【官方公告整理】【2024.11.16】 W16 提示
New Implementations
[*]Added proper attribute/ability modifier tooltips! Hovering over a modified attribute/ability will now present the source(s) for any bonii/malii applied to them. About time!
[*]Added "Ship-in-a-Bottle", curiosity.
[*]Added "Rat Hat", a hat with a nice long tail crafted using "Caverat" stuff. (Not to be confused with the by now ancient storehat "Rat Hat", btw).
[*]Added "Lean Against", emote, unlocked by "Yeomanry". Character appears to lean against an object with relaxed indifference. Slaem & Hearth confirmed!
[*]添加了“Lean Against”,表情动作,由“领域”解锁。角色似乎以冷漠放松的姿态靠在一个物体上。
[*]Added a new experience.
[*]Significantly reworked an old piece of graphics to introduce a bit of an easter egg/fun mechanic. Find it if you can!
Key Fixes
[*]Added/extended support for allowing items held on the cursor to affect the character model, thus, when holding "Branding Irons" or "Firebrands" on the cursor, the character will now visually appear to hold those. Likewise, holding a "Torch" or "Lantern" on your cursor will make those visually appear, or remain, equipped on the player model.
[*]添加/扩展了允许光标上的项目影响角色模型的支持,因此,当在光标上按住“Branding Irons”或“Firebrands”时,角色现在将在视觉上显示为按住这些项目。同样,在光标上按住“火炬”或“灯笼”将使它们在玩家模型上直观地显示或保持装备。
[*]Characters should now respond properly to right-click/interact type actions when standing ready near a ridge/cliff, hopefully making them feel somewhat less magnetic.
[*]Lanterns, Ropes, Waterskin, Waterflask, Glass Jug and Keyring are all now equippable in the pouch slots added last patch.
Small Fixes
[*]Action Menu Cleanup. I have significantly reworked, moved, and subdivided menus, primarily under the "Craft" and "Build" submenus, with one of the primary objectives being to abolish the "Odds & Ends" category. Some notable changes.
[*]Removed "Odds & Ends" submenu.
[*]"Waterflask", "Water Skin" and "Glass Jug" moved to new category "Vessels & Liquids" under "Clothes & Equipment".
[*]"Cheese Tray", "Frying Pan", "Grid Iron", Cookie Cutters, "Pickling Jar", "Roasting Spit" and "Sap tap" all moved to new category "Craft"->"Clothes & Equipment"->"Tools"->"Cooking Utensils".
[*]"Pack Rack" & "Saddlebags" moved to "Packs & Sacks" crafting submenu.
[*]Made "Kuksa" and "Leaf Cup" weak symbel items and moved them to the "Cups, Mugs, Glasses & Goblets" crafting submenu.
[*]Made "Snowball" a weak curiosity and moved it to the "Toys" crafting submenu.
[*]Renamed "Furniture" to "Furniture & Decorations".
[*]Renamed "Signs & Display" to "Signs & Flags".
[*]Added new category "Decor & Display" under "Furniture & Decorations" and moved to it: The "Signs & Flags" submenu, along with "Bell Fountain", "Carpet", "Glass Display Case", "Hatrack", "Mannequin", "Skullpole" and "Snowman".
[*]Moved "Postbox" to "Furniture & Decorations".
[*]Moved "Grave Cairn" and "Runed Dolmen" to "Buildings & Constructions".
[*]Moved "Brazier", "Candelabrum", "Hookah", "Lantern Hanger", "Lantern Post", "Lantern Stand", "Pumpkin Lantern", "Snow Lantern" & "Torchpost" to new category "Build"->"Furniture & Decorations"->"Light & Fire".
[*]Added new category "Build"->"Farming & Animals", and moved to it: "Food Trough", "Hitching Post", "Mound Bed" and "Trellis".
[*]Subdivided the "Containers" menu with subcategories for liquid containers/boxes/baskets/chests
[*]Moved "Parchment" from "Odds & Ends" to "Processing & Materials".
[*]Moved "Mask of the Green Man" and "Goat Mask" to "Hats & Headwear".
[*]Added proper light sources and vfx to "Village Idol" and "Ancestral Shrine". Prty c00l. Further, characters should now use the "Casting Hearth Magic"-animation when founding villages.
[*]The following items now stack: "Sand", "Jellyfish", "Odd Tubers", "Bee Larvae", "Lake Snail", "Forest Snail", "Odd Honeycomb", "Toad", "Frog", "Bark Cordage" (additionally made "Bark Cordage" count as "Wicker") and all types of Hair (Aurochs, Badger, Squirrel).
[*]Fixed a bug by which one could not pave the tiles immediately in front of the Stonehut door, reported here.
[*]Can put "Sly Ear of the Fox" in "Hide" stockpiles.
[*]"Fishwrap" only requires 1 "Fruit".
[*]One must now have seen "Bar of Bronze, Iron, or Steel" in order to learn the "Cellar Recipe". This was a bit of a trap before, as the cellar could be built, but not excavated, by someone with only soft metal.
[*]Made the "" inventory 3x3, rather than 2x2.
[*]Redrew "Wall Shelf", "Frying Pan", "Retort", "Mortar & Pestle", "Alchemy" and "Clothes & Equipment" icons in 4x resolution.
[*]Casting molds now present their cooling time in their recipe tooltip, and you can also inspect molds to find out how much time there is left until they cool.
[*]Mannequins can now, when empty, be removed from their stands and carried away separate from them.