【官方公告整理】【2023.12.21】W15 圣诞老人の驯鹿
New Implementations
[*]Reindeer are now tamable! The male and female default names are, of course, "Rudolph" and "Cupid". Reindeer are draft animals capable of pulling Sleighs and Wagons. (Cheese and milk pending.)
[*]驯鹿现在可以驯养了!当然,男性和女性的默认名字是“鲁道夫”和“丘比特”。驯鹿是能够拉雪橇和马车的役畜。(奶酪和牛奶待定。)(截至发稿依旧只是拉车用 报吃)
[*]Added a "Sleigh". A vehicle which works much like the wagon, except it is faster on snow, and ice, and when pulled by a Reindeer.
Key Fixes
[*]Speed buffs from "Forager" credo and "Bunny Slippers" have been inverted. Rather than making you run faster, they now make animals chased run slower.
[*]Belts & Creels can no longer be placed inside other container items, e.g. Pelican's Pouches.
[*]As they no longer should be possible to use offensively: Removed siege notifications for Wrecking Balls.
[*]由于它们不再可能用于进攻:删除了Wrecking Balls的围攻通知。
[*]Added a small build exclusion zone around cave entrances/exits.
Small Fixes
[*]Champignons now count as alchemical ingredients.
[*]Added a tree icon for "Acacia".