、Harvest Red、Bitter Chill、Manhattan、Badlands、Dogs of War)
· 自动存盘机制现得到改进,没把握的情况下不会强制存盘
· (略)
另外,有人抱怨《ArmA 2》Steam版本此次更新的数据规模有4G之巨,而针对零售光碟版的补丁只有125M,显然是开发商那边出了什么问题,强迫Steam用户把整部游戏重新下载一遍。
《ArmA 2》的补丁之路还很漫长,追求完美的玩家还要再等等看。 驱动之家的是 部分机器翻译 + 部分人工YY 的火星物....
彩虹....难道是怨念物么 俺知道有...但是为啥 俺 没见过,,,