【2023年2月21日】最新无缝联机 无缝合作1.4.5 兼容1.08.1 【版主大人设置个回复吧!】
本帖最后由 QQ957545496 于 2023-2-28 00:24 编辑更新内容(机翻)
[*]版本 1.4.5
[*]版本 1.4.4
[*]版本 1.4.3
[*]版本 1.4.2
[*]修复了导致 4 名玩家的敌人缩放与 5 名玩家相同的错误
[*]修复了导致加载时间过长以允许 mod 加载原版 .sl2 文件的问题
[*]“A队”现在是蓝队,“B队”现在是红队。PvP 团队模式现在有不同的玩家颜色
[*]您现在可以选择自己的自定义保存扩展(默认为 .co2)
[*]增加了与模组的兼容性,这些模组将多人游戏缩放值调整到 3 名友方玩家以上
[*]Version 1.4.5
[*]Fixed an issue introduced in the previous version which would cause some special visual effects to crash the game.
[*]Version 1.4.4
[*]Fixed a bug with vote warping which could cause votes to be erroneously discarded
[*]Fixed a bug which could cause enemy target references to be deleted whilst on horseback, making them non-targetable
[*]Fixed a minor bug with the spectator camera, which would use a player's health state instead of alive state to choose to spectate them
[*]Added better user information messages when connection problems arise
[*]Modified the irregular FPS warning
[*]Crashpad integration
[*]Version 1.4.3
[*]Fixed a bug which could cause people to become stuck in serial loading screens when travelling to Roundtable Hold for the first time
[*]Fixed a bug which would cause you get stuck when accepting an invitation to the Roundtable Hold for the first time
[*]Fixed a bug which would cause spectating players to leave behind a solid obstacle where they had died
[*]You no longer accumulate rot essence when wiping out to a boss
[*]The spectator camera will now swap between players based on death states instead of absolute HP
[*]Grace vote warping has been made more straightforward, and incorrect votes are discarded
[*]Stakes of Marika now function as normal in co-op
[*]Enemy AI should now be more consistent, as player death states are updated faster
[*]Version 1.4.2
[*]Fixed a bug that caused the compass to not show other players
[*]Fixed a bug which caused evergaol bosses to have no multiplayer scaling
[*]Fixed a bug which caused enemy scaling for 4 players to be the same as for 5 players
[*]Fixed a bug which caused hostile spirit ashes in PvP modes to attack the summoner
[*]Fixed a bug which would cause dead spirit ashes to be respawned if a player loaded in as a spirit ash was dying
[*]Fixed an issue which caused long load times to allow the mod to load vanilla .sl2 files
[*]"Team A" is now the blue team, and "Team B" is now the red team. PvP teams mode now has different player colours
[*]You can now choose your own custom save extension (default is .co2)
[*]Removed the PvP-oriented health reduction for spirit ashes
[*]Added compatibility with mods that adjust multiplayer scaling values beyond 3 friendly players
蓝奏 https://wwkv.lanzoue.com/if3BA0o6wx8j
百度 链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1EB-ZNoEuqr1flPM9Nqu0_g?pwd=fwhs 提取码: fwhs
局域网联机教程+mod引擎和教程经供参考 最好找个视频教学,看的明白:
蓝奏 https://wwkv.lanzoue.com/iPPlt0m3cjbi
百度 链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/1utM7McY1t1Pxkn3QMqccFQ?pwd=ebya 提取码: ebya
局域网工具 :
官网 Radmin LAN – 下载免费 LAN 软件 (radmin-lan.cn)
蓝奏 https://wwkv.lanzoue.com/i9wXd0o6yruh
百度 链接: https://pan.blacksheepgame.com/s/18ECL99ats-JH3f4vNbrv-A?pwd=svrf 提取码: svrf
法环无缝联机交流群817333925 本帖最后由 QQ957545496 于 2023-2-22 13:04 编辑
{:3_90:}{:3_90:} 本帖最后由 QQ957545496 于 2023-2-22 13:04 编辑
{:3_90:}{:3_90:} {:3_90:}{:3_90:} 学习版提示存档损毁咋回事 lz19870617 发表于 2023-2-22 20:35
大概率是存档ID与游戏填写的ID没对上,联机未加密补丁里面的17位ID没对上存档的17位ID 论坛有存档替换工具 不行就去B站搜一下法环存档替换 有教程和工具 感谢分享...
QQ957545496 发表于 2023-2-21 13:24
Radmin LAN是个好东西,感谢楼主!~
请问一下楼主,我跟我朋友用的学习版联机,联机补丁和游戏版本都一样,STEAMid也都改好了,改的不一样的,联机密码设置的一样,也用了Radmin LAN 但是进入游戏就是提示找不到对方的游戏,请问这个还有什么其他可能出问题的地方么? 月Sè绯红 发表于 2023-3-5 00:05
请问一下楼主,我跟我朋友用的学习版联机,联机补丁和游戏版本都一样,STEAMid也都改好了,改的不一样的, ...
有可能局域网没通,进游戏shift+tab看看能看到对方的联机用昵称不,能看到就说明局域网通了,密码正确、17位ID不冲突 基本就能连了,如果看不到说明局域网没通,关下防火墙或者换个局域网软件比如easyN2N。方便可以加个讨论群817333925,群里的佬有空的话可以远程帮你看看。无偿的
66666666666666666666 看起来好牛逼的样子 感谢搬运! 正版打了其他mod会影响联机吗 感谢!!!!!!请问打这个mod之前还要打之前的学习版联机补丁吗? xiaomaoshou 发表于 2023-3-15 03:05
正版和正版联机不需要打,学习版+学习版或者学习版+正版 都要打,那个是steam模拟补丁。不明白可以加置顶评论的交流群交流