【官方公告整理】【2024.3.15】W15 腌渍
原贴地址:http://www.havenandhearth.com/fo ... 050fab0edc880d49675New Implementations
[*]Added Pickling
[*]Craft a "Pickling Jar".
[*]Craft "Pickling Brine", and fill the jar with it. The amount of fluid the jar can hold decreases when items are placed in it.
[*]Put Beetroots, Carrots, Eggs, Herring, Olives, Cucumbers, or Onions in the "Pickling Jar". Over some time they will transform to pickled versions.
[*]Pickled goods can often be used in the same recipes as their non-pickled versions.
Key Fixes
[*]Added support for having specific "Icon Settings" per buddy list category of players, meaning you can set specific notification sounds and settings for various buddy groups.
[*]Custom clients can now save custom hotbelt configurations on the server.
Small Fixes
[*]Redrew several icons, primarily under the "Production & Processing" and "Siege Equipment" build submenus, in 4x resolution.
[*]Minimap icons for most animals now reflect their being alive or dead, and display and notification settings can be configured for either such state of being. (Requires an up-to-date client.)
[*]The status of toggles are reflected in their icons, both in the action menu and if put on the hotbelt. (Requires an up-to-date client.)
[*]Lumberjack bonus is properly taken into account for the Sawmill.
[*]Construction object outlines now reflect the shape of the object being built more accurately.
[*]All list-widgets are now smooth-scrolling.
[*]Fixed a number of UI scaling bugs.