gfcyl123 发表于 2022-8-3 23:52


本帖最后由 gfcyl123 于 2024-11-9 13:22 编辑


文件夹内增加了一个《合同任务租赁农具精准匹配mod V1.2.0.2》,功能是在接受合同的时候租赁的农机能匹配的更精准,如果你喜欢玩合约而且是租赁农机完成任务的话,推荐安装此mod。2024.11.19


Better Contracts v1.2.8.8 LS22“Should I take those three fertilizermissions or rather the 2.3 ha potato harvesting contract?” “How much liquidfertilizer will I need for this job?” If you ever ask yourself questions likethese, this mod will help to find the answers.Changelog v1.2.8.8
– compatibility with FS22_KommunalServices (#233)
– lazy NPCs should not work before noon of the first day in the month (#187)
– new setting: limit jobs per farm and month (#168)
– add bcPrintVehicles console command
– Fix FS22_FieldLease compatibility (farmlandManagerSaveToXMLFile) (#169)Changelog v1.2.8.5
– Force plow after root crop harvest (#123). Insta-ferment separate setting(#158)
– Save NPC farmland owners to farmland.xml (#153).
– Support chaff missionChangelog v1.2.8.0
– Tweak plow reward. Sort per NPC and contract value (#137)
– Allow mowers/ swathers on harvest missions (#137)
– Allow Göweil mission bales (#144)Changelog v1.2.7.9
– Allow 240er PackedBales as mission bales, i.e. insta ferment (needs mod arcusinMultipack D14) (#131)
– Add 240er bales to Kuhn sw4014 wrapperChangelog v1.2.7.8:
– let player instant-ferment wrapped bales
– allow mission bales in storage
– catch unknown fillTypes
– add “off” values to hardMode settings
– Allow forage wagon on grass missions (#118)
– format reward values > 100.000 (#113)
– read userDefined from modSettings/FS22_BetterContracts// (issue #115)Changelog v1.2.7.5:
– add all farm’s active missions display (MP only)
– increase settings range for harvest success, separate setting for baling
– add 2nd progress bar for active harvest contracts
– fix Maize+ issue with Pumps’n Hoses BGA
– add a setting to change the time interval between contract generation runs
– fix missing icon for roller missions, do not display negative “to go” values
– fix mission visual tags for MP: renderIcon().Changelog v1.2.7.0:
– fix issue mouse click Buy Farmland
– add a setting to change harvest contract success factor
– visual tags for mission fields and vehicles
– show leased vehicles for active contractsChangelog v1.2.6.2:
– UI settings page in the main menu
– display farmland owner in farmland buy/sell view of in game menu map
– display the number of completed jobs under farmer image (if details on)Changelog v1.2.5.0:
– hard mode: active contracts time out at midnight, penalty for canceling
– discount mode: get discounted field price, based on the number of missions
– fewer warnings on missing mission vehiclesChangelog v1.2.4.4:
– fixed filter buttons to show other mission types, if available
– fixed “time left” display for transport contracts in MP game
– **, fertilize contracts can now also be configured for lazyNPC
– compatibility with other contract modsChangelog v1.2.4.2:
– “lazy NPCs” (leave more work for contracts) can be configured on/ off
– maximum number of active contracts configurable
– indicator for active contracts with borrowed equipment
– clear / new contracts buttons in MP games only work for master user
– recognize FS22_DynamicMissionVehiclesChangelog v1.2.4.0:
– Added (interim) fix for “lazy NPCs”: leave more work for contracts
– Allow for (future) other contract types
– Fixed screen resolution issuesChangelog v1.2.3.0:
– Added display filter function for contracts listChangelog v1.2.2.0:
– Adjusted calculation of keep/deliver values for harvest/baling contracts
– Added conflict prevention with other mods
– Added support for FS22_SupplyTransportContracts, FS22_TransportMissionsThe maximum number of contracts and theamount generated per cycle are automatically adjusted to the number of fieldson the map.You can immediately generate newcontracts through the “New Contracts” button, or delete all of them with the“Clear Contracts” button.You can sort the available contracts bytype and field number, by total profit, or by profit per minute, to make iteasier to find the one you desire.You can set the allowed maximum numberof concurrently active contracts.With the “Details” button you can toggleon/ off the display of additional contract information. Like cost estimates forusage materials such as fertilizer, herbicide, or seeds. For harvest and balingcontracts, it shows the minimum amount to be delivered and the amount that youcan keep (and sell). From this, it calculates the total profit value for acontract, i.e. reward minus the cost for fertilize/ spray/ sow contracts, andreward plus the value of kept harvest for harvest/ baling contracts. It evenestimates the time you will probably need for total completion of the job, bytaking into account the work speed and work width of the appropriate leasingvehicles/ tools that are offered with the contract.Disclaimer: All values shown in detailsdisplay are ESTIMATES. You should not take them absolutely, but rather as anindication of what contracts to prefer among others.The mod keeps track of the number ofcontracts you completed for each of the NPC farmers (the number of completedjobs is displayed below the farmer’s image, if “Details” is on). If you enablethe optional discount mode or hard mode options (on the mods settings page),the amount of completed jobs influences gameplay.更好的合同 v1.2.8.8 LS22
更新日志 v1.2.8.8–与 FS22_KommunalServices 的兼容性 (#233)–懒惰的 NPC 不应在每月第一天的中午之前工作(#187)–新设置: 限制每个农场和每月的工作数 (#168)–添加 bcPrintVehicles 控制台命令–修复FS22_FieldLease兼容性(farmlandManagerSaveToXMLFile) (#169)
更改日志 v1.2.8.5–块根作物收获后强制犁(#123)。Insta-ferment 独立设置(#158)–将 NPC 农田所有者保存为farmland.xml (#153)。–支持谷壳任务
更改日志 v1.2.8.0–调整犁奖励。按 NPC 和合同价值排序(#137)–允许割草机/割草机执行收割任务(#137)–允许 Göweil 任务包(#144)
更新日志 v1.2.7.9–允许 240er PackedBales 作为任务包,即 insta 发酵(需要 mod arcusin Multipack D14) (#131)–将 240er 包添加到 Kuhn sw4014 包装机中
更新日志 v1.2.7.8:–让玩家即时发酵包裹的包–允许将任务包储存起来–捕获未知的填充类型–在 hardMode 设置中添加“off”值–允许草料车在草地任务(#118)–格式化奖励值 > 100.000 (#113)–从 modSettings/FS22_BetterContracts// 读取 userDefined (问题 #115)
更新日志 v1.2.7.5:- 添加所有农场的活动任务显示(仅限 MP)–增加收割成功的设置范围,单独设置打包–为活跃的收获合同添加第二个进度条–修复 Pumps'n Hoses BGA 的 Maize+ 问题–添加一个设置以更改合同生成运行之间的时间间隔- 修复了滚轮任务的缺失图标,不显示负的“去”值–修复 MP 的任务视觉标签:renderIcon()。
更新日志 v1.2.7.0:- 修复鼠标点击购买农田的问题–添加设置以更改收获合同成功系数–任务场和车辆的视觉标签–显示有效合同的租赁车辆
更新日志 v1.2.6.2:–主菜单中的 UI 设置页面- 在游戏菜单地图的农田买卖视图中显示农田所有者–在农民图像下显示已完成的工作数量(如果详细信息在)
更新日志 v1.2.5.0:–困难模式:活动合同在午夜超时,取消合同的罚款–折扣模式:根据任务数量获得折扣的现场价格–减少对失踪任务车辆的警告
更新日志 v1.2.4.4:- 修复了过滤器按钮以显示其他任务类型(如果有)- 修复了MP游戏中运输合同的“剩余时间”显示–杂草、肥料合同现在也可以配置为 lazyNPC–与其他合同模组的兼容性
更新日志 v1.2.4.2:–“懒惰的 NPC”(为合同留下更多工作)可以配置开/关–可配置的有效合约的最大数量–使用借用设备的有效合同指示器- MP游戏中的清除/新合同按钮仅适用于主用户–认清FS22_DynamicMissionVehicles
更新日志 v1.2.4.0:- 添加了“懒惰的NPC”的(临时)修复:为合同留出更多工作–允许(未来)其他合同类型- 修复了屏幕分辨率问题
更新日志 v1.2.3.0:–增加合同列表的显示过滤功能
更新日志 v1.2.2.0:–调整了收获/打包合同的保持/交付价值计算- 增加了与其他模组的冲突预防–增加了对 FS22_SupplyTransportContracts、FS22_TransportMissions的支持
该模组会跟踪您为每个 NPC 农民完成的合同数量(如果打开“详细信息”,已完成的工作数量将显示在农民图像下方)。如果您启用可选的折扣模式或困难模式选项(在模组设置页面上),已完成的工作数量会影响游戏玩法。
**** Hidden Message *****


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查看完整版本: <功能插件>更详细的合同任务信息v1.2.8.8(汉化修复版)