Error Information:
>SetupNewsetup.cpp (630)
PAPP:Terminator Salvation
PVENDOR:Evolved Games (
回复 15# zkxzyj 的帖子
终于等到头了,强烈支持! 游戏不错wwww 笔记本配置太差了,唉,看着好游戏玩不起来昏死
安装不了 很大众很一般的游戏 電影還沒開始,遊戲先玩先 那配置是最低配置吧 我的本啊 可惜了 据说不是一个好游戏。。。。。。。。。。 又是电影游戏,算了 纯支持 在下在此領收遊戲 實屬萬分感激 感然淚下一句話 好玩就值得推阿 超耐玩就值得跪拜 楼主辛苦了,画面效果看着不错! 显卡估计撑不住。。 支持啊,电脑上也能玩到了 新手 留名中~~~~~~~~~~ 下来玩玩看吧...最近这类型的游戏还真多 安装有问题~~据说是发行的压盘有问题~~从网上找来的一个解决方法:
如何修復 PC 版 Terminator Salvation 不能安裝的問題
Okay here is the fix. It takes a bit to do but I just tested and it works for me. Hope this will help the few who can understand it.
How to manually extract game files: (I already had extracted the entire disk to a folder first, not sure if you will need to.)
1. Download InstallShield Cabinet File Viewer.
2. Create a folder to put everything in (ex. C:Program FilesTerminatorSalvation). Also add the following subdirectories inside of that:
3. In your Terminator Salvation installation disk, there should be a file named data1.hdr. Open this file with InstallShield Cabinet File Viewer.
4. Go to View—> Components
5. Extract the file located inside GrinExes to the main folder you created. (TerminatorSalvation)
6. GrinExesVistaOnly to main folder (if on vista, did not show any in there for me on XP)
7. USR_bundles to TerminatorSalvationbundles
8. USR_video to TerminatorSalvationvideos
9. USR_root to TerminatorSalvation
10. USR_context_(your language) (ex. the file related to your preferred language) to TerminatorSalvation
11. Basically, inside the data folder create three subfolders named videos, cutscenes and movies. Move all extracted .bik video files to the videos folder. Also, move all .fcl, .bundle and .lhd files to the bundles folder (rename Bundles folder to bundles if it starts with an uppercase - or the game will crash).
12. In the end the structure of your folder (created in step 2) should look something like below:
Image Hosted by
13. Run TerminatorSalvation.exe to run the game. (Make sure you rename the Bundles, Videos and Data folders so that they start with lowercase letters. Also you might try rebooting the machine and launching the game if you made any changes to the files/structure.)
Taken (and edited a bit for here) from "- Thanks to JBeckman, streetunder and Newty182 on NFOHUMP for all the help" 就喜欢这样的游戏~无论动作还是画面均是一流~玩起来有种战栗的快感 Error Code: -5006 : 0x80070002
Error Information:
>SetupNewsetup.cpp (630)
PAPP:Terminator Salvation
PVENDOR:Evolved Games (
$ 3DM出的游戏真垃圾 自己发布之前可不可以先检测下能玩么浪费时间 不错不错。。。。谢谢分享 永久支持,辛苦的人 超级支持再支持等这游戏多时了···· 哎``大作都是E文的 支持发布,但另外在下实在是对这类电影改编的游戏没想法了... 现在玩第一视角游戏时间长了头晕 请问有破解补丁或者免CD补丁吗?我有两个物理光驱,只能禁掉一个。 真是不错的好游戏,非常喜欢 好游戏,顶顶顶