转自 GT 论坛英雄连区 (DOW2 区也有转贴了)http://www.gametotal.org/forum/showthread.php?t=32498
原帖地址: GT 即时战略游戏社区论坛( GT RTS Community ) http://www.gametotal.org/forum/showthread.php?p=295596
Please do not reply to this email. To help ensure a prompt response, please click the link at the bottom of this email to refine your question.
On 7/7/2009 you posed a question to THQ which was noted as inquiry 85488.
The question you posed and our response are listed below.
Your Question, Comment or Feedback:
Today when i play the TOV,it says that my account
was banned.I was wondering Why?I bought The TOV
online in ebay,and also some of my friends' accounts
were banned too.Can you just please check my account?
MY cd key is CD-KEY:xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
If the seller is a cheater,I must first confirm WHY
my account was banned,so please reply,thanks.
Response :
Thank you, Jackson, for contacting THQ Customer Support.
This CD Key was originally purchased using a fraudulent credit card. I would suggest seeking a refund and then purchasing the game from a reputable source.
Best regards,
Chris B
THQ Customer Support
http://support.thq.com 看的我晕,不过他们办事效率还挺高的 0 0 ··英文··四级没过··看不懂··回家看书了
回复 3# cfttt 的帖子
用谷歌在线翻译。 这不就是所谓的黑号么 草莓中招了???? 49的用了一个多月了没问题,看来人品不错唉! 老美辦事服務跟國人比不得... 谢谢了,我正打算买KEY呢 老美辦事服務跟國人比不得...chinese329 发表于 2010-6-29 19:12 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
人家那是顾客是上帝,付不付费都是;我们是付费前是上帝,过了谁知道你是神马玩意儿..................... 看来哪个游戏都有这样的情况啊,网上买key不能不谨慎啊。 人家那是顾客是上帝,付不付费都是;我们是付费前是上帝,过了谁知道你是神马玩意儿................ ...
jy00794093 发表于 2011-8-23 23:23 http://bbs.blacksheepgame.com/images/common/back.gif
+1 人家那是顾客是上帝,付不付费都是;我们是付费前是上帝,过了谁知道你是神马玩意儿................ 还好我没买,忍住了 我那80元的CDK 到现在都没封呢,5年了吧 这是黑号啊,别通过淘宝或者其他途径买吧,最好是官方买 1111111111111111111