治愈之水的学法:Arcana spells don't level by using them as the other arts. You have to get the required "base" spell and learn it as you did the first time.
*To learn Rejuvenating Water I the leader has to use one of these spells: Restore V, Refresh IV, Rejuvenate III, Revitalize II or Support
*To learn Rejuvenating Water II the leader has to use one of these spells: Refresh V, Rejuvenate IV, Revitalize III, Support II or Kiss of Life
*To learn Rejuvenating Water III the leader has to use one of these spells: Rejuvenate V, Revitalize IV, Support III, Kiss of Life II or Second Chance
*To learn Rejuvenating Water IV the leader has to use one of these spells: Revitalize V, Support IV, Kiss of Life III or Second Chance II
*To learn Rejuvenating Water V the leader has to use one of these spells: Support V, Kiss of Life IV or Second Chance III
但是假如我队长要用Kiss to Life 2来学,那招直接将目标的血集体加满,怎么还会要其余至少3名队员再用Remedies技?!
谢谢大家~ 这个需要一定得RP的,如果成功学到的话前面设定好的技能都会rethink
回复 2# mata 的帖子
也就是说 即使显示的是 “队长:Kiss to Life 2, 其他人都是:To Standby" 去救一队全灭的,到时RP好的话会rethink,然后学会是吗? 第一队把人救起来,有时第二队就放愈水了,记得是这样 恩恩~谢谢你!我去试一试~不知大家还有没有其它好方法来学“治愈之水”?
但是这个的话系统默认的发动可行条件实在是太苛刻了 ...能真正满足这个条件的实在是太少了....
向大家求助呀~ 给目标队提升HP,给回复队的队长换魔攻低的武器,方法还是很多的。实在不能靠换装备解决,也可以令3队同时锁定一个敌人掉血以后让回复队靠侧击那个敌人来同时为三队加血,这样就可轻易使4名队员同时施放回复魔法而学得愈水 学愈水 建议配合魔封阵 加血量很少 刚刚翻了翻老帖,发现了这个好东东~
在此再次谢谢大家~ 治愈之水是干什么的?......
莫不是就是艾玛出来的时候就带个那个技能? 不是,是一个合体禁术。