转自外网的CT文件,分享给大家,对应【v1.0.0版本】,不会英文的自行翻译哈1. Money Pointer
- Need to open Map Menu first
- Showing your current Money
2. Char Pointer
- Need to Open Map or Status Menu
- If value not appear then cycle between Menu
- Char Status is the value of added STAT, so if your char level 1, then majority will have value of 0
- You can edit, Max HP, Max SP / Focus, Punch, Kick, Weapon, Throw, Speed, Luck, and Endurance
- I include some ??? address, if you now what it is you can post it in here, i only play until after the tutorial.
3. Item
- Script 1: Need to use item once, work if you have more than 1 quantity
- Script 2: Need to open Item Menu First, all your item will be 90 Quantity
4. Level Max
- Gain EXP First
- Set your EXP to 999.999
5. Level Point
- Decrease Level Point First
- Set your Level Point to 959
6. Infinite HP
- Will edit your current HP to 999
7. 1 Hit Kill Enemy and Infinite HP
- Will edit your current HP to 999
- Will edit enemy current HP to 0
- Is this game have Ally ?, maybe this script will affect your ally to have 0 current HP, if you have ally you can disable this script
**** Hidden Message *****
谢谢大佬 谢谢大佬 :):):):):):):):):) 555555555555555555555 谢谢分享啊
楼主一生平安!好人一生平安!看看隐藏内容是什么!谢谢! 谢谢楼主分享 谢谢分享
感谢分享,太需要了 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 適當修改.還是自在點
谢谢LZ的分享 感谢分享 66666666666666666666 谢谢大佬
谢谢分享 1111111111111111
感谢 还是CT用着舒服
感謝分享 感谢分享感谢分享感谢分享感谢分享感谢分享
回复看看 谢谢分享! 6666666666666666666666