苜蓿苜蓿 发表于 2024-11-9 06:16

【官方公告整理】【2024.11.8】 W16 石头茅房&玉米灯

本帖最后由 苜蓿苜蓿 于 2024-11-9 06:19 编辑

原贴地址:https://www.havenandhearth.com/f ... 0f6b6f8bfdfd2d56155

New Implementations

[*]Added Left & Right Hand Pouch Equipment Slots. Characters now have two additional "Pouch" slots representing pouches carried on the left and right hand hip respectively. The slots can currently hold: Creels, Quivers, Keyrings, and Purses. This solves the horrendous absurdity that one could not wear a Creel with a Cape. One can now, should one so desire, wear e.g. two Creels, a Creel and a Purse, a keyring and a quiver, &c. Quite ÆSTHETE. Note that the character's hands currently bleed into whatever you carry on your hips, but that we aim to adress that.

[*]NOTE: Custom clients may/will have problems with e.g. not showing the new equipment slots until the new hot codes are merged. Do note that equipment previously equipped in the "wrong" slot (e.g. a Creel in the Cape slot) will automatically jump to one of the new slots, appearing to hide it. Until custom clients are updated, this can be fixed by logging into the default client, and e.g. hotkeying Creels and such to be able to open them. Apologies, there was no elegant way to merge this without hurting customs a li'l. Transient pain for a good cause. Thank you for your service.
[*]Added "Stonehut", small house built primarily with stone.
[*]Added "Music", skill required for playing and crafting instruments, and the "Whistle" emote. (Primary aim with this is to reduce the unlock load on certain skills/seen items, e.g. carpentry, boards, &c.)
[*]Added "Poplar Bough" and "Beech Bough", additional variable materials and boughs.
[*]Added "Weavable Grass" as an input type, currently represented by "Standing Grass", "Reeds", and "Straw".
[*]Added "Corndolly Lantern", curiosity, hangable as a lantern for no terribly great reason other than fun.
[*]Added "Willow Bark", specific bark from willow trees.
[*]添加了“柳树皮”,柳树出的特别树皮。(属于厚树皮 wiki说用来配置鞣革液的效率略逊于腐料)
[*]Added "Willow Weep", extract made from "Willow Bark", medicine.
[*]添加了“柳树液滴”,从“柳树皮”中提取的药物。(可治疗:挫伤 钝挫伤 脑震荡 拳击伤 解锁需要急救技能和摸过小罐子 在大锅制作)

Key Fixes

[*]Crafting recipe tooltips in the action menu now present the skills by which they were unlocked.
[*]Crafting recipe tooltips for equippable items now present the equipment slot (combinations) they can be equipped in.
[*]Learning a new recipe or action is now logged in the "System" log.
[*]Player bodies have historically been marked with a skeleton map icon, but player skeletons, absurdly, were not. Player skeletons are now marked with the same map icon as dead bodies, quite simply.
[*]Significantly relaxed the ground flatness requirements for placing stockpiles, and instead allowed stockpiles to lean with the ground.
[*]Fixed buggy hitbox for cave entrances, reported here.
[*]修复了天然矿洞入口的漏洞,报告链接在原贴里(看了下是说傻傻的天然矿洞入口必须从正前方进入 斜角就会卡墙 导致骑马根本进不去 确实 我之前卡好多次了)

Small Fixes

[*]Added "Carpentry" and "Stoneworking" as additional prerequisite skills to buildings unlocked by "Animal Husbandry": "Bird House", "Dovecote", "Rabbit Hutch", "Chicken Coop".
[*]One must now have seen "Snow" in order to be able to build "Wilderness Skis", "Sleigh" and "Kicksled".
[*]"Hide Strap", "Straw Twine", "Grass Twine", "Reed Twine", "Batwings", "Tough Root" now all stack.
[*]"Stone Table" and "Stone Throne" both now cost 15, rather than 25 "Stone" to build.
[*]"Study Desk" now costs 2, rather than 4, "Boneglue" to build.
[*]Paintings can now be crafted with any vegetable oil, rather than "Linseed Oil" specifically.
[*]"Wellspring" can now be properly marked on the map like the old gods intended.
[*]Fixed "Thatch Basket" display inconsistency, reported here.
[*]"Green Apple"s can now be pressed for "Apple Juice", reported here.
[*]Redrew "Straw" icon in new, hot, 4x resolution.

xinna201 发表于 2024-11-9 09:05


guohaozhi 发表于 2024-11-11 21:57

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