本帖最后由 nevermind21 于 2023-7-2 12:44 编辑趁夏促-25%终于狠下心来斥巨资买了,但对强迫症来说少了预购DLC完全没有打开的动力。求大佬分享一个预购DLC解锁补丁:lol谢谢
本人是肉腿引流狗 炼金工房系列基本齐了但游戏时长加起来还不到2小时。。。:L之前一直都用steamDB的freepackages解锁预购DLC,但最近好像抽风了:'(Switch倒是有预购DLC但是真的不想在NS玩1080P分辨率。。尤其是有MOD的游戏
; Application ID (http://store.steampowered.com/app/%appid%/)
appid = 1999770
; Current game language.
; Uncomment this option to turn it on.
; Default is "english".
;language = schinese
; Enable/disable automatic DLC unlock. Default option is set to "false".
; Keep in mind that this optionWON'T work properly if the "" section is NOT empty
unlockall = false
; Original Valve's steam_api.dll.
; Default is "steam_api_o.dll".
orgapi = steam_api_o.dll
; Original Valve's steam_api64.dll.
; Default is "steam_api64_o.dll".
orgapi64 = steam_api64_o.dll
; Enable/disable extra protection bypasser.
; Default is "false".
extraprotection = false
; The game will think that you're offline (supported by some games).
; Default is "false".
forceoffline = false
; Some games are checking for the low violence presence.
; Default is "false".
;lowviolence = true
; Purchase timestamp for the DLC (http://www.onlineconversion.com/unix_time.htm).
; Default is "0" (1970/01/01).
;purchasetimestamp = 0
; Disables the internal SteamUser interface handler.
; Does have an effect on the games that are using the license check for the DLC/application.
; Default is "false".
disableuserinterface = false
; DLC handling.
; Format: <dlc_id> = <dlc_description>
; e.g. : 247295 = Saints Row IV - GAT V Pack
; If the DLC is not specified in this section
; then it won't be unlocked
2156255 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Additional Area "Ashra-am Baird Outlying Areas"
2156254 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Atelier Series Legacy BGM Pack
2156253 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Gust Extra BGM Pack
2156252 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Recipe Expansion Pack "Art of Adventure"
2156251 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Recipe Expansion Pack "Alchemy Mysteries"
2156250 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Additional Area "Rosca Island"
2156239 = Atelier Ryza 3 - "Far East Travelers" Costume Set
2156238 = Atelier Ryza 3 - "Endless Summer Splash!" Costume Set
2156237 = Atelier Ryza 3 - "GUST Collaboration" Costume Set
2156236 = Atelier Ryza 3 Season Pass
2156235 = Atelier Ryza 3 - "Summer Look" Costume Set
2156234 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Pre-order Bonus
2156233 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Key Pack
2156232 = Atelier Ryza 3 - Gem Pack
2156231 = Atelier Ryza 3 - "Back to Summer" Costume Set
2156230 = Atelier Ryza 3 - "Another Look" Costume Set 蹲一蹲我也买了正版,但是DLC没打折蹲一个解锁 3代有些dlc用了补丁也不行因为有些dlc不是内置在游戏里需要单独下载必须买了dlc才能下载。。解锁补丁没用了