01.The First Awakening
02.Cherished Memories
03.Opening Suite: The Search
04.Opening Suite: The Chase
05.Opening Suite: The Charge
06.Opening Suite: The Assault
07.Clash of Opposites
08.Truths Revealed
09.All For Her
11.Gathering Clouds
12.Into the Depths
14.Struggle Eternal
15.Sliver of Hope
16.The Young Marquis
17.The Known World
18.The City of Heroes
19.A Friendly Ear
20.An Open Mind
21.Fair Judgment
22.Ante Up
23.Creeping Shadows
24.Rolling Hills, Sprawling Plains
25.Sword Sparks
27.Horns of Victory
28.Evil’s Advance
29.Glittering Gold
30.Dark Secrets
31.A Special Girl
32.Slipping Through Your Fingers
33.The Ageless Mage
34.The Bonds of Friendship
纳米下载:http://www.namipan.com/d/96664ca68f6a86627d2f33ebcc56679b777b4e66309d2508 《最后的神迹》原声大碟disk2
01. The Heavens' Majesty
02. Gateway to the West
03. The Seat of Vulcan
04. Swirling Sands
05. Free and Easy
06. The Conqueror's Message
07. Something About That Guy
08. The Binding
09. Arcane Mysteries
10. Memories Regained
11. Family
12. Ancient Magicks
13. The Curse
14. The Marshalls
15. Limberlost
16. In the Shadow of the Dragon
17. The Crumbling Fortress
18. Old Traditions, New Methods
19. Unrelenting Advance
20. Fallen
21. Catafalque
22. A Son's Loss
23. Vows Renewed
24. Everflow
25. Assembling the Puzzle
26. The Gates of Hell
27. A Sister's Faith
28. The Price of Arrogance
29. Reunited at Last
20. Echoing Hallways
31. Rewriting the Rules
32. The Second Awakening
33. Gwayn's Bellow
34. The Remnant of Fear
35. Marion's Blessing
36. Whispers of the Ancients
纳米下载:http://www.namipan.com/d/c059c92583d608db5fd7b8a431a04f4c69b5561bf62c2008 《最后的神迹》原声大碟disk3
01. Breakers on the Shore
02. Enter the Seven
03. Life Without Remnants
04. Hermeien's Ultimatum
05. Accepting the Challenge
06. Press to Victory
07. Turn the Tide
08. Unexpected Betrayal
09. Out of Control
10. Beat the Odds
11. The Bitter End
12. My Liege, My Enemy
13. Wheat From Chaff
14. Through the Tulgey Wood
15. Unconditional Trust
16. Echoes of the Past
17. Final Decision
18. Labyrinth
19. One Step
20. The Warden and the Activator
21. Time for Release
22. Nisus
23. Schismogenesis
24. The Final Sacrifice(龇牙回眸一笑时)
25. Journey's End (结尾曲)
26. Finale(制作人员表时)
27. Overture: TGS 2007 Mix
纳米下载:http://www.namipan.com/d/4f1955c862bc4e9f94bfaf0ee79653d1b80bd925e4569d08 怎么说这游戏BGM除了呲牙和字幕就没仔细听呢..........就那两段还有点印象了....
回复 4# zealstar 的帖子
我觉得这游戏的音乐非常不错,所有和剧情配合的地方都很丝丝入扣的说~谢楼主了~ 不错,收藏了可以做手机铃声 之前在驴子上面已经下完了,支持一下~
回复 7# txziggoz 的帖子
谢谢楼上的朋友,和我同好啊 申请加入置顶的资料汇总贴方便你我他。 这款游戏的OST老早就收了..有一半的游玩动力都是因为他的BGM 支持楼主,分享好资源~~ 正在找,收下了谢谢 这么好的音乐一定要好好收藏!! 不过下载好像超慢··· 还是很用心的,神迹的BGM 音樂的確相當不錯 感謝 SE的游戏BGM还是做得很用心的。 关户刚为这个游戏谱的曲真的很棒!