黑闇の雲 发表于 2009-6-25 18:17

冲突世界 1.011更新补丁


New features:

- Four new multiplayer maps:

?do_Apocalypse - Deep in the jungles of the Mekong, Soviet and U.S. forces struggle for possession of a vital intelligence dispatch.
?do_Canal - A tranquil canal divides Soviet and NATO forces as they fight for control of a small French Village.
?do_Studio - In an attempt to crush the morale of the hated Americans, Mother Russia has decided to attack the heart of their enemy’s entertainment industry!
?do_Tequila - A sleepy Mexican village is shaken out of its siesta by the sound of roaring Soviet and U.S. tanks.
Units and balancing:

?All Anti-Air Strike timings are now much more similar, based on the USSR version.
?NATO Air-to-Air Strike has a changed animation of the airplane and is now identical to US and USSR.
?NATO Air-to-Air Strike missiles now have the same speed as on the US and USSR Air-to-Air Strike.
?Visual change: Ground marker on the Air-to-Air Strike changed to more accurately reflect target area. This does not in any way affect the functionality of the TA.
?Infantry squads now drop with a larger spread.
?Infantry squads now have a larger formation spread after move orders.
?Forest clearing has been removed from all units except for artillery units and special abilities on medium tanks.
?Medium Helicopters has had a decrease in health.
?Medium Helicopters has had a decrease in missile and cannon range.
?Medium Helicopters now has decreased cannon blast damage.
?US Medium Helicopters can now fire at targets behind it, making it more similar to the other factions.
?Medium Artillery has had its maximum range decreased.
?Medium Artillery Special Ability now has increased reload time.
?Medium Artillery now receives less reload time improvement when leveling up.
?Visual change: Changed the special ability effect on US/NATO Medium Artillery to a larger WP cloud, lingering flames and slight terrain deformation. Overall duration now matches gameplay effect.
?Tweaked deployment zones on do_Mauer in favor of USSR.
?Tweaked deployment zones on do_Fjord in favor of NATO.
Bug fixes:

?Changed the health of a stone bridge that had 50% more health than it should. All bridges should now be destroyable with two Laser Guided Bombs.
?Fixed a bug where infantry squads would sometimes get deselected when a member of the squad died.
?Fixed a bug where Sniper units inside buildings would sometimes fire at units they did not have line of sight to.
?Fixed a bug where infantry would run out of the forest when dropped from a helicopter.
?Fixed a bug where the LOS shader would in some cases calculate incorrectly.
?Fixed a bug where the movement lines in the megamap would remain after the units had been ordered to stop.
?Fixed a bug where the stone bridge used on do_Canal and as_Hillside would move when terrain was deformed close to it.
?Fixed a bug where the server would crash when certain orders were stacked.
?Fixed a bug that caused heat-haze not to render.
?Slight tweaks to USSR Medium Artillery special ability: crater size is more consistent, and the effect no longer occasionally fails to play an impact sound.





安装了 冲突世界 - 苏联进攻 的玩家建议打英文版补丁,我打的就是英文版的一切正常,未测试在冲突世界 - 苏联进攻 上打繁中补丁会怎么样…


xubo1116 发表于 2009-7-26 09:47

太棒了   哈哈哈啊

fg91 发表于 2009-7-26 15:35


Pinkseaman 发表于 2009-9-16 17:01


374304447 发表于 2009-10-8 22:41


id0987 发表于 2009-10-10 09:05


seoul_sz 发表于 2009-11-17 19:10


seoul_sz 发表于 2009-11-17 19:10


twoz521 发表于 2009-12-12 02:55


twoz521 发表于 2009-12-12 02:55


snyjw 发表于 2009-12-19 13:17

update required in order to apply this update please login to massgate from within the game apply the previous update.什么意思需要先装1.0.1.0?已经是这个版了呀。。注册表也正常还要怎么弄?

zachary652 发表于 2009-12-21 12:00


eanba 发表于 2010-1-1 13:42


Qilili 发表于 2010-4-13 18:54

真在下原版和资料片 补丁也开始下起来

mahailong008 发表于 2012-9-19 21:44


lsgbcishduicj 发表于 2013-6-6 23:02

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