[*]Version 1.06
[*]Updated the DLC map.
[*]Version 1.05
[*]Updated for App Ver. 1.12.3 / Calibrations Ver. 1.12.4.
[*]Some fixes.
[*]Version 1.04
[*]Updated for App Ver. 1.12 / Calibrations Ver. 1.12.2 + Shadow of the Erdtree. Nothing has been added yet for the DLC map (Soon™).
[*]The old default version with specific icons for every item is no longer supported.
[*]Removed the duplicated Cracked Pot mark in Raya Lucaria.
[*]Removed the duplicated Glovewort Picker's Bell Bearing mark in Farum Azula.
[*]Fixed the location text of the Furlcalling Finger in Siofra River.
[*]Fixed the armor set text of the Godskin Noble in the Divine Tower of Liurnia.
[*]Version 1.03
[*]Updated for App Ver. 1.10 / Calibrations Ver. 1.10.
[*]Version 1.02
[*]Updated for App Ver. 1.09.1 / Calibrations Ver. 1.09.1.
[*]Version 1.01
[*]Updated for App Ver. 1.09 / Calibrations Ver. 1.09.
[*]Removed menu.msgbnd.dcx (the file was not necessary).
[*]Fixed the Tree Marker using the wrong image.
[*]Fixed the location text of the 2 Old Fangs pick up in Siofra River.
[*]Added a separate version of the mod that uses much more general icons for items. Should reduce the stutter when opening the map.
[*]Version 1.00
[*]First version released.
Updated the DLC map.就是可以用了啊 这个地图需要等汉化吗? 1.07已出
woaitianmo 发表于 2024-7-8 08:30
这个还有办法改回旧版本那种使用对应的图标显示吗 开地图会卡一下 不知道是不是BUG 清蒸xiao芋头 发表于 2024-7-8 10:50
开地图会卡一下 不知道是不是BUG