RT,我玩的是英文版的,希望谁能把那三样东西的名字(英文),或者编号发上来,因为东西不是只有8种吗?把他能成为山贼的三样东西的号码发上来,感激不尽!还有,怎么看武器有没有武器技啊?是一装备上就有的吗? 山賊:531、537、538、561、567、568、571、572、574
1.Banadanna of Remembrance(追憶のバンダナ): The Southwestern Road in the north alongthe wall.
2.Letter of Remembrance(追憶の手紙): The Vale of the Gods, near entrance in the water by the rocks.
3.Sword of Remembrance(追憶の剣): The Aqueducts, The Third Channel. To the south by the entrance to East Waterway Control (near the water).
4.Book of Remembrance(追憶の本): Melphina, Cobalt Plaza across from Aunt Shino's Items, on a small side path.
5.Shield of Remembrance(追憶の盾):Undelwalt, Gefyri district in the circular area by the cages on the right
6.Staff of Remembrance(追憶の杖):Siebenbur, Fourth Path in the area that becomes available during the quest Disappearing Knights. It is by the door to the Final Fortress.
7.Belt of Remembrance(追憶のベルト): Athlum, Town Square behind Comforted Yama,in an alcove to the north. He moves after Nest of Eagles events in the main quest (credit Jean-Philippe Boutin).
8.Boots of Remembrance(追憶のブーツ): Blackdale, Somber Ravine in the dead end that has Blackdale Map 3 武器技要装备某些紫色武器才有的。要事先知道那些同伴有武器技要上网查。失忆男要成为山贼要到剧情后期的帝都拿到Shield of Remembrance(追憶の盾)了才可以的。
回复 3# wzwgun 的帖子
给他 盾,剑,腰带,
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回复 3# wzwgun 的帖子
意思是前期还不能雇佣。需要拿到盾后再雇佣? 失忆山贼是后期才能雇佣,不过他一出来能力就很高了,成长也很快,他的斧头升级也很快,材料容易.还是值的. 2L的大大,我怎么给了572的东西他成了王族- -回复 7# 641168948 的帖子
不清楚了,资料来自他处。。。 我按531给,他成为了剑客- - 在阿斯拉姆广场拿不到回忆的东西啊,被一个安逸的雅玛人挡住了,拿不到,怎么办 回楼上..只因时机未到~~过就之巢之后..剑被霸王拿走了那个雅玛人才会走开的~!! 没记错的话 我给的是 盾牌 头巾 腰带,就出山贼了。