407058859 发表于 2009-6-1 17:17

大作云集!E3 2009所有参展游戏名单公布

在经过前两年的低迷后,全球最大的电玩展E3将在今年6月2日~4日,在洛杉矶国际会议中心卷土重来,重回全球最大电玩展的光荣盛事,这里罗列出了所有即将参展的游戏名单和游戏商,我们会及时更新更多参展游戏的最新消息,届时请关注我们的E3 2009报道。

洛杉矶当地时间6月1日上午10:45 微软新闻发布会(北京时间6月2日凌晨1点45分)。
洛杉矶当地时间6月2日上午08:45 任天堂新闻发布会(北京时间6月3日凌晨1点45分),E3 2009正式开幕。
洛杉矶当地时间6月2日上午10:45 索尼新闻发布会(北京时间6月3日凌晨2点45分)。
洛杉矶当地时间6月4日下午17:00 E3 2009闭幕。


2K Games
·《生化奇兵2》BioShock 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
·《无主之地》Borderlands (PC, PS3, X360)
·《黑手党2》Mafia II (PC, PS3, X360)

2K Sports
·The Bigs 2 (X360)
4mm Games and Def Jam Interactive
·Def Jam Rapstar

·《疾驰残影》Blur (PC, PS3, X360)
·DJ Hero (PS2, PS3, Wii, X360)
·《吉他英雄5》Guitar Hero 5
·Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 (DS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360)
·《使命召唤6:现代战争2》Modern Warfare 2 (PC, PS3, X360)

·《奇点》Singularity (360, PS3, PC)
·Tony Hawk: RIDE (360, PS3, Wii)
·《变形金刚:卷土重来》Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PS3, 360, Wii, PC, PS2, DS, PSP)
·《德军总部》Wolfenstein (PS3, 360, PC)

·《圣战群英传III:复兴》Disciples III: Renaissance (PC)

·Class of Heroes (PSP)
·《水管》(益智类)Droplitz (PC, PS3, X360)
·Knights in the Nightmare (DS)
·《蒸汽幻想》Neo Steam: The Shattered Continent (PC)
·Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS)
·Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (PSP)
·Steambot Chronicles: Battle Tournament (PSP)
·《边缘》Brink (PS3, 360, PC)

·《生化尖兵》Bionic Commando (PC)
·《黑暗虚空》Dark Void (PC, PS3, X360)
·《丧尸围城2》Dead Rising 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
·Fate/Unlimited Codes (PSP)
·《失落的星球2》Lost Planet 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
·Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (PS3, X360)
·Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace (DS)
·Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker (DS)
·Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)
·Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil (Wii)
·Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii)
·Spyborgs (Wii)
·《街头霸王4》Street Fighter IV (PC)
·《街头霸王4》Street Fighter IV (MadCatz Fight Pad Bundle) (PC)
·Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars (Wii)
·Capcom Mystery Game #1
·Capcom Mystery Game #2
cdv Software Entertainment
·《神界2》Divinity 2: Ego Draconis (PC, X360)

City Interactive
·Ancient Quest of Saqqarah (DS)
·Animal Country: Life on the Farm (DS)
·Chronicles of Mystery: Curse of the Ancient Temple (DS)
·Combat Wings: The Great Battles of WWII (Wii)
·I Love Beauty: Hollywood Makeover (DS)
·Logic Machines (DS)
·Mind Training: Think Positive (DS)
·Party Designer (DS)
·Redneck Chicken Riot (Wii)
·Sushi Academy (DS)

·《霸王2》Overlord II (360, PS3, PC)
·Overlord: Dark Legend (Wii)
·Overlord: Minions (DS)
·《科林麦克雷拉力赛之尘埃2》DiRT 2 (360, PS3, PC, Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP)
·《自由飞翔》Rise of Flight (PC)
·Just Flight lineup (PC add-ons)
·FragFX V2 (PS3)
·Free Play (Accessory)

Crave Entertainment
·Monster Mayhem: Build and Battle (DS, Wii)
·Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection (PS3, X360)
DTP (Digital Entertainment Pool)
·《黑镜2》Black Mirror 2 (PC)
·《龙歌:时间之河》Drakensang: The River of Time (PC)
·《海盗幽灵岛》Ghost Pirates of Voojoo Island (PC)
·《亡者世界》Venetica (PC, X360)

Deck 13
Strain (tba)
Disney Interactive Studios
·Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show (PSP)
·Spectrobes: Origins (Wii)
·《争分夺秒》Split/Second (PC, PS3, X360)
·Toy Story Mania (Wii)
·Wizards of Waverly Place (DS)
DreamCatcher Interactive
·Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (DS)
·《哥特王朝》Arcania (PC, X360)
·Prank Your Neighbor (DS)
·《咒语力量:命运的信念》Spellforce Faith in Destiny (PC)
·The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft (Wii)
·The Legend of Kay (DS)
·Yoga (Wii)

Eidos Interactive
·《蝙蝠侠:阿甘疯人院》Batman: Arkham Asylum (PC, PS3, X360)
·《蝙蝠侠:阿甘疯人院收藏版》Batman: Arkham Asylum (Collector’s Edition) (PC, PS3, X360)
·《正当防卫2》Just Cause 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
Electronic Arts
·Army of Two: The 40th Day (PS3, PSP, X360)
·《战地:1943》Battlefield: 1943 (360, PS3, PC)
·《战地叛逆连队2》Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
·Brutal Legend (PS3, X360)
·Command & Conquer: Red Alert (Mobile)
·Dante’s Inferno (PS3, PSP, X360)
·Dead Space Extraction (Wii)
·《龙之时代:起源》Dragon Age: Origins (PC, X360, PS3)
·EA Sports Active (Wii)
·EA Sports Grand Slam Tennis
·《FIFA世界足球10》FIFA Soccer 10 (Cell, DS, PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360)
·Fight Night Round 4 (PS3, X360)
·G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra (360, PS3, Wii, PS2, PSP, DS, Mobile)
·Grand Slam Tennis (Wii)
·Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
·Littlest Pet Shop Online (Webgame)
·Madden NFL 10 (PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360, iPhone)
·《质量效应2》Mass Effect 2 (PC, X360)
·Mass Effect Galaxy (iPhone)
·MySims Agents (DS, Wii)
·NCAA Football 10 (PS2, PS3, PSP, X360)
·NHL 10 (PS3, X360)
·Need for Speed Nitro (DS, Wii)
·《极品飞车13:变速》Need for Speed Shift (PC, PS3, PSP, X360)
·Spore Hero (Wii)
·Spore Hero Arena (DS)
·《破坏者》The Saboteur (PC, PS3, X360)
·《模拟人生3》The Sims 3 (PC, iPhone)
·Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (PS2, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360)
·Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 (Wii MotionPlus Bundle) (Wii)

Fallen Earth
·《堕落星球》Fallen Earth (PC)
Genius Products
·Scratch: The Ultimate DJ (PS3, X360)

Hi-Rez Studios
·Global Agenda (PC)
Ignition Entertainment
·Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)
·Nostalgia (DS)
·The King of Fighters XII (PS3, X360)
JoWood Productions
·《止痛药:复活》Painkiller: Resurrection (PC)

Just Flight
·《757》机长 757 Captain (PC)
·《空中运输》Air Hauler (PC)
·《交通X》Traffic X (PC)
·Warbirds of WWII (PC)
·《世界机场3 :北美洲》World Airports 3: North America (PC)

K2 Network Incorporated
·《我们的世界》OurWorld (PC)
·《教堂》Taikodom (PC)
·《胜利:赛车年代》Victory: The Age of Racing (PC)

KOEI - Updated May 29th
·Monster Racers (DS)
·TRINITY: Souls of Zill O’ll (PS3)
·Warriors: Legends of Troy
·Warriors Orochi 2 (PSP)

·Kojima Productions Project (TBA)


MTV Games
·The Beatles: Rock Band (PS3, Wii, X360)

·A Boy and His Blob (Wii)
·Flip’s Twisted World (Wii)
·Go Play City Sports (Wii)
·Jillian Michaels’ Fitness Ultimatum 2010 (Wii)
·My Hero: Astronaut (DS)
·Our House: Party (Wii)
Marvelous Entertainment
·Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii)
·Flower, Sun, and Rain (DS)
·Little King’s Story (Wii)

·TBA June 1st

·City Life DS (DS)
·Scrabble Interactive: 2009 Edition (DS, Wii)
·So Blonde (DS, Wii)
·《夏季田径运动会09》Summer Athletics 2009 (PC, PS2, Wii, X360)

Namco Bandai
·Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny (PSP)
·Tekken 6 (360, PS3, PSP)
·Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion (Arcade)
·Dead to Rights: Retribution (360, PS3)
·Active Life: Extreme Challenge (Wii)

·Adventures To Go (PSP)
·Afrikda (PS3)
·Animal Kingdom: Wildlife Expedition (Wii)
·Cheer We Go! (DS)
·Harvest Moon: Animal Parade (Wii)
·Harvest Moon: Frantic Farming (DS)
·Harvest Moon: My Little Shop (WiiWare)
·Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (DS)
·Reel Fishing: Angler’s Dream (Wii)
·Squishy Tank (DS)

NHN Games
·《赫胥黎:恶托邦》Huxley: The Dystopia (PC)


Paradox Interactive
·《东印度公司》East India Company(PC)
·《钢铁雄心2》Hearts of Iron III (PC)
·《王权2:幻想国度》Majesty 2: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (PC)
·Mount & Blade: Warband (PC)

Perfect World Entertainment
·《口袋西游》Ether Saga Online (PC)
·《诛仙》Jade Dynasty (PC)
·《完美世界》Perfect World (PC)
·《火炬之光》Torchlight (PC)

Phantom EFX
·《黑暗之日》Darkest of Days (PC, X360)

Rampid Interactive
·Crowns of Power (PC)
·Outwar (Browser)
Realtime Worlds
·APB (PC, X360)

·《异形大战铁血战士2》Aliens vs. Predator (PC, PS3, X360)
·《阿尔法协议》Alpha Protocol (PC, PS3, X360)
·Bayonetta (PS3, X360)
·Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (DS, Wii)
·Planet 51 (DS, PS3, Wii, X360)
·The Conduit (Wii)
·The Conduit (Limited Edition) (Wii)
·《温哥华2010:冬奥会合作游戏》Vancouver 2010: The Official Videogame of the Winter Olympic Games (PC, PS3, X360)

Sony Computer Entertainment
·Fat Princess (PS3)
·God of War III (PS3)
·Heavy Rain (PS3)
·Infamous (PS3)
·Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (PS2, PSP)
·MAG (PS3)
·MotorStorm: Arctic Edge (PS2, PSP)
·Pain! Sore Spots (PS3)
·PixelJunk Monsters Deluxe (PSP)
·PixelJunk Shooter (PS3)
·Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time (PS3)
·SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3 (PSP)
·Singstar: Queen (PS2, PS3)
·Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
·White Knight Chronicles (PS3)

Sony Online Entertainment
·《DC漫画英雄在线》DC Universe Online (PC, PS3)
·《自由领域》Free Realms (PC)
·《急速功夫》Kung Fu Hustle (PC)
·《诺拉斯传奇》Legends of Norrath (PC)
·PoxNora (PC)
·《黑暗代理人》The Agency (PC, PS3)

·Fast Food Panic (DS, Wii)
·My Baby 2 (DS)
·《第八分队》Section 8 (PC, X360)
·Sled Shred (Wii)
·Sushi Go Round (DS, Wii)

·Arkanoid Plus! (WiiWare)
·Bust-A-Move Plus! (WiiWare)
·Rainbow Islands: Towering Adventure! (WiiWare)
·Space Bust-A-Move (DS)
·Space Invaders Extreme 2 (DS)

·Family Fun Football (Wii)
·Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 (PS3)
·Quantum Theory (PS3)
·Undead Knights (PSP)


·All Star Cheer Squad 2 (Wii)
·Cars: Race-O-Rama (tba)
·Darksiders (PS3, X360)
·Homefront (PC, PS3, X360)
·MX vs. ATV Reflex (DS, PS3, PSP, X360)
·Marvel Super Hero Squad (DS, PS2, PSP, Wii)
·《红色派系:游击队》Red Faction: Guerrilla (PC, PS3, X360)
·SpongeBob’s Truth or Square (DS, PSP, Wii, X360)
·UFC 2009 Undisputed (PS3, X360)

·101 Minigolf World (DS)
·Ball Fighter (DS)
·《遗弃的巡逻队》Forsaken Patrol (PC, PS3, X360)
·《泰迪熊休伯特:渡假岛》Hubert the Teddy Bear: Holiday Island (PC, Wii)
·《我的健康》My Fitness (PC)
·《机器人营救》Robot Rescue (DS)

Tomy Corporation
·NARUTO Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 (Wii)
·NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Council 4 (DS)
·NARUTO Shippuden: Ninja Destiny 2 (DS)
·PANGYA: Fantasy Golf (PSP)
Trion World Network
·Heroes of Telara (PC)

·Assassin’s Creed II (PC, PS3, X360)
·Imagine: Family Doctor (DS)
·Rabbids Go Home (Wii)
·Red Steel 2 (Wii)

UserJoy Technologies
·《探险时代:在线》Adventure Generation Online (PC)
·《王国英雄》Kingdom Heroes 2 (PC)
·《项目英雄》Project Heroes (PC)

Vogster Entertainment
·《犯罪工艺》CrimeCraft (PC)
·Robocalypse: Beaver Defense (Wii)
·Robocalypse: Mobile Mayhem (iPhone)
·Unbound Saga (PSP)
Warner Bros. Interactive
·Batman: Arkham Asylum (360)
·《FEAR2:起源计划DLC》FEAR 2 DLC (360, PS3, PC)
·Lego Battles (DS)
·LEGO Rock Band (DS, PS3, X360)
·Scooby Doo: First Frights (Wii, PS2, DS)
·Scribblenauts (DS)
·The Clique: Diss and Make-up (DS)
·The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest (tba)

Xseed Games
·JU-ON: The Grudge (Wii)
·Ragnarok Online DS (DS)
·Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga (Wii)

紫月星砂 发表于 2009-6-1 17:39


dahuanggua 发表于 2009-6-2 01:45

huimbvc 发表于 2009-6-2 06:38


xiaodwyao1 发表于 2009-6-2 09:38

哇哈哈~~~ 期待期待

新手110 发表于 2009-6-3 13:14


wcs416 发表于 2009-6-3 16:09

回复 2# 紫月星砂 的帖子


Anance 发表于 2009-6-3 21:31


wxloveww 发表于 2009-6-4 02:31


la9258351 发表于 2009-6-4 18:59


yun2926 发表于 2009-6-4 19:12

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查看完整版本: 大作云集!E3 2009所有参展游戏名单公布