- No "red textures" anymore on graphic cards with shader 2.0a or 2.0b. (But red textures remain with shader 2.0 only cards like Radeon 9500-9800.)
- Display of ingame time will be updated directly after loading a savegame.
- The installer will not uninstall the game X3 anymore.
- Fireball has its old looks again, but doesn't illuminate the surroundings.
- New option "softer water" (only with Shader 3.0 and higher).
- Problem fixed where the sky was full of large moons.
- Rain and wind sounds will start and end with the corresponding graphic effects.
- When the hero talks to Julio after Hassan's death and before the quest "Ore thieves" was started, the dialog menu will not offer Julio's sentence "There was another fellow with him, but I couldn't make out who he was."
Ingame menus
- The protection values in the character menu will now include the effects of the perks "improve robes" or "improve armor". (Note: Without AB the perks affect the entire protection of armor, shield, helmet, rings, and amulet; with AB they only effect the actual armor.)
Inventory related topics (trading, looting, etc.)
- Temmy sells stone tablets again.
- When looting a mage or shaman by using the "Take all" key, the "amount" counter of the spells fireball and ice lance in the spellbook will not increase.
- When looting Thorald by using the "Take all" key after Thorald received his armor, Thorald's face will not be deformed.
- Problem solved where magic and ranged weapons didn't injure NPCs.
- Error in "rage mode" of animals corrected.
- The hero can block directly after a leftclick.
- When opening an ingame menu and using the mouse wheel without clicking somewhere before, the game will not crash to desktop anymore.
- Several Czech subtitles corrected.
- Some text errors corrected in German version.
- Some text errors corrected in Spanish version.
- Russian version of the regular manual added.
- "Manual for modders" updated in both German and English version.
Only with AI switch and/or "Alternative Balancing" turned on:
- After the hero was knocked down or killed when fighting against Xardas, Xardas and his army of darkness won't attack the undead servant. 好 非常感谢!!!!! 很好,打上后流畅了很多,可以说不卡了! 求翻译啊 用猪猪的1。7装了1.71以后进不了游戏了~ 怎么办?有的救吗? 这.........又说1.7是最终版...... 这个补丁改善了什么啊,谁能翻译一下啊~~~~~~~
回复 5# EinsteinPY 的帖子
照你的說法看來要再等段時間才能更新了 原帖由 EinsteinPY 于 2009-4-17 21:19:00 发表
用猪猪的1。7装了1.71以后进不了游戏了~ 怎么办?有的救吗?
猪猪的1。7装了1.71以后游戏直接被删了 ,NND 害得我要重装,看来这版本是有问题!!!!!!!!!!!!
回复 1# evangel 的帖子
原来如此,谢谢提示。 不是最终了吗还有1.71 期待继续更新,总感觉哥特3任有许多不足的地方需要修补~~~~ 翻译阿。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 谢谢分享~看样子还可以指望以后不断的更新。。。 会不会又出现很多英文? 英文很多?....
帮忙翻一下撒.. 帖子不要沉了,我还需要呢 唉。。顿卡是个大问题。。。。要不是个好游戏 我用的猪猪的繁体1.7更新的, 更新后程序报错, 无法进入游戏了啊, 有没有解决办法啊 靠,国人傻子真tm多,这补丁根本就没说到卡的问题,还tm的就在这哼哼不卡了。。。。。
搞的老子想骂人,整天忽悠个p啊 LS的活该啊,人家说人家的,关你什么事?人家只是说说装补丁以后的感觉,你那么大火干嘛?火气大开风扇 我装好了 但好像没什么感觉 顿卡还是没什么变化 打上补丁后确实流畅很多,我的是双核,vista旗舰版,4G内存,无极双敏9800GT 1G 。没打补丁前开最高效果会卡和溢出,现在打了补丁后开最高效果没跳出过,没顿卡,画面流畅。
希望有效果 猪猪前段时间发了哥特王朝3加强版,版本是1.7,后来官方又推出了1.71版补丁,这个补丁在安装的时候会自动执行unins000.exe而且无任何提示,导致原游戏被卸载,所以在升级前要将unins000.exe改名。 这个不错,顶了! Inventory related topics (trading, looting, etc.)
- Temmy sells stone tablets again.
- When looting a mage or shaman by using the "Take all" key, the "amount" counter of the spells fireball and ice lance in the spellbook will not increase.
- When looting Thorald by using the "Take all" key after Thorald received his armor, Thorald's face will not be deformed.
- Problem solved where magic and ranged weapons didn't injure NPCs.
- Error in "rage mode" of animals corrected.
- The hero can block directly after a leftclick.
- When opening an ingame menu and using the mouse wheel without clicking somewhere before, the game will not crash to desktop anymore.
我英文很差,试着翻几条吧。战斗的时候魔法武器不再误伤npc 野兽的暴怒模式被修正。英雄能够在按一下鼠标左键后锁定方向。游戏中打开一个菜单后再动鼠标滚轮就会跳出的bug被修正(我遇到过一次)。剩下的貌似没什么重要的。都是些bug修正。 我用了 没有问题 英文多么?
的 期待啊啊啊,希望出中文版啊